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Sol thewall Bamba


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For me it says a lot that when quite a few of the bigger clubs have been after new DoF’s and his name hasn’t even been linked anywhere


Yet you have multiple clubs fighting over people like Ashworth and Southampton’s whose was in place when they got relegated joined Man Utd at a time when it looked like they wouldn’t be getting promoted

Edited by moore_94
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4 minutes ago, sylofox said:

Explain his remit? If you can you must have written his contract.


Not that long ago Simon Jordan was asked to explain the job of a DoF. He explained what he would expect. Then added the job is different in practically every club. It is what the owner wants them to do.


None of us know exactly what his remit is we just presume what it is and expected of him.


Also it's not his fault players like Youri want to run down a contract. I also doubt he has the sole say when offers come in and we refuse them.


So anyway back to the original point.


Please explain his remit as fact. Not what you me or anyone else thinks it is.

None of us know the finer points of his contract however we all have a fair idea what the general role of a director of football entails.  

so I pose a question back to you, what reason do you believe and evidence you have to validate that Rudkin is not accountable or to blame for any of the failings? 

Edited by Claudio Fannieri
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11 minutes ago, Claudio Fannieri said:

Sorry but challenging the role and effectiveness of a man employed and very well rewarded to direct the day to day football operations of our football club, that has presided over us breaching PSR rules and on the brink of a significant points deduction before we even start the new season, is not school yard bullying. 

I am far from happy with many of the senior leaders of our club as they have presided over what can only be described as a complete and utter shit show these last 3/4 years, where at no point has any of them challenged the strategy or direction of travel that has contributed to us falling away from a position of strength to now a club quite likely to yo-yo or battle against relegation for a number of seasons until we can consolidate again. 

He, Top, Whelan and anyone else involved in this debacle should be held to account for their actions and involvement. If this was any other business that had experienced such a calamitous performance, the heads of a number of senior executives would roll. How people can defend Rudkin is absolutely beyond me. It isn’t all his fault however he carries a significant role and responsibility so therefore fully deserves to have his performance and ability to continue to undertake the role scrutinised and challenged. 

It is school yard bullying. Or are you saying a DoF apparently has to be a fully trained accountant ?

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Just now, sylofox said:

It is school yard bullying. Or are you saying a DoF apparently has to be a fully trained accountant ?

At what stage have I said he needs to be a fully trained accountant? However as a senior leader and director of a multi million pound organisation, he should have a decent appreciation of financial management, understanding of PSR rules and how he manages a budget. 

Do you not agree that it should be a basic requirement for someone employed as a Director and highly likely to he earning a six figure salary?  

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21 minutes ago, sylofox said:

We do deserve better. I just don't get why he gets all the blame. He don't solely run the club. The financial director is as much to blame.


Top also needs to get his head out of his arse. Ultimately the buck stops with him.


But only Rudkin gets the blame. But actually we are rotten to the core. The whole operation is fvcked. Do you really think replacing Rudkin is the wonder cure?

No..but it's a good start, desperately needed, and IMO long overdue.


I agree with your other points  my friend,  and probably out of fan frustration he does get blamed for stuff outside his sphere of control, but Ric and other posters have hi-lighted other areas that are within his remit, contract length, wage amounts, etc all things that have greatly contributed to our current financial 'fook up', yes others have also contributed to this sad state of affairs, and their collective heads should roll also.


  Incidentally we still haven't had any communication coming out of the club with regards to that subject...looks like they are hoping that in the euphoria of promotion we all forget about who was to blame and the guilty parties go unpunished..

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7 minutes ago, sylofox said:

It is school yard bullying. Or are you saying a DoF apparently has to be a fully trained accountant ?

There's some irony to that given the man himself's own behaviour around the club. People are free to believe that/this or not - but he's hardly Mr Popular around the club and is not an easy person to deal with. 


This is to the point that LCFC have become over-reliant on a particular agent and agency in sourcing players and management. 

Edited by CosbehFox
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6 minutes ago, sylofox said:

are you saying a DoF apparently has to be a fully trained accountant ?


... No, but he has to understand our budget and the implications of our spending within the rules...?


Honestly, I think you're the only one that doesn't really get what a DoF does. 


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Find it amazing, that some people think he has no responsibility at the club and all decisions are made by others. We must be the only club where the DoF is a honorary title.

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7 minutes ago, sylofox said:

It is school yard bullying. Or are you saying a DoF apparently has to be a fully trained accountant ?

The school yard bullying comment has really riled me, the majority of the posts have been well structured with genuine reasons to challenge his effectiveness, if there was loads of posts just calling him names or derogatory comments about him then I would agree, but on the whole the discussion yesterday and today has been conducted with respect and constructive posts. 

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I wonder why he couldn't just move players on? 



Wouldn't be down to giving bang average players way above market rate could it? 



Nobody leaves here until their contract is up for a reason.......couldn't possibly be the DOF's fault could it

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4 minutes ago, Claudio Fannieri said:

None of us know the finer points of his contract however we all have a fair idea what the general role of a director of football entails.  

so I pose a question back to you, what reason do you believe and evidence you have to validate that Rudkin is not accountable or to blame for any of the failings? 

I'm not saying he's blameless and don't think he's the right man for the job especially at prem level.


Finance He's not an accountant and I guess very few if any DoF's  are accountants and work to a budget given to them.


