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DJ Barry Hammond

Brexit Discussion Thread.

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So we have a referendum, done democratically and we have an outcome. A clear outcome.

Now I read that people are marching in London, demanding that we have a 2nd referendum.

How does this work then? What would happen if there WAS a 2nd referendum? And if the remain campaign won? Would the 'leavers' demand a third? What are we talking about here...best of 5?

The public have voted, the decision is made. It might be the wrong one, or the right one. There might be winners and losers.

But for fooks sake...stop moaning, stop whingeing, stop campaigning and GET ON WITH IT.




Sore losers to say the least. What's done is done, fvcking move on.

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Terrifying. I wish I could say the people in that video were a stark contrast to the informed members of the public I've had the chance to speak to on the subject but alas it really just confirms my fear that this is a victory for the anti-federalists backed by a wave of clueless idiots.  



As a leave voter I feel the same. 

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Look the pollsters guesstimations of demographics is probably as reliable as Paddy Powers 1/7 prediction of a remain win so posting them proves what exactly?  eligible voters had the opportunity to vote, they even extended the deadline for applicants, dare I suggest primarily to accommodate all the young students after remain canvassers realised a lot of them knew nothing about the EU referendum but were willing to put a cross in the remain box, and it still changed nothing.

One person one vote, put aside the campaigns with untruths on 'BOTH' sides, a fair referendum, now it really is time for everyone to take a breath and stop the vitriol that will help and solve fcuk all.

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Hope Mrs CF gets safely back from her family reunion over there Paddy ! The guinness curtain might come up quick ! ...... But then again :ph34r:

Last Irish family reunion I went to

14 arrests , a broken hotel , two missing cars , and a baby born !

Was a grand do !m lol

She will be fine

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Just wanted to say that over the last half a year, FoxesTalk has been way more enjoyable and satisfying to interact on for me than the crap that is Facebook and Twitter - where soapboxing, contradictory, self-righteous, self-aggrandising tw@ts rule the roost with their - "I'm a liberal and if you don't agree with me, look like me, like what I like and start thinking like me, you're the enemy...." soulless daily posts... Everytime I log on there it seems, I find yet another person I once liked, at their core - rotten and unlikeable...

But on here, I've read on the most part, flexible and well made points by people on both sides. Even when there is a little friction between posters, you can tell there is still respect there. Honestly, I salute everybody on here for their general good spirit and the clear intention to want to understand and enrich each other in some small way. Let's at least keep that going...

I'd like to call myself left leaning but as for the so called "liberals" marching around London (plastered on the BBC and Microsoft websites in the wake of the result), I think they need to go and watch the film "The Wicker Man", because it sums up their behaviour to a T... As much as Edward Woodward is supposed to be a puritanical, conservative, his character really is symbolic of these people in the sense that his every action is externally controlled, yet he thinks he's a free thinking White Knight... That's how I see it at least..

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Interesting opinion piece from the Telegraph yesterday.




I can see his point regarding the need to pull together in the aftermath here, but I also think it's a bit rich for the Brexiteers to turn around and ask for help 'to do the best for the country' from the Bremainers now. If they were so certain of a bright future outside of the EU, then they can do the work to build it by themselves, surely? With all the credit that entails if they get it right, and the blame if it goes wrong. The Remainers are under no obligation to 'work with the (silm) majority' in any way. If they actively blocked the progress the Brexiters were trying to make, then that would be a problem...but instead merely doing nothing? 


Also, it appears that the Remain side don't have a monopoly on patronisation.



If the result had been the other way around I as a "Leave" voter would definitely have wanted the Brexit campaigners to help in every way they could to build a better Britain. As for the "slim majority", apart from certain sectors the number of areas voting for Leaving was emphatic and 1.2m is not particularly "slim" in numerical terms apart from as a percentage. One point two million is a lot of people.   

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Do those signing the petition **now and will be causing violence** to get a second referendum, not get the irony of their views?


*    Firstly the rules were set before the vote, so why not massively protest beforehand the terms wanted?  I heard nothing from any people on the remain side about this. Only Farage on the leave side and it was just him that said it a few weeks a go.


*    Secondly, by even having a forum to sign a petition as a nation, is a form of democracy for the people, yes?.  So they use a form of democracy to complain about the result of a democratic 1 person, 1 vote referendum. 


They say wisdom comes with age..... no shit shirlock!!


I voted to remain, but will accept this as the democratic outcome. However, Scotland leaving and the negotiating terms of exit with the EU are the next things to consider.

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If the result had been the other way around I as a "Leave" voter would definitely have wanted the Brexit campaigners to help in every way they could to build a better Britain. As for the "slim majority", apart from certain sectors the number of areas voting for Leaving was emphatic and 1.2m is not particularly "slim" in numerical terms apart from as a percentage. One point two million is a lot of people.   



That's a good sentiment. However, there are a lot of people that need to be convinced ahead, and I don't think it would be a massive surprise if many of them do not have the slightest inclination to participate. And that's their decision to make - like I said, if they don't get in the way, they don't get to share in the success or the failure of what's to come. That's not something that should be chided.


Edit: Regarding the figures, I do think the total percentage proportion of people is the numerical statistic that matters here, hence my casting of a 'slim' victory. The raw numbers and regional totals so however add flavour, and show in pretty stark detail the division between demographics and areas regarding this whole thing.

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even as someone strongly in the remain camp that petition is embarrassing, british people have decided, let's calm the **** down.

Didn't Farage demand a second referendum in the result of a narrow remain win? The only difference is that he had the cheek to ask before the event.

I agree what's done is done, but let's not act like if the shoe was on the other foot, some wouldn't be acting the same.

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https://twitter.com/DavidLammy/status/746728892279431168    What a bellend... the real face of remain



https://twitter.com/campbellclaret/status/746653512633823232  he is used to ignoring the people..




I voted remain but I fully agree that many on the left spectrum of the political persuasion are indeed making themselves look like absolute childish, bitter cock ends. That's no surprise as a lot of these same individuals spout the moral high ground when it suits (Jo Cox anyone), but are actually really nasty individuals when it doesn't.


We knew that already though didn't we.


They need to grow up, be decent about it and as a nation move on with the result....

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Didn't Farage demand a second referendum in the result of a narrow remain win? The only difference is that he had the cheek to ask before the event.

I agree what's done is done, but let's not act like if the shoe was on the other foot, some wouldn't be acting the same.

I'm not acting like that, I'd have the same reaction if the shoe was on the other foot, probably more so with the #pencilgaters speculating on wild conspiracy theories. 

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the European Union has "no need to be particularly nasty in any way" in the negotiations with Britain about its exit from the bloc.

She insisted that deterring other countries from leaving the EU should not be a priority in the talks.

And she added she was not in favour of pushing for a speedy withdrawal.

Britain narrowly voted to end its membership in a historic referendum last Thursday.

Mrs Merkel was speaking after several EU foreign ministers - including Germany's - had urged Britain to quickly implement its exit.

"It shouldn't take forever, that's right, but I would not fight for a short timeframe," she said.

She added that she was seeking an "objective, good" climate in the talks with Britain, which "must be conducted properly".



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I voted remain but I fully agree that many on the left spectrum of the political persuasion are indeed making themselves look like absolute childish, bitter cock ends. That's no surprise as a lot of these same individuals spout the moral high ground when it suits (Jo Cox anyone), but are actually really nasty individuals when it doesn't.


We knew that already though didn't we.


They need to grow up, be decent about it and as a nation move on with the result....

The division between the metropolitan labour elite and the the heart lands of old labour is fully  exposed ..I really can't see how they can bridge this gap for a generation ..I know one thing for sure is.. if corbyn is the answer wtf is the question... Lammy's tweet will haunt him for the remainder of his career..

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The division between the metropolitan labour elite and the the heart lands of old labour is fully exposed ..I really can't see how they can bridge this gap for a generation ..I know one thing for sure is.. if corbyn is the answer wtf is the question... Lammy's tweet will haunt him for the remainder of his career..

That career boat sailed a long time ago

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Being older might mean you've got a bit more experience but I don't think it guarantees you're any less selfish. Take pensions for example, no party in their right mind would suggest cutting the state pension for existing pensioners. You could say young people will literally die if we don't cut pensions and it would still be a massive vote loser. Ditto house prices. Young people can't afford to buy houses, do older people care? Of course not, they just want the superficial satisfaction of seeing their house increase in value and to hell with anybody else.

In a reasonable society there would be an expectation that older voters vote with the lives of young people in mind, but for all their experience I don't think there's any evidence they actually do that. The baby boomer generation seem in many ways to have gone out of their way to screw over the next generation as much as possible.

What unadulterated trash! 


I feel sorry for you're gross lack of maturity, and common sense. You represent the lowest order of of any intelligence, or if you prefer, a Neanderthal outlook.

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That career boat sailed a long time ago

 It is such an irony watching anarchists marching through London demanding to stay in a superstate ran by un elected bureaucrats... lol

And leftist marxists worried and complaining and demanding we stay in a free trade EU and about brexit upsetting world markets and the level of the pound. lol

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Dodgy Bob, on 24 Jun 2016 - 5:25 PM, said:snapback.png

Being older might mean you've got a bit more experience but I don't think it guarantees you're any less selfish. Take pensions for example, no party in their right mind would suggest cutting the state pension for existing pensioners. You could say young people will literally die if we don't cut pensions and it would still be a massive vote loser. Ditto house prices. Young people can't afford to buy houses, do older people care? Of course not, they just want the superficial satisfaction of seeing their house increase in value and to hell with anybody else.

In a reasonable society there would be an expectation that older voters vote with the lives of young people in mind, but for all their experience I don't think there's any evidence they actually do that. The baby boomer generation seem in many ways to have gone out of their way to screw over the next generation as much as possible.


You are so right.. older people don't have kids and grand kids..they don't give a fook for the young...bastards..

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You can abuse me for saying this, but i know for a fact some of the leave votes are purely "fvck foreigners" votes.


Renders my considered vote either way useless.


I just dont see why this was left to people to decide.

It's called democracy, something many people died for in two World Wars.

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