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Deeney bid rejected - Signs new contract with Watford

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Is that so? Huh. I always thought football clubs could afford to pay it all in one go.

They probably can, but it's very regular to stage payments.


If you look at some of the leaked contracts you often get the option to pay either up front. Or in staged payments, Madrid pay for Bale for instance over 4 years.

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I know it's a different time and owners, but we all saw what Peter Taylor did to the club, buying players at silly over priced fee's, with no resale value.

The issue what that he bought very bad players, not what they cost or their resale value. If they had been any good, then there wouldn't have been an issue with the rest of it.


So we'd better make sure they work out!

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Just pretend he's costing us £7 million, it's not our money. It'll make you feel better.

That's true in previous years but this year we need to build a squad that can stand CL football and still come under FFP.

I think people can let off for being concerned at the transfer of Deeney for anything over 15m tbh.

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That's true in previous years but this year we need to build a squad that can stand CL football and still come under FFP.

I think people can let off for being concerned at the transfer of Deeney for anything over 15m tbh.

FFP would be an absolute doddle to get around with the extra prize money, champions league money. Even if we were close, the owners could "renegotiate" their own deal with Kingpower for stadium and shirt sponsorship etc. How much do league champions get for stuff like that?! They could put money in one way and take it out another... without it looking as ridiculous as the previous attempt at something similar, as our rights wouldn't have been worth what they were trying to pass off... now we're a global brand, even if it's just for a season. So you can sell the rights as such.

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If Deeney, who has been nothing but fiercely loyal previously, has now had his head turned and wants the move then Watford are in a totally different situation!

Keeping a very unhappy player and club captain is a very dangerous game, Claudio has said as much with not wanting unhappy players here! Our work is done I'd guess it's now down to the player and agent to move things along!

Yes it's a lot of money but he does seem to have the attributes to fit our team very well.

Watch this space.

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If Deeney goes, he goes, but I think his commitment to the club is such that he wouldn't just walk away - he'd probably wait until we brought in a decent replacement. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised he helped us look for one, he cares about us that much.

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Guest CityFan 06

If Deeney goes, he goes, but I think his commitment to the club is such that he wouldn't just walk away - he'd probably wait until we brought in a decent replacement. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised he helped us look for one, he cares about us that much.

He seems a top bloke in all honestly. He's done so much for Watford, and it's worked both ways because Watford give him a chance in the first place.

What would you value Deeney at, being a Watford fan?

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He seems a top bloke in all honestly. He's done so much for Watford, and it's worked both ways because Watford give him a chance in the first place.

What would you value Deeney at, being a Watford fan?

Being a Watford fan, I wouldn't sell him at all. But looking at it objectively, I would say £15m is what I would consider reasonable.

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If we do, hopefully it turns into another one of those signings you get to throw back at people a year or two later. "Bah... signing a non league player for £1m, the world has gone mad, he's not worth that".

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Guest CityFan 06

Being a Watford fan, I wouldn't sell him at all. But looking at it objectively, I would say £15m is what I would consider reasonable.

Fair enough. I can understand that you do not want to sell him, just as we do not want Vardy to move. I'd agree, 15m is sensible but I'd pay 20m at max.

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Being a Watford fan, I wouldn't sell him at all. But looking at it objectively, I would say £15m is what I would consider reasonable.


And this is why making hostile bids to PL clubs for their players is awful value. 


I rate Deeney and he would certainly improve our side but if we don't get value we at least want parity. £30m is ridiculous for a player like Deeney who will be 28 next week.


Outside the big 5 leagues £30m just about buys you any player in the world outside a dozen or so, surely there is better value to be had somewhere else for what is a good solid PL player and not an outstanding one. I'd have Deeney for sure but not at this price.

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And this is why making hostile bids to PL clubs for their players is awful value. 


I rate Deeney and he would certainly improve our side but if we don't get value we at least want parity. £30m is ridiculous for a player like Deeney who will be 28 next week.


Outside the big 5 leagues £30m just about buys you any player in the world outside a dozen or so, surely there is better value to be had somewhere else for what is a good solid PL player and not an outstanding one. I'd have Deeney for sure but not at this price.

They aren't nutters, so there has to be something we aren't seeing.


Whether it's huge amounts of extras being involved in the bid, or something else. According to reports the £20m Musa bid had at least £5m worth of add ons. So you have to be looking at potentially upwards of £7.5m being performance related.

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Being a Watford fan, I wouldn't sell him at all. But looking at it objectively, I would say £15m is what I would consider reasonable.


I keep seeing people ask you what you value Deeney at, and you keep saying £15m.


However unless we have an idea of what you value other players at as well, how can we really tell if your valuation is accurate?


What would you value Vardy or Mahrez at for example?

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I was quite happy to bid 20m for Deeney, I think that that is his going rate.


25m was overspending.


30m is being everything we didn't want to be.





Walk away and get Slimani in. I am convinced that Slimani is a better player but Deeney is less of a risk.

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Now I quite like Deeney and I think he would suit the way we play etc, but £30 million is just far too much, Especially when (if the papers are true) Everton are bidding £16 million for Aboubakar!

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Is that so? Huh. I always thought football clubs could afford to pay it all in one go.

I read the other day Swansea were looking at taking bony back in place of the final 15m man city still had to pay for him so I imagine most clubs do it

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I keep seeing people ask you what you value Deeney at, and you keep saying £15m.

However unless we have an idea of what you value other players at as well, how can we really tell if your valuation is accurate?

What would you value Vardy or Mahrez at for example?

Well, I don't know any more about transfer finance than anyone else, so I'm not sure how accurate any of my valuations would be.

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They aren't nutters, so there has to be something we aren't seeing.


Whether it's huge amounts of extras being involved in the bid, or something else. According to reports the £20m Musa bid had at least £5m worth of add ons. So you have to be looking at potentially upwards of £7.5m being performance related.


Well bottom line is the fans have zero power in this and we all just like to air our opinions. Our player recruitment has been outstanding in the last few years so I just have to hope that the club knows exactly what it's doing and on previous history you have to give them the benefit of the doubt.


If someone told you six months a go we'd win the league and then sign a £32m strike partner for Vardy we'd be creaming our pants, no one would have expected Troy Deeney though.


Deeney will probably get £80k a week on a five year deal and if we pay £30m for him that will work out at £250k a week for the next five years, To put that into context we could pay Zlatan £250k a week for a year and have another look next season for a player. I'm not saying Zlatan would come but you get the jist of my point.

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I'm getting less and less interested in what we pay as long as we get AT LEAST one new striker in ....    If JV jumps ship (and even if he doesn't) we are going to look a right load of ****s as reigning Prem League champs and in the Champions league with Ulloa and Okazaki as our only real forward line.  An extra £5m here or an extra £5m there ....   so what, its a sellers market, we're on the back foot, and potential earnings will dwarf those figures anyway.       Get in !!!!

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Well, I don't know any more about transfer finance than anyone else, so I'm not sure how accurate any of my valuations would be.


Exactly then.  No offence but it's like me wanting to sell my house and asking some random bloke to value it for me.


He might say it's worth 100K, but I know for a fact like for like houses in my area are generating interest at double that.  I ask him why 100K?  He says well I've lived in this area all my life, I've seen your house day in day out and to me it's only worth 100K.


To me we are now in the equivalent to a rapidly rising housing market.  What looked expensive last year will probably look good value next.


I trust our owners and our scouting system.  If they decide they think Deeney is worth X to us then I'll go along with it. 

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