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Managerial Replacements

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5 minutes ago, MPH said:


im holding  on to  the hope that it might be a final bluff to try and get Potter to make up his mind..

Next Leicester manager

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2 minutes ago, Lad1966 said:

We are wasting this opportunity after our swift return to the PL.

Not too bothered about Potter turning us down, but to appoint Cooper is a joke. It not going to inspire the players, fans and any potential signing. The worst thing about all of this will be, when it’s obvious he needs sacking, our board will bury their heads in the sand and hope it will go away!

I disgusted with this appointment. I hope I am wrong, but is a defining moment to our demise as a football club😡

Spot on.

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With this mildly uninspiring Manager choice, the cost of match day tickets, the PSR nonsense, our avoidable relegation and not a word back ref the review post relegation or any visible of note changes of the back of said review.


Sometimes I fu"$ing dispair at our clubs decision makers, its gut wrenching.


But it's those decision makers still employed at the highest level of the club that have ensured we have created the situation and ended up with Cooper, I wish him well I really do.

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3 minutes ago, Iwebema said:

My biggest issue with this appointment is less about steve cooper as a competent coach, I think hes probably better than most are making out.


But it just doesn't make any sense given his style and our recruitment strategy recently.


We have a goalkeeper in mads that will have his unique asset rendered largely pointless.


We have given vestergaard a 3 year deal to not play to his strengths.


We have signed wingers to not play wingers.


And then there's the fact this is going to be one hell of a slog this season, we need to collectively pull together as a cohesive unite, appointing cooper as has shown is already going to bring the opposite, whilst I know everyone will hope he does well, he is not going to get the support of most for long for all of the reasons everyone has already said. It has to be a red hot start or it's over before it begins.


The whole thing is just careless and not well thought through at all.


I guess that it should not come as a surprise that our director of football, doesn't understand how to set or deliver football direction, its unlikely he even understands what the word strategy means.

We see what happens to clubs who just throw darts like this without thinking things through in more detail and it's never a positive story.








Couldn't agree more, an absolute shotgun to the foot.

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2 minutes ago, Viva said:

The overreactions on here are reminding me of transfer deadline day when people were desperate for an injury prone Italian or when they wanted Enzo sacked! 

Well, I'm glad we aren't lumbered with Sensi and that we also didn't pay millions to sack Enzo instead of getting promoted and making £10m profit! 


While I'm not excited about Cooper, I'm certainly prepared to give him a chance. We were not present in the interviews to hear about how he intends to make things work here. I also couldn't care that he managed Forest. I only care about what he does here. 

Well Said @Viva

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3 minutes ago, Iwebema said:

My biggest issue with this appointment is less about steve cooper as a competent coach, I think hes probably better than most are making out.


But it just doesn't make any sense given his style and our recruitment strategy recently.


We have a goalkeeper in mads that will have his unique asset rendered largely pointless.


We have given vestergaard a 3 year deal to not play to his strengths.


We have signed wingers to not play wingers.


And then there's the fact this is going to be one hell of a slog this season, we need to collectively pull together as a cohesive unite, appointing cooper as has shown is already going to bring the opposite, whilst I know everyone will hope he does well, he is not going to get the support of most for long for all of the reasons everyone has already said. It has to be a red hot start or it's over before it begins.


The whole thing is just careless and not well thought through at all.


I guess that it should not come as a surprise that our director of football, doesn't understand how to set or deliver football direction, its unlikely he even understands what the word strategy means.

We see what happens to clubs who just throw darts like this without thinking things through in more detail and it's never a positive story.








Who would you recommend instead though,and what would the strategy be for recruiting him ,without further breaches of the financial regulations.


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1 minute ago, whoareyaaa said:

Couldn't agree more, an absolute shotgun to the foot.

I think this is a completely Rudkin move. He was involved in the youth set up for many years and is probably aware of Cooper. It just makes no sense considering Top is obsessed with wanting to play like Man City. I don’t even know what Coopers style is……


The more I sit and think about it, the worse I feel. The club have just out yet another massive divide between them and the fans. 

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22 hours ago, HankMarvin said:

Those aren’t the only 2 things that can happen though 

Could get top 10


Champions league


Go the whole season unbeaten.




However then the club decide to accept relegation and start preparing for league 1 with an appointment of one of the shittest managers currently on the market.


The club is a mess 

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1 minute ago, Viva said:

The overreactions on here are reminding me of transfer deadline day when people were desperate for an injury prone Italian or when they wanted Enzo sacked! 

Well, I'm glad we aren't lumbered with Sensi and that we also didn't pay millions to sack Enzo instead of getting promoted and making £10m profit! 


While I'm not excited about Cooper, I'm certainly prepared to give him a chance. We were not present in the interviews to hear about how he intends to make things work here. I also couldn't care that he managed Forest. I only care about what he does here. 

Agreed. Funny thing is a lot here would have been happy with Potter based on not very much. I know Cooper got the push from Forest but he did very well to get them up from a low base and kept them there. 

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Imagine how I feel. When it was down to 3 managers, I put a big bet on Potter and a smaller saver bet on Corberan. All was looking fine until today. 

Cooperman arrives to save the world. 😃

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Just now, Glorious Leicester Fan said:

Intriguingly, Percy states Cooper will be appointed as ‘Head Coach’ and not ‘Manager’. 

Yea he is still manager it's just the new term they are called now.


Top needs to sell the club

When he ****s off he should take the whole ****ing board members with him.



Laughing stock of football LCFC

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28 minutes ago, ronnup said:

This makes for very interesting reading. It's actually swayed me a tiny bit towards of Cooper. They all seem to rate him so he cant be that bad. Although more than one of them called us Bin Dippers which seems a tad harsh. I get my food off local bird tables thank you very much. 

All he's got to do is keep us up during what will be an absolute, kick in the nut sack, ball ache of a season. 

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