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Steve Cooper - New Manager

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1 hour ago, teblin said:

I’m not sure it’ll be that bad. I think we will spend some money. 

Yes, we probably will start spending again, as we seem oblivious to the consequences of breaking PSR rules or whatever they replace them with. The simple fact is that we will get year after year of points deductions and transfer embargoes unless we bring our outgoings down to a sensible level. 

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7 hours ago, Scotch said:

The more I think about it, the more I think he's a good fit and has qualities we need right now. 


One of his main strengths is his ability to unify the players and fans. We need that. We are so fractured as a club just now. Fans, players, board, all of seem to be pulling in different directions, we need someone to bring us together and get a siege mentality going with what the club are facing right now.  I believe he can do that. 


His track record with youth. We are in a financial mess right now. We need someone who can get the best out of every resource we have and youth can play a part in that if we can get someone who can bring them through, develop them and integrate them in the team. He has proven he can do that. 


Someone who can adapt to get the best out our current team. Like my previous point, we won't have all that much to spend so we need someone who isn't married to