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Happy Fox

Managerial Replacements

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I just hope the 3 year deal comes with a moderate salary and performance related severance package. 

I do have a strange feeling that the club will insist on Paul Gallagher and Andy King being involved in the backroom staff as some sort of sweetener especially when a lot of Coopers previous backroom staff are gainfully employed 

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Let’s just get behind Steve Cooper, there we’re probably not many candidates who’d accept the challenge of a 25 point deficit that could be imposed. Ridiculous that it is. 


I guess his target will be: 

1. See if you can keep us up. 

2. Get us back up if you can’t keep us up

3. See how you do in year 3 with the deficits and penalties all cleared. 


A tough ask but let’s get behind him and the team please. 

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Steve Cooper no choice but to back him, I'm not thrilled by it, our season is going to be horrendous as it is, whoever's we got, can we not just go back to the Championship and get an unknown in again, I have a feeling it will be a better watch. 


All that hard work last season, down the drain with a no other choice option, at least that's how it feels right now.

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So I hate to be that guy…



but what did people expect?



I remember saying several days ago that with a points deduction and financial constraints, no decent manager would touch us with a barge pole..

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11 minutes ago, ARM1968 said:

Managers out of work all over the place and we go for Cooper?  Says it all. No more evidence needed. 

Quite a few managers in Europe who want to manage in the Premier League.....last year Adi Hutter was interviewed by Palace but Roy wanted to stay and now Hutter's doing a great job at Monaco 

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3 minutes ago, Sunbury Fox said:

I was holding out for a last minute change of heart but this looks like it is now too far gone. Deary me. 


im holding  on to  the hope that it might be a final bluff to try and get Potter to make up his mind..

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3 minutes ago, MPH said:


im holding  on to  the hope that it might be a final bluff to try and get Potter to make up his mind..

I don't understand the rush there is still a good 2 weeks to get it sorted as we can't sign anyone till July anyway

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