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Trav Le Bleu

Also In The News - part 3

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2 hours ago, RoboFox said:

I love that you pointed that out and not the inconceivability of the GOVERNMENT HAVING CONTROL OVER THE FVCKING WEATHER. lol


Le Tissier is just a professional WUM at this point. I don't think for a second he believes half the shit he comes out with. It's just an engagement generating tactic for a bit of extra coin. 

Unfortunately I believe that he does believe it.

If it is wumming then I don’t think it’s working because I basically just pity the bloke now. He’s fallen down a rabbit hole so deep he doesn’t even realise he’s in a rabbit hole anymore.

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1 minute ago, Parafox said:

Apparently @Bilo quoted me on this topic but it seems to have been removed within minutes. I'd love to know what was said.

Regarding the Deathlist thread. Nothing to worry about.

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1 hour ago, Steve_Guppy_Left_Foot said:

Don’t the Saudis literally control the weather though or did I dream that?


"The UAE utilizes operational aircraft-based and drone-controlled hygroscopic cloud seeding as opposed to conventional randomized aircraft seeding, as it does not take into consideration the varying properties of rain clouds, especially present in dusty and arid regions like the UAE".

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2 hours ago, Steve_Guppy_Left_Foot said:

Don’t the Saudis literally control the weather though or did I dream that?

Some would say yes but In the context that they are the largest producer of crude oil - hence they make the biggest contribution to climate change from man made input ! 


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21 minutes ago, Parafox said:


"The UAE utilizes operational aircraft-based and drone-controlled hygroscopic cloud seeding as opposed to conventional randomized aircraft seeding, as it does not take into consideration the varying properties of rain clouds, especially present in dusty and arid regions like the UAE".

I only saw a headline, so in layman’s terms they’re pointing a hose upwards and telling the 3 year olds they’re making it raining? 

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6 hours ago, RoboFox said:

I love that you pointed that out and not the inconceivability of the GOVERNMENT HAVING CONTROL OVER THE FVCKING WEATHER. lol


Le Tissier is just a professional WUM at this point. I don't think for a second he believes half the shit he comes out with. It's just an engagement generating tactic for a bit of extra coin. 

I don't think Le Tissier is professional WUM. I've only interacted with him once on twitter, I pointed out something he said about the covid vaccine was incorrect. He immediately blocked me. A professional WUM like Laurence Fox, Katie Hopkins, Julia Hartley-Brewer or Joey Barton would respond and continue the disagreement to push more engagement. Le Tissier has no interest in interacting with people who don't agree with him, he just wants to spout his conspiracies and he won't be challenged.

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7 hours ago, Jattdogg said:

This is surely going to be a huge part for of the election debate 


trump has a problem sitting on two stools at the same time 


his core support will vote for him whatever so I reckon from here on in, now he has the nomination, expect more comments from his team as per this situation where they oppose the restrictions.  

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So, the Cass review into transition care in the NHS is out and it is an absolute doozy in terms of manipulating data to give the results you want, a standard of scholarship that would be laughed out of an undergrad assignment. 


They categorised all the evidence basis for the treatment as being of "Low quality" and this is an important distinction between layman understanding and research understanding - quality in this sense refers to the style of study and how it fits into the GRADE system or the Newcastle Ottawa scoring, which is the classic hierarchy of evidence that any student will be familiar with: double blind RCTs at the top, cohort and observational studies further down. As such, low quality here means "no double blind RCTs", however it's important to state that a majority of modern medicine doesn't have high quality evidence behind it based on that, because double blinded RCTs are a very specific criteria: you need to be able to blind the participants and researchers so they don't know what treatment they're receiving and whether they're in the treatment or control group. This is very obviously not always practical or ethical: for instance you do not have double blinded RCTs on surgery for very obvious reasons ("sorry sir, you got the placebo heart transplant..."), and similarly transition care will be very obvious very quickly which group is receiving care (so it can't be blinded). In these circumstances, cohort studies and observational studies are appropriate and conducted, and can form an evidence basis for a treatment if the data consistently points in one direction. If it wasn't going to result in people losing internationally recognized standards of care, it would be a truly fascinating example of psuedoscience.

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1 hour ago, casablancas said:

I know this could be close to home for some people but 20 odd years is just not acceptable 


Dad jailed for murdering four-week-old baby boy Ollie Davis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-68777562

People like this surely forfeit their right to a normal life ?


always said we should build secure cell units on deserted islands and stick people like this in them.  We don’t have the right to take their life but they don’t have the right to anything other than existing.   With drones we could deliver food weekly and it’s up to them if they eat it or just let themselves starve.   Would be way cheaper than keeping them locked up in prison for twenty years.   Never understood why we should be bothered about rehabilitation of people who’ve committed crimes like this.   We’re not desperate for anyone like this to become some kind of contributor to society eventually - who cares. 




