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The “ I’ve got something to say, but it doesn’t warrant its own thread “ thread.

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3 minutes ago, Facecloth said:

But until it's made widely available to people and an interest is gained it won't get those big crowds.


The BBC is for everyone, we all pay our licence fees (for now) so it's should shoe a variety of programmes.

And some people want to keep it that way.

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18 minutes ago, Facecloth said:

But until it's made widely available to people and an interest is gained it won't get those big crowds.

It is widely available in parks and stadiums all over the country ..  if people find it interesting and entertaining then it will grow ..  just like the mens game did. At the moment we are having it rammed down our throats ..  cus it’s the pc thing to do. 

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2 hours ago, leicsmac said:

...it's a strawman that tends not to exist outside of the most demanding left-wing circles. I wouldn't let it be too much of a problem.


Of course, using terminology that a person prefers as a matter of basic decency possibly shouldn't be a problem in the first place?

I don't personally have a huge problem with it. But it can cause confusion. Imagine a play/tv/film role advertising for an actor, how would anyone know if the role demanded a male or female?

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29 minutes ago, Otis said:

I don't personally have a huge problem with it. But it can cause confusion. Imagine a play/tv/film role advertising for an actor, how would anyone know if the role demanded a male or female?

And then you say male actor or female actor and that brings all sorts of other problems these days lol

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12 hours ago, Miquel The Work Geordie said:

I adore him as a poster and a bloke but Ric Flair assuming the identity of a scout is by far one of the biggest grifts I've seen on the forum. "I've been monitoring him for a while" you watch as much Ekstraklasa as anyone else brother, come on.



Patently untrue. I have it on good authority that @Ric Flair has been known to spend the whole day watching clips of Tongan second division games, even on Mrs Flair’s birthday. 

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12 hours ago, Miquel The Work Geordie said:

I adore him as a poster and a bloke but Ric Flair assuming the identity of a scout is by far one of the biggest grifts I've seen on the forum. "I've been monitoring him for a while" you watch as much Ekstraklasa as anyone else brother, come on.



The things I've seen son, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've a memory like a Rothman's Football Year Book. 

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I'd like to take the opportunity to give a special shout out to the bloke who gave me a smack in the mouth 55 years ago on the top deck of a no 51 bus, for bullying a boy that was smaller than me. I have no idea what he looked like - for the rest of the journey I was paralysed with fear and I just looked straight ahead. I already knew that bullying was technically wrong, but I had to make up for the fact that other boys who were bigger than me were quite happy to bully me. I felt it was the natural order of things, which it was. You could have given me loads of counselling, and I would simply have ignored it. Like all the other 11-year-old boys, I was a complete bastard. That smack in the mouth caused me to re-evaluate my priorities somewhat - I was still a complete bastard but I kept it to myself rather more, and didn't bully anyone else.


I would also like to thank the Chelsea fan who gave me a good clip round the ear while I was celebrating a goal. It's all very well to do this, but not in the Shed End, wearing a Leicester scarf and bobble hat. I would have to admit this was a serious error but I didn't at the time because I was 13. Lesson learned :ph34r: 

Edited by thursday_next
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21 minutes ago, thursday_next said:


I'd like to take the opportunity to give a special shout out to the bloke who gave me a smack in the mouth 55 years ago on the top deck of a no 51 bus, for bullying a guy that was smaller than me. I have no idea what he looked like - for the rest of the journey I was paralysed with fear and I just looked straight ahead. I already knew that bullying was technically wrong, but I had to make up for the fact that other boys who were bigger than me were quite happy to bully me. I felt it was the natural order of things, which it was. You could have given me loads of counselling, and I would simply have ignored it. Like all the other 11-year-old boys, I was a complete bastard. That smack in the mouth caused me to re-evaluate my priorities somewhat - I was still a complete bastard but I kept it to myself rather more, and didn't bully anyone else.


I would also like to thank the Chelsea fan who gave me a good clip round the ear while I was celebrating a goal. It's all very well to do this, but not in the Shed End, wearing a Leicester scarf and bobble hat. I would have to admit this was a serious error but I didn't at the time because I was 13. Lesson learned :ph34r: 

This reminds me of an incident outside Filbert Street one Saturday afternoon in the early 70s. Two or three lads surrounded me and demanded that I give them my scarf. It was a really uncomfortable situation and I decided that the only way to avoid getting hurt was to be polite and cheerful! I told them that it was a birthday present but that they were welcome to it. One of them took it and they disappeared into the milling crowd, perhaps slightly surprised by my reaction. Maybe they didn't realise that I was in extreme panic mode and that that was my natural defence strategy.

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17 minutes ago, StanSP said:

Just seen this clip on Twitter. Gotta love it. Something heartwarming about kids giving other kids pep talks. I'm sure there's plenty on here, myself included, who'd have loved this as a kid. 




Humanity is beautiful at times.

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28 minutes ago, StanSP said:

Just seen this clip on Twitter. Gotta love it. Something heartwarming about kids giving other kids pep talks. I'm sure there's plenty on here, myself included, who'd have loved this as a kid. 




Future England captain right there

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