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The “ I’ve got something to say, but it doesn’t warrant its own thread “ thread.

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23 minutes ago, tom27111 said:

I love cooking.


Mainly because I shut the family out of the kitchen, put some music on and drink copious amounts of beer or wine!


It's my downtime and love it when I make something really nice and everyone enjoys it.

We have similar cooking habits :) I don't enjoy it every night though and I need to be in the mood for it, probably because I'm a woman :ph34r: so batch cooking is my friend. When I fancy cooking I'll make a few portions of a few different things and freeze some ready for the days I can't be bothered. 

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6 minutes ago, FoxesDeb said:

We have similar cooking habits :) I don't enjoy it every night though and I need to be in the mood for it, probably because I'm a woman :ph34r: so batch cooking is my friend. When I fancy cooking I'll make a few portions of a few different things and freeze some ready for the days I can't be bothered. 

I'm taking you up on your offer of accommodation at your place.


You teach me how to cook a decent paella and I'll bring the Rioja :thumbup:


Nobody else allowed in the kitchen!

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4 hours ago, Line-X said:

It's as though they don't want us to win or preform well because it doesn't conform with their current narrative.


I absolutely can't speak for everybody and I do think we have some members that almost delight in our failures because they'd rather we flop but they feel vindicated than they actually be proven wrong (no actual names mentioned, I'm not that petty, but let's say Fol City Can.) 


But I'm definitely guilty of "only piping up" when I've got something negative to say. 


To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what else the point is if it's not to vent. That's probably not a great reflection on me. I mean, if I'm actually happy I'll just concentrate on watching the game, I don't want to bother reading this muck lol

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12 minutes ago, Finnegan said:


I absolutely can't speak for everybody and I do think we have some members that almost delight in our failures because they'd rather we flop but they feel vindicated than they actually be proven wrong (no actual names mentioned, I'm not that petty, but let's say Fol City Can.


But I'm definitely guilty of "only piping up" when I've got something negative to say. 


To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what else the point is if it's not to vent. That's probably not a great reflection on me. I mean, if I'm actually happy I'll just concentrate on watching the game, I don't want to bother reading this muck lol


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13 hours ago, tom27111 said:

I'm taking you up on your offer of accommodation at your place.


You teach me how to cook a decent paella and I'll bring the Rioja :thumbup:


Nobody else allowed in the kitchen!


13 hours ago, FoxesDeb said:

Deal :thumbup:

Make sure you get a pic of her in her shorts Tom ..  she’s seen enough of me in mine ..  :thumbup:

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On 17/03/2022 at 01:33, BKLFox said:

1. yeah should have read/put 1 of

2. I know your SK based Mac & you'll know the uptake there, here its been brewing for sometime now & heavily used in the fight v CC. You can see signs for change in most markets via ads be it billboards or tv or new start up companies pushing Vegan foods etc although i must say its pushed hard at the turn of a new year just like gym memberships when everyones body conscious but yes agree it would have to be gradual although at somepoint the point of bend will drop dramatically just like no public discussion (that i'm aware) with Oxfordshire council signing off Vegan only catering at any council run event which is quite radical really given the food choices at most of these types of events.
3. Would these gobble up real estate for the growing warehouses (won't call them labs) for the amount we would need, despite i assume these are grown in stacks up rather than out.


It's certainly a noodle scratcher as is everything around CC with it easy to say 'stop' all meat products without the longer thought ala we must go electric faster despite the inability to store the quantities, the lack of infrastructure, etc that will be required, that's not to say we shouldn't be driving hard on the infrastructure.


Most of my thoughts were geared around the livestock themselves just thinking when a group says we should respect the cow is it possible they are actually contributing to the species eventually dying out?

Sorry for not getting back to this!


I think that pushing for a more sustainable diet and meat alternatives is a good thing worldwide, but it's merely a small facet of the overall picture. Other factors are more important. Over here pork and chicken are regular staples, not so much beef due to lack of room for rearing cows.


I don't think space for hydroponics facilities would be a massive issue because of the way they can be grown "up", rather than "out".

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On 19/03/2022 at 12:29, Manini said:

On those weird football conspiracy things: 


Sheff United are always the early Saturday kick off 

In my mind Cardiff v Fulham was a fixture that happened every Friday night in 2019/2020 in the championship.

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That time in your life as a child when you realise that those in authority above you are embellishing the truth a bit or that they're mental. You were allowed to say mental then, because you were a child, and things were done that way, and anyway it's sort of approximately the right kind of approach to things like this.


I remember my father used to say 'I had to switch schools a lot because of my dad's job. I made up my mind that each new school I went to I would ask one of the other boys who was the cock of the school (I know, another phrase that has failed to stand the test of time, and probably just as well), and find this cock of the school and challenge him to a fight. I wouldn't matter whether I won or lost, I'd gain the other boys respect'. Now, my dad was an actor in his younger days, and he could tell a yarn or two, often many times, but this strained my credulity rather a lot, even though I was only eight. There were obvious holes in the logic here. I would have liked to imagine my father having an OK Corral moment but I couldn't in all honesty see that.  


My primary school headmistress Mrs Oblath was a sweet middle-aged lady who formed a bond with my parents that 11 years later, when my parents were in financial difficulties, sold them the flat I'm in now for a song. Everybody loved Mrs Oblath. The only problem was that Mrs Oblath was mental. She'd teach a class of eight-year-olds that the Jews killed Christ therefore they're scattered all over the world as a punishment from God, and that basically the Holocaust was their fault. This, obviously, was in the days before OFSTED. The thing that got me most to doubt her sanity was her insistence that every Chinese take-away contained spies from the Chinese government. No-one in their right mind could possibly believe this, but she did :blink:  

Edited by thursday_next
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43 minutes ago, String fellow said:

After the Romans left, Anglo-Saxons mainly inhabited England. The Angles were in 3 areas, the east (East Anglia), the west (Mercia) and north of the Humber (Northumbria). The Saxons were in 4 areas further south of this, (South Seaxe = Sussex), the east (East Seaxe = Essex), in between those 2 (Middle Seaxe = Middlesex), and the south-west (West Seaxe = Wessex). They didn't have any areas further north, hence there was no North Seaxe (= Norsex or perhaps Nussex).

So strictly speaking, to say that Essex is in East Anglia is a contradiction! 

That's a really interesting insight. Thanks. I love being better informed, particularly about English history and the links to place names we know so well.

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2 hours ago, Parafox said:

That's a really interesting insight. Thanks. I love being better informed, particularly about English history and the links to place names we know so well.

No problem. You'll perhaps have spotted that my location isn't spelt correctly. Well, it's how Scraptoft and Leicestershire were spelt in the Domesday Book of 1086. Bill the Conk wanted to know what he'd got from his Norman invasion of England 2 decades earlier. 

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4 hours ago, thursday_next said:

That time in your life as a child when you realise that those in authority above you are embellishing the truth a bit or that they're mental. You were allowed to say mental then, because you were a child, and things were done that way, and anyway it's sort of approximately the right kind of approach to things like this.


I remember my father used to say 'I had to switch schools a lot because of my dad's job. I made up my mind that each new school I went to I would ask one of the other boys who was the cock of the school (I know, another phrase that has failed to stand the test of time, and probably just as well), and find this cock of the school and challenge him to a fight. I wouldn't matter whether I won or lost, I'd gain the other boys respect'. Now, my dad was an actor in his younger days, and he could tell a yarn or two, often many times, but this strained my credulity rather a lot, even though I was only eight. There were obvious holes in the logic here. I would have liked to imagine my father having an OK Corral moment but I couldn't in all honesty see that.  


My primary school headmistress Mrs Oblath was a sweet middle-aged lady who formed a bond with my parents that 11 years later, when my parents were in financial difficulties, sold them the flat I'm in now for a song. Everybody loved Mrs Oblath. The only problem was that Mrs Oblath was mental. She'd teach a class of eight-year-olds that the Jews killed Christ therefore they're scattered all over the world as a punishment from God, and that basically the Holocaust was their fault. This, obviously, was in the days before OFSTED. The thing that got me most to doubt her sanity was her insistence that every Chinese take-away contained spies from the Chinese government. No-one in their right mind could possibly believe this, but she did :blink:  

I enjoyed reading this

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1 hour ago, String fellow said:

No problem. You'll perhaps have spotted that my location isn't spelt correctly. Well, it's how Scraptoft and Leicestershire were spelt in the Domesday Book of 1086. Bill the Conk wanted to know what he'd got from his Norman invasion of England 2 decades earlier. 

I clicked on your profile to check! That's fascinating. 

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