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The “ I’ve got something to say, but it doesn’t warrant its own thread “ thread.

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Guest Harrydc

It's not said enough how terrible trains are in this country. 


Ridiculously over priced. Never enough carriages. Never on time. 


It's exhausting. They're an essential service and we need them to be better. 

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20 minutes ago, Harrydc said:

It's not said enough how terrible trains are in this country. 


Ridiculously over priced. Never enough carriages. Never on time. 


It's exhausting. They're an essential service and we need them to be better. 

Funnily enough I've just been looking at UK trains this afternoon. We've decided to come back to the UK for Christmas and new year to see the kids, it's easier for us to come back instead of flying all 5 children out here. From where we're staying I thought it might be easier to put my children on the train, but it's so expensive, and takes so long! I could fly them out to Spain in the same time, and it would be cheaper lol


The cost of cigarettes in the UK for 3 weeks isn't going to be easy to swallow either! 

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2 hours ago, Harrydc said:

It's not said enough how terrible trains are in this country. 


Ridiculously over priced. Never enough carriages. Never on time. 


It's exhausting. They're an essential service and we need them to be better. 

Surely you meant to say more profitable?

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2 hours ago, Harrydc said:

It's not said enough how terrible trains are in this country. 


Ridiculously over priced. Never enough carriages. Never on time. 


It's exhausting. They're an essential service and we need them to be better. 

Absolute ****ing nightmare today, understand it’s been like it for a few days in a row too


I accept that problems occur, particularly in difficult weather conditions but it winds me up how nobody ever seems to know what’s going on and how slow it seems for them to do anything about it. I would get much less annoyed if I was just given information instead of ‘don’t know’.


A case today where I would have been stood around waiting for ages for a ‘delayed’ train that was really cancelled (just nobody seemed to want to decide that) where nobody knew what was happening with it and there wasn’t a ‘use your tickets on other services’ in place yet. I kept checking and it wasn’t until 2.5 hours later that they said you could use tickets on other services. I decided to just use other services and deal with any problems but I imagine plenty of people wait around getting zero information from anyone and no solution.

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5 minutes ago, jgtuk said:

I think in a roundabout way he means we should nationalise all rail services 🤷‍♂️

Oh gotcha, that way they can be sold off at a loss to friends of the administration as long as they promise to keep pushing up prices without improving the services at all.  I like your thinking.

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5 minutes ago, Carl the Llama said:

Oh gotcha, that way they can be sold off at a loss to friends of the administration as long as they promise to keep pushing up prices without improving the services at all.  I like your thinking.

Not sure what you’re implying. Has this practice happened before then?



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7 hours ago, Fox92 said:

I can't stand Halloween. 


Don't get me started on grown adults doing fancy dress for it.


7 hours ago, The Bear said:

What if its just a Halloween party. Is dressing up allowed? 

Driving back from a day out this evening, I noticed 2 things; more police cars on the road and teen girls dressed in, frankly provocative, Halloween costumes. Fine if your having a fancy dress Halloween party at home, but in the dimly lit suburban streets... not something I'd be happy with my daughters doing.

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3 hours ago, Harrydc said:

It's not said enough how terrible trains are in this country. 


Ridiculously over priced. Never enough carriages. Never on time. 


It's exhausting. They're an essential service and we need them to be better Nationalised.


Edited by Parafox
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38 minutes ago, Kopfkino said:

Absolute ****ing nightmare today, understand it’s been like it for a few days in a row too


I accept that problems occur, particularly in difficult weather conditions but it winds me up how nobody ever seems to know what’s going on and how slow it seems for them to do anything about it. I would get much less annoyed if I was just given information instead of ‘don’t know’.


A case today where I would have been stood around waiting for ages for a ‘delayed’ train that was really cancelled (just nobody seemed to want to decide that) where nobody knew what was happening with it and there wasn’t a ‘use your tickets on other services’ in place yet. I kept checking and it wasn’t until 2.5 hours later that they said you could use tickets on other services. I decided to just use other services and deal with any problems but I imagine plenty of people wait around getting zero information from anyone and no solution.

Apparently Midland Mainline services to London stopped at Northampton due to heavy rain. :blink:

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27 minutes ago, jgtuk said:

I think in a roundabout way he means we should nationalise all rail services 🤷‍♂️

I’m not really against nationalisation, it’s pretty pointless them being privatised but run the way they are. But nationalisation doesn’t solve many of the problems that exist, after all the tree falling onto state-owned and maintained track today doesn’t stay standing if the train itself was run by the government and not Avanti. If you ever have to deal with any government or local authority run thing it’s almost always overly nightmarish too. That’s because UX is an afterthought as it is with the railways. What the whole thing needs no matter who owns or operates it is some good UX people whose remit is solely the User and less accountants or people told to think like Newtonians.


For some reason UX doesn’t get enough time of day in everyday life imo, we still call it customer service and think it’s about being nice to someone. For example, and this is so trivial and minor but ver recent so little effort to recall, tonight I’ve checked into a BnB where they ask for your breakfast order the night before. To do so I have to fill in a form, walk down two flights of stairs to put it into a basket. It’s not particularly late but I’m tired and have had a pretty miserable day, I’d rather not have to leave my room I don’t really want to . Why can’t I have the option of a Google Form instead? I know it’s small and trivial and probably sounds lazy but from a UX perspective, that would be a nice option to have and no more difficult for them + you can have both options if they really want. The same with the ‘room menu’ they have.


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36 minutes ago, Parafox said:


Driving back from a day out this evening, I noticed 2 things; more police cars on the road and teen girls dressed in, frankly provocative, Halloween costumes. Fine if your having a fancy dress Halloween party at home, but in the dimly lit suburban streets... not something I'd be happy with my daughters doing.

What is a provocative outfit? 


I'm assuming they weren't wearing t-shirts with inflammatory wording emblazoned on them.

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Guest Harrydc

I've applied for a refund on my tickets anyway. It was £55 for my tickets. One train was delayed by 20 minutes. Then when I did get on the train I physically couldn't move due to how overcrowded it was. On the return my train was cancelled meaning I had to make a detor. For the price I'm paying I expect a half decent service. I never thought I'd say it but buses are now my preferred method of public transport. 

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19 minutes ago, Parafox said:

Not sure they were even wearing T shirts, 

Girls SHOULD be able to wear what they want without getting hassled, but you have to factor in hundreds of thousands of years of biology and brain wiring that guys can't just snap their fingers and overcome.


That might sound a bit ignorant but you can't change genetics or nature. Most guys can control themselves, but you'll always get some that can't.


This isn't me trying to make excuses for people, it's just the inevitably of the human condition. If you draw attention to the sexual aspects of your body, then you're going to get more attention.


Social opinions have changed in the last couple of generations and girls want to be found sexually attractive, but without  excessive sexual attention. It's a fine balance and overtly provocative outfits can push those responses too far sometimes. 


We definitely over-sexualise women nowadays which has led to sending out the wrong message to young girls who feel they need to go that far to get noticed or stand out. Compared to 100 years ago attitudes have changed drastically regards to sex and sexuality, and also fashion in what society feels acceptable to show in public. 


Is all that unavoidable as attitudes become more relaxed to sex, fashion and social interaction, due to biology and genetics? Or have we overlooked education at a young age on sexuality and behaviour towards others? I certainly think we need to do much better in education and that could stop 90% of what women face on a daily basis today. 

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Guest Harrydc

I went out sober last night which was fairly boring. Being sober made me have more awareness of my surroundings - and it's truly ridiculous how many women get hassled on nights out when they're just trying to enjoy themselves with their friends. There were creeps everywhere, and quite frankly I feel sorry for women that they are unable to enjoy themselves without sweaty fat blokes trying to grind on them. 

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