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The “ I’ve got something to say, but it doesn’t warrant its own thread “ thread.

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Just now, The Bear said:

Not sure what any of that is supposed to mean....


My apologies if it was too involved. Allow me to clarify -


1/ I don't pay much attention to celebrity gossip - but I used to enjoy some of Johnny Depp's early more obscure films which is why it caught my eye.

2/ The trail is so increasingly bizarre it reminds me of a Monty Python sketch.

3/ Former Python Terry Gilliam once worked with Johnny Depp on one of his former projects which was a nightmare on set.

4/ Given the above, it was simply a light hearted take on some of the more surreal elements of the court case that I suggested that a vengeful Gilliam may well have scripted and directed it. 


Apologies again for the confusion and the crap joke. 


It clearly should have read..


That Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial is a bit strange isn't it. 

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At half time in one of the games in the kids' footie tournament my lad was playing in this morning, the Dad who was running the line for the opposition came over to our linesman, admitted that he had no prior interest in football and barely any understanding of the game and asked him what he needed to do

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53 minutes ago, Bellend Sebastian said:

At half time in one of the games in the kids' footie tournament my lad was playing in this morning, the Dad who was running the line for the opposition came over to our linesman, admitted that he had no prior interest in football and barely any understanding of the game and asked him what he needed to do

Weekly occurrence. I run the line every week for my son's team mainly cos I'm about the only one that understands.


One of the Dad's offered to do it the other week so had a break. Stood on the opposite side and noticed a blatant offside missed, looked to see where he was and he had been running the full length of the pitch rather than just his half and he was too knackered to run back.

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1 minute ago, Rain King said:

Weekly occurrence. I run the line every week for my son's team mainly cos I'm about the only one that understands.


One of the Dad's offered to do it the other week so had a break. Stood on the opposite side and noticed a blatant offside missed, looked to see where he was and he had been running the full length of the pitch rather than just his half and he was too knackered to run back.

We had one a few years ago where one of our Dads was running the line.


It was 3-3 in the last minute and our winger (who's clearly on-side), breaks through and slots away the winner.


The kids, us coaches, and the crowd go wild, but our lino flags him offside and the ref agrees. Everyone goes mental but the goal is disallowed and we draw the game.


Best thing about it was the the lino was the Dad of the kid who scored the goal. Fair to say his son wasn't best pleased and gave hid Dad a right gob full after the game lol

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45 minutes ago, Rain King said:

Weekly occurrence. I run the line every week for my son's team mainly cos I'm about the only one that understands.


One of the Dad's offered to do it the other week so had a break. Stood on the opposite side and noticed a blatant offside missed, looked to see where he was and he had been running the full length of the pitch rather than just his half and he was too knackered to run back.

Bloody hell, I could easily forget and do that.


I'm dreading it being my turn but at least I've got an advantage over the guy today in that I've occasionally watched football and paid attention

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19 minutes ago, RonnieTodger said:

How many celebrities make up a story about a teacher saying “you’ll never amount to anything”.


I’ve never heard a teacher say anything close, even to the bell ends that were at school. 

I had it a couple of times. 

One RE teacher (mad Irish lady. Didn’t take kindly to being repeatedly questioned on the existence of the almighty by a 12 year old). 


And a little more concerning by a Careers Advisor (were they called something else?) when I was about to leave high school in Hinckley. Said I should set my sights lower…even before I’d told him what I wanted to do. 

I think he called me ‘factory fodder’ or some such thing. 


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8 hours ago, RonnieTodger said:

How many celebrities make up a story about a teacher saying “you’ll never amount to anything”.


I’ve never heard a teacher say anything close, even to the bell ends that were at school. 

I told my career's "advisor" back in 1972 that I wanted be an actor, which was true and I was a stalwart in the school drama club as well as being a member of a youth theatre group and having a leading role in "Tommy" at the old Phoenix theatre. He told me "don't be silly, boy. You need to consider something you are better suited to, like office work". So joined the police as a cadet and ultimately became a leading actor paramedic. 

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27 minutes ago, Parafox said:

I told my career's "advisor" back in 1972 that I wanted be an actor, which was true and I was a stalwart in the school drama club as well as being a member of a youth theatre group and having a leading role in "Tommy" at the old Phoenix theatre. He told me "don't be silly, boy. You need to consider something you are better suited to, like office work". So joined the police as a cadet and ultimately became a leading actor paramedic. 


Always wondered what you look like lol




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Won a national award today for my work stuff with words innit.


Part of me doesn't want anyone to know - the other part of me wants a trophy presented on primetime TV and a Bank Holiday to be created in my name.

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2 minutes ago, Daggers said:

Won a national award today for my work stuff with words innit.


Part of me doesn't want anyone to know - the other part of me wants a trophy presented on primetime TV and a Bank Holiday to be created in my name.

Congrats :clap:

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11 hours ago, Daggers said:

Won a national award today for my work stuff with words innit.


Part of me doesn't want anyone to know - the other part of me wants a trophy presented on primetime TV and a Bank Holiday to be created in my name.

Congratulations 🎉 

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Random question - but with regards to the rules of nationality in football. As it’s not technically a FIFA competition - would it possible for an England, Wales, Scottish or Northern Irish international who is a dual citizen to play for their other nation in the Olympics as there’s no Great Britain team?


Especially true of Northern Ireland I guess as they’re all British and Irish dual citizens by birthright - like, could Johnny Evans just play for Ireland in the next Olympics if he wanted or could Raheem Sterling play for Jamaica?

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On 03/05/2022 at 12:34, Daggers said:

Won a national award today for my work stuff with words innit.


Part of me doesn't want anyone to know - the other part of me wants a trophy presented on primetime TV and a Bank Holiday to be created in my name.

One thing to win the national award for work stuff with words, but a completely different thing to retain it.


Well done!

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12 minutes ago, Zear0 said:

One thing to win the national award for work stuff with words, but a completely different thing to retain it.


Well done!

I got published in an anthology once, that was something I was very proud of and am more than happy to whip out the book at a moment's notice to bore people rigid with. Awards - unless they come with a slap-up nosh and cash, I can pretty much take or leave.

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14 hours ago, LCFCCHRIS said:

Anyone seen some of the clips from the Johnny Depp trial? Amber's seemingly fake crying is so cringey

She seems very deceptive. 


There seems to be a lot wrong with her. Both which is being shown now but also deep down internally.

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15 hours ago, StanSP said:

She seems very deceptive. 


There seems to be a lot wrong with her. Both which is being shown now but also deep down internally.


there’s a lot wrong with both of them to be fair. Neither of them will win any defamation trial.

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