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Deeney bid rejected - Signs new contract with Watford

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Please elaborate?

Whilst deeney may only receive a wage of 60k/week, his agent would no doubt demand a bigger s/o fee if the transfer fee is as large as currently being banded around.

Infact, if deeney precipitates the deal by putting in a transfer request, it would be done after his agent had negotiated a chunky s/o fee with us, partly to compensate him for losing his loyalty payment on leaving Watford and partly to reflect the large transfer fee itself.

I wonder if we can work a deal with Walsall where we get their left back for 500k by paying the inflated fee for deeney?

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Whilst deeney may only receive a wage of 60k/week, his agent would no doubt demand a bigger s/o fee if the transfer fee is as large as currently being banded around.

Infact, if deeney precipitates the deal by putting in a transfer request, it would be done after his agent had negotiated a chunky s/o fee with us, partly to compensate him for losing his loyalty payment on leaving Watford and partly to reflect the large transfer fee itself.

I wonder if we can work a deal with Walsall where we get their left back for 500k by paying the inflated fee for deeney?

I understood the concept, I just wondered how he knew for a fact, my point was that most record transfer signings for a club are the top earners or certainly up there with them.

Additional Salary leveraged through bonuses signing on fees etc are usually in place when the club has a wage ceiling limit and the club don't want to surpass this.



A quick google of a few clubs with similar stature,


Everton Lukaku record signing top salary earner

Southampton Waynyama (after Osvaldo left) record recent signing until he left 

Liverpool Bentekke record signing and top salary earner currently at the club

Newcastle Wijnaldum (Mitrovic) signing and top salary earner currently at the club

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Much as I'd like him I think it's time to move on


The ball is in Deeney's court now, we've done what we can and can't bid any more.


I don't like being "that club" who make a hostile bid for a player under contract which isn't acceptable for Watford and just fan the flames of friction.


I won't be happy if Kante hasn't got a release clause and Real Madrid bid £25m and no more and just upset the whole situation. Deeney would be ideal for us as he's Ulloa and Okazaki all rolled into one and a bit more on top but if £30m won't get him then it's time to go to Plan B unless Deeney forces this move himself, we should take a back seat now.

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I am baffled that people are ok with 30m for Deeney.


Just because we now have money it doesn't mean we should just pay absurd amounts for players. We had money under Taylor and look where his reckless spending got us. This season has been incredible but football is a fickle game and if we don't build our team shrewdly who knows what might happen in the future. Our starting 11 was only around 20 million, and now we're looking at 30m for a 27 year old who scored 13 Premier League goals. We can't go under the radar like we have done, but this is so OTT.


We're rich but we're not Man City and we should not just start throwing money at people until they give in to us. Push this through and we set a precedent of paying well over the odds for players. We'll be made mugs of.

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People make a living writing this sort of shite - amazing

Why does the Mirror allow one of their writer's (obviously a Watford fan) to spout his own opinion using valuable newspaper space? Odd that he doesn't mention Watford blew the 2013 play-off final against Palace.:)

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I am baffled that people are ok with 30m for Deeney.


Just because we now have money it doesn't mean we should just pay absurd amounts for players. We had money under Taylor and look where his reckless spending got us. This season has been incredible but football is a fickle game and if we don't build our team shrewdly who knows what might happen in the future. Our starting 11 was only around 20 million, and now we're looking at 30m for a 27 year old who scored 13 Premier League goals. We can't go under the radar like we have done, but this is so OTT.


We're rich but we're not Man City and we should not just start throwing money at people until they give in to us. Push this through and we set a precedent of paying well over the odds for players. We'll be made mugs of.

Spending the money under Taylor wasn't the issue, letting that moron buy a load of utter shit was the problem. As a club, we've done pretty well in the transfer market since Pearson brought in Walsh. We've got far more hits than misses, Taylor bought miss, after miss, after miss.


If we spent nothing at all this summer, with the £30m profit from our first season. The extra £30m in prize money last year, plus the extra £30m for just finishing bottom next season... let alone potentially around £30m for the champions league, we'd have a good £100/120m in the bank. Before you even touch on extra income that comes with being champions. It's totally different to back then.


A huge chunk of the fee for Deeney would be addons for performance. So if he does well and we do well they get the full amount, if not... then they won't.


Also, the reality is that we now live in a world where a decent championship striker will probably cost you £15m. Burnley spent £9m on Gray, McCormack was £11m...and that was to other championship teams let alone premier league ones.


The club will also take a view on other signings, Pearson before has alluded to the club not being worried if the club has to overspend to get a target, if they think they've got good value assets elsewhere. The club could easily take the view that Zielers release clause and Hernandez being on a free has given us perhaps £10m worth of assets, for the outlay of about £2m.


I'm not saying he's worth it, he's not really and I'd rather we didn't spend that. But the club will be looking at the bigger picture.

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I wonder if we are genuinely interested in Sasha Eduardo.. maybe we are but it could also be a clear message to Deeney.. if you want to come hand in that request quickly as we have other targets in mind....

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As a person who has advocated against Deeney even for 20 mil i sort of understand why they want him so bad. Next season is all about solidifying ourself in the top 6, preferably in the top 4. In their eyes 30 mil for a striker who is ready now to perform in the Premier League with very low risk makes sense; perhaps they think that Slimani is a risk they can't afford to take in what is going to be the most pivotal season in the club's history. Do we fade back or do we establish ourself as a top team? Sure 30 mil is nothing if in their Eyes Deeney guarantees us top 6, i can see the logic. I just think if we are prepared to offer 30 mil to negate risk, go for one of the big boys. 

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