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23 hours ago, RoboFox said:

I've always believed vast majority of these people are anxious, disenfranchised, perhaps on the fringes of society and probably lonely. 

They convince themselves to believe this nonsense for a sense of community, and to provide comfort by identifying a convenient scapegoat and thereby making the world seem more straightforward and controllable.

It seems to start with their believing that "the Government", NASA, scientists, teachers, and other powerful influencers in their lives, have been lying to them all the time, all their lives, for reasons that they cannot enunciate, and this general feeling that "something is wrong here" permeates their world view. Charlatans on the internet capture these simple souls and sell them beliefs such as Moon landing denial, 9/11 denial, flat Earth, antivaxx and sundry other crap, usually for profit. You may well be correct that Le Tissier is simply motivated by personal gain. Adherents to these belief systems are impervious to evidence to the contrary, and prefer the company of like minded folk to that of people who try to educate.edify them. Endless repetition of questions, followed by denial or avoidance of the responses addressing the questions, seems to be a feature of this. As @MPH correctly observes however, this is not entirely the preserve of those that think that the internet substitutes or supplants for an education, you can also find accomplished, professional people that subscribe to elements of this crap. What is evidently a shared characteristic is a complete ignorance of the subject concerned . For example, I have never  encountered anyone that claims the moon landings were faked that is knowledgeable about the actual science, technology or history of space exploration and the Apollo Programme. Hence, the succumbing to same predictable arguments from ignorance and incredulity.  


Society is rapidly polarising and being torn asunder. These divisions are being intentionally manufactured and driven. Social media stokes anger and fans the flames of outrage - but purely for profit...because such anger and outrage sell. These broadening gaps in society are becoming more sinister, fuelled by political ambition and it thrives on precisely that, opinion valued over fact. The internet has given the village idiot and the raucous pub stool philosopher a voice. Individuals that were previously ignored. Sadly, it's easier to stir up hate and anger than it is understanding and compromise. The dialectic is dead as is logic and reason to these people. The concern is, that this populism, tendency to favour opinion over fact and polarisation are growing and are employed for political means. Look no further than Vladimir Putin framing the war in Ukraine as a struggle between Christianity and the satanic west. 


23 hours ago, MPH said:

I think you are being too kind . Conspiracy theorists usually have a massive lack of distrust in most things and a touch of paranoia mixed in. Some.  are very intelligent and well integrated into a society they deeply distrust. I work with a surgeon for example who believes some strange things too..

There is a distinction to be drawn here between conspiracy theorists and conspiracy believers. The former, those that devise, promulgate, perpetuate and contrive this nonsense are largely opportunistic fraudsters in it for their own gain. Bart Sibrel knows that NASA landed crewed missions on the moon, just as David Weiss knows that the Earth is a globe. These people harvest gullibility and stupidity for their own gain, snaring their followers through emotional investment and the illusion of empowerment. The believers meanwhile constantly ask the same questions based upon what they are told to think but aren't remotely interested in the answers. They could easily get a valid answer  if they suspended their preconceived nonsense, used the internet responsibly and for its intended purpose, as the information is freely available. The problem is that they consider any answer valid that doesn't involve an enormous conspiracy about which they are one of a special minority who is clued-up enough to know, and are therefore superior to the brainwashed mass of "sheeple". The real, valid, non-conspiratorial answers don't allow them to pretend they have privileged information, and hence don't stoke their egos in the way that they desire.


23 hours ago, MPH said:


And just to add, you should look into the conspiracy theory of ‘Chem trails’. And this will ‘ explain’ ( as they see it) how the government controls the weather.


( basically they are saying the government gets little planes up in the air that sprays chemicals out that causes clouds to form and make it rain)

Actually, not quite. The conspiracy started as a consequence of an article written in the mid nineties by a guy called William Thomas, was popularised by Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, and subsequently with the advent of 'trutherism' on the internet. It simply initially claimed that aircraft contrails were actually a product of chemical spraying for deranged reasons ranging to de-population, to mind control to concealing the return of Planet X/Nibiru. In an attempt to gain more credence and credibility con artists such as Micheal J Murphy, Russ Tanner and Dane Wigington intentionally conflated this with geoengineering/Solar Radiation Management - in particular, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, increasing its plausibility. SRM/SAI, with the exception of isolated experiments into marine cloud brightening and albedo modification are of course entirely hypothetical and purely the province of research proposal/mathematical modelling and have nothing to do with the condensation trails formed largely by commercial airliners. The same with cloud seeding, which is practiced at much lower altitudes and by light aircraft and does not even leave a lasting trail. Throw in Bill Gates who has leant his verbal and financial support to the notion of SAI, that's all the believers in this horseshit need to allow themselves to be duped by a ludicrous online hoax that has managed to reduce a cloud into a conspiracy theory. It is largely predicated upon the following falsities: Contrails can only last between seconds and minutes and anything that persists is therefore a chemtrail. High bypass turbofan jet engines are incapable of producing contrails. The skies used to be clear, and persistent spreading trails are a recent phenomena. That they have been analysed and tested through air, soil and water samples and heavy metals toxins identified. There are whistle blowers within government, the military and the aviation industry that have exposed these spraying/weather control programmes.