Transfers. Unless a stupid fee he's lead by what the manager see's in the player going out. But also I would say Top says yes or no when big fees are concerned.


Signings. Lead by the recruitment team and manager as to what they he wants.


If your blaming the bad signings on Rudkin then he needs the credit for, vardy mahrez kante Morgan huth okazaki.


Oh seeing that drinky was finished.

Fofana was ****ed

Mc guire was a two season wonder


Oh and the 180m that put in the bank.


Rudkin Top whelan and the financial director are all to blame for the whole mess this club is in. All I'm saying is Rudkin is not responsible for it all.


Infact if one person is to blame for it all it's Top.

Ultimately Top is the one to blame for all the wrongs in this club.

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If there are 17% of people still prepared to vote for the same politicians who’ve been ruining everything for fourteen years, it really shouldn’t surprise me that anyone here is still prepared to defend Rudkin…but it does. 

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7 minutes ago, sylofox said:

If your blaming the bad signings on Rudkin then he needs the credit for, vardy mahrez kante Morgan huth okazaki.


Oh seeing that drinky was finished.

Fofana was ****ed

Mc guire was a two season wonder

Every player you’ve mentioned there was either signed before Rudkin was appointed Director of Football or the club had a very strong head of recruitment. 

Fofana and Maguire both required Whelan stepping in to agree the financial details 

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22 minutes ago, Claudio Fannieri said:

At what stage have I said he needs to be a fully trained accountant? However as a senior leader and director of a multi million pound organisation, he should have a decent appreciation of financial management, understanding of PSR rules and how he manages a budget. 

Do you not agree that it should be a basic requirement for someone employed as a Director and highly likely to he earning a six figure salary?  

No he's a director of football. So as long as he sticks to his budget that's all that matters. Do you think he's in meetings with corporate sponsors. Do you think he negotiates the KP sponsorship.


Perhaps if he does all of what you say it explains why he's shit at his own job.

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15 minutes ago, sylofox said:

Oh seeing that drinky was finished.

Fofana was ****ed

Mc guire was a two season wonder


5 minutes ago, CosbehFox said:

Every player you’ve mentioned there was either signed before Rudkin was appointed Director of Football or the club had a very strong head of recruitment. 

Fofana and Maguire both required Whelan stepping in to agree the financial details 

Rudkin was confirmed as DoF 2015:


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6 minutes ago, Daggers said:

If there are 17% of people still prepared to vote for the same politicians who’ve been ruining everything for fourteen years, it really shouldn’t surprise me that anyone here is still prepared to defend Rudkin…but it does. 

I'm not defending him I want him gone. I just hate the fact he's guilty of everything wrong in the club in so many people's eye's. 

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2 minutes ago, sylofox said:

I'm not defending him I want him gone. I just hate the fact he's guilty of everything wrong in the club in so many people's eye's. 

We should start blaming Top for everything that happens below him. 


Of course people get even more upset when people try to apportion blame to the billionaire overlord that they all love. 

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1 minute ago, sylofox said:

I'm not defending him I want him gone. I just hate the fact he's guilty of everything wrong in the club in so many people's eye's. 

It’s mad that there are 121 pages talking about a Director of Football! One that has gone through some very good times, along with the bad. The good times get quickly forgotten though. 

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2 minutes ago, sylofox said:

No he's a director of football. So as long as he sticks to his budget that's all that matters. Do you think he's in meetings with corporate sponsors. Do you think he negotiates the KP sponsorship.


Perhaps if he does all of what you say it explains why he's shit at his own job.

Again at what point have I said he is responsible for sponsorship or corporate sponsors, I have questioned the elements that are within remit of football operations. 

You are throwing in so many curve balls to deflect the blame. 

I have never said Rudkin is to blame for all our woes, it has been a collective effort however he is very much culpable and for that reason I believe he should have been relieved of his duties a while back and in my opinion until he is moved on, then I fear we will continue to make poor financial decisions in relation to our football playing side budget and PSR performance. 

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15 minutes ago, sylofox said:

he's a director of football. So as long as he sticks to his budget that's all that matters.


So, if, let's say purely theoretically here, you know, in a parallel universe. 


Bear with me, you'll need to use your imagination a bit. 


But let's say we were facing an impending points deduction, that could relegate us and thus financially cripple the club, due to massive spending breaches when we went hideously over budget, would that be a Rudkin issue? 


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2 minutes ago, Finnegan said:


So, if, let's say purely theoretically here, you know, in a parallel universe. 


Bear with me, you'll need to use your imagination a bit. 


But let's say we were facing an impending points deduction, that could relegate us and thus financially cripple the club, due to massive spending breaches when we went hideously over budget, would that be a Rudkin issue? 


We won’t be financially crippled if we go down again. Lots of the big contracts have either ended or will be ending in the next year or so.
Through good recruitment last season, we managed to avoid that scenario. 

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2 hours ago, Ric Flair said:

It's uncanny though that we are the biggest outlier in the last 5+ years on the volume (lack of) players moving on for a transfer fee. The only reason some might not " want " to move on is because of the obscene wages they may have been on at Leicester vs the market rate for such talent. Again, who's remit is that?


We were the standout club as well for many to aspire to, our players should have been coveted by all and sundry.



Kevin Davies Renit. 

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