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The “ I’ve got something to say, but it doesn’t warrant its own thread “ thread.

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On 15/10/2021 at 11:45, Free Falling Foxes said:

The info leaflets in boxes of tablets you collect from the pharmacy. They tell you it is important to read it but I suspect most of us don't - and for good reason.


I've been placed on some medication recently and against my better judgement, read the info. Strewth! It's enough to make you not bother. the potential side effects are as numerous as they are varied. OK, they state a ratio of those who might be affected; 1/1000, 1/100, 1/10 etc but the icing on the cake for me is one of the meds I'm on can cause the very problem I've been prescribed it for!!!


I hope the GP knows what he's doing.


you should watch some of the medication commercials here in the states…


some guy smiling as he watches a beautiful sunset as the narrator explains taking this medication could kill you , damage your brain or cause you permanent disability..

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Going to have to find a new post work/pre match city centre pub for a pint and a bite to eat for midweek games. 


Went back to The Parcel Yard tonight and they don’t serve food after 3pm anymore…apparently :unsure:


The Guinness was good but the posh crisps didn’t quite hit the spot. 

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20 minutes ago, Stuntman_Mike said:

A woman at work who is a 'Man U fan' has come in saying Man U were crap last night cus they lost to West Ham.



I hope you pressed her on the matter to see how much of a hole she could dig her self into

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6 minutes ago, Kopfkino said:

This is week is the worst of the year. Halloween and Bonfire Night, two insufferable events crammed into a few days of each other.

I don't mind Bonfire night. Yes, it annoys the dog, but it's British history.


Halloween though, that can fvck right off. Although it didn't originate in America, it's a bloody unwanted Americanism. 


Don't get me started on 'trick or treaters'.

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1 minute ago, tom27111 said:

I don't mind Bonfire night. Yes, it annoys the dog, but it's British history.


Halloween though, that can fvck right off. Although it didn't originate in America, it's a bloody unwanted Americanism. 


Don't get me started on 'trick or treaters'.

I don’t mind the kids having a bit of fun. Crack on.

Adults getting in on the act ought to grow the fùck up though. Dickheads

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5 minutes ago, Strokes said:

I don’t mind the kids having a bit of fun. Crack on.

Adults getting in on the act ought to grow the fùck up though. Dickheads


Yeah, I sounded a bit harsh there.


If you're up for it, have the pumpkin/decorations outside your house.


But teenagers knocking in doors and adults, like you say, getting so far in to it is just weird.


Still so different from 20 years ago, because of the American influence. 


It's only a matter of time before we celebrate Thanksgiving. It's well on its way with Black Friday.


I'd rather make more of a deal of Bonfire Night, that's individual to this country and we should be proud of it.


Edited by tom27111
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12 minutes ago, tom27111 said:

I don't mind Bonfire night. Yes, it annoys the dog, but it's British history.


Halloween though, that can fvck right off. Although it didn't originate in America, it's a bloody unwanted Americanism. 


Don't get me started on 'trick or treaters'.

I could deal with Bonfire Night a bit more if you didn’t get all the people letting 3 fireworks off in their garden on the days around the 5th. I don’t like the pointless scaring of wildlife and pets for an event most people don’t really understand the history of but I can tolerate the organised events.


Halloween is just the very worst of Americanisation and consumerising everything to within an inch of its life so that it’s completely detached from its origins.

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2 minutes ago, Kopfkino said:

I could deal with Bonfire Night a bit more if you didn’t get all the people letting 3 fireworks off in their garden on the days around the 5th. I don’t like the pointless scaring of wildlife and pets for an event most people don’t really understand the history of but I can tolerate the organised events.


Halloween is just the very worst of Americanisation and consumerising everything to within an inch of its life so that it’s completely detached from its origins.


Absolutely. Fireworks should be kept to the 5th, or at very worst, the closest weekend to it.


Our dog is shit scared of it, but if it's one night, it's easier.


Just a British thing, unique to us.


Other countries celebrate things unique to them too. In fairness, most are independence from us lol





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Great actor but each Harry Potter film would be an hour shorter if Alan Rickman didn’t break up each of his scenes with an……………interminable……………….pause……………….between…………………….each……………………..line.

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9 hours ago, tom27111 said:

I don't mind Bonfire night. Yes, it annoys the dog, but it's British history.


Halloween though, that can fvck right off. Although it didn't originate in America, it's a bloody unwanted Americanism. 


Don't get me started on 'trick or treaters'.


It is other way around for me.   I do get your point about the Americanism of Halloween and Bonfire being more meaningful due to its history but the former is more enjoyable.   You get trick and treating (as kids), pumpkin farms (which is a nice family day out) and scary mazes (which is a good value I imagine)


In the contrast to Bonfire events which is mostly standing around in the cold watching same fireworks year after year and everyone leaving at same time at end hence rammed car parks.  

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13 hours ago, Kopfkino said:

This is week is the worst of the year. Halloween and Bonfire Night, two insufferable events crammed into a few days of each other.

1st Remembrance now Halloween and bonfire you’ll be taking a hit at Xmas, New year and Easter next Kino or is it just the month of November ( /Oct) you have an issue with 😝 


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