@RoboFox is correct about Le Tissier. Self-styled conspiracy theorists understand their product range. They know that alluding to one conspiracy theory, such as the absurd notion that the government can control the weather, will create a wider following. It is unusual for a believer in something as wacky as chemtrails not to embrace the entire gamut. Trump does exactly the same thing in his campaign rhetoric and social media use. 


Many defend it as just harmless fun but anti-science and conspiracy theory is outright dangerous. Conspiracy theories thrive on disinformation, are perpetuated by charlatans for their own gain, can be detrimental to the mental health of those that believe in them and as the ludicrous Q Anon illustrated, can even be politically subversive. Medical staff, healthcare workers and teachers are attacked by dumb anti-vaxxers, who put entire communities in jeopardy by refusing to vaccinate their children, political extremists hi-jack these beliefs and push damaging agendas, and the victims of genuine tragedies have been harassed and victimised. Again, look into what these freaks did to the victims families of Sandy Hook. My hope is that the ruination of Alex Jones and the damage to Info Wars, where once a template for these potential grifters, may deter some from following such a destructive path. 

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24 minutes ago, st albans fox said:

People like this surely forfeit their right to a normal life ?


always said we should build secure cell units on deserted islands and stick people like this in them.  We don’t have the right to take their life but they don’t have the right to anything other than existing.   With drones we could deliver food weekly and it’s up to them if they eat it or just let themselves starve.   Would be way cheaper than keeping them locked up in prison for twenty years.   Never understood why we should be bothered about rehabilitation of people who’ve committed crimes like this.   We’re not desperate for anyone like this to become some kind of contributor to society eventually - who cares. 




I’m such a liberal but I do think we should be looking at death penalty again. Prison does not rehabilitate and we are going to be paying to; keep this cnut safe in prison, pay for his mental health therapy, feed him and keep him. It’s just a drain. 

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I don't believe it but the only one I could see having a grain of truth is the moon landings one because of the cold war context. Great bit of PR for the west and it shows strength. If that one ever turned out to be true, I'd be more impressed than the fact they actually landed on the moon.


The bit about it being directed by Kubrick is my favourite. I think Diamonds Are Forever referenced it as well. 

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14 minutes ago, fox_up_north said:

I don't believe it but the only one I could see having a grain of truth is the moon landings one because of the cold war context. Great bit of PR for the west and it shows strength. If that one ever turned out to be true, I'd be more impressed than the fact they actually landed on the moon.


The bit about it being directed by Kubrick is my favourite. I think Diamonds Are Forever referenced it as well. 

I always say that’s the one you should least believe is a conspiracy. If that was fake, there is no way in hell that Cold War Russia was letting it pass.

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21 minutes ago, fox_up_north said:

I don't believe it but the only one I could see having a grain of truth is the moon landings one because of the cold war context. Great bit of PR for the west and it shows strength. If that one ever turned out to be true, I'd be more impressed than the fact they actually landed on the moon.

The Soviet Union tracked all the Apollo missions to the moon and even attempted to beat Apollo 11 to the lunar surface through the unmanned Luna 15. Its trajectory was completely to cock and it ended up crashing into a mountain about 350 miles from Tranquility Base where the Eagle has already landed. They acknowledged the success of the latter and they would have been all over such a hoax in a nano-second which would have been impossible to conceal at the time, not to mention, over half a century later. 


25 minutes ago, fox_up_north said:

The bit about it being directed by Kubrick is my favourite. I think Diamonds Are Forever referenced it as well. 

Possibly one of the most ridiculous theories that the deniers cling to. Aside from the fact that even today, convincingly faking continuous uncut footage in a vacuum and 1/6th g would be utterly impossible, the special effects in '2001: A Space Odyssey' didn't remotely resemble the Apollo of the lunar landings. Moreover, Douglas Trumbull was responsible for this, not Kubrick, and the whereabouts, projects and activity of the man are completely accounted for throughout all of the Apollo missions 1969 - 1972. Furthermore, there is no way that man of Kubrick's stubborn and defiant nature- and character would have compromised his artistic integrity for the US government. I'll mention it before anyone else inevitably does, he was such a perfectionist, he would have insisted on filming it on location. Amusingly, much of this horseshit stems from an excerpt from an appalling film made by T Patrick Murray, called 'Shooting Stanley Kubrick' featuring a deathbed confession. The actor cast in the role, (Tom Mayk), doesn't look or sound remotely like him, but that doesn't stop it being consumed and regurgitated by gullible social media addicts. 


'Diamonds are Forever' and 'Capricorn One'...why is it even necessary to explain to these people that these are a work of fiction? 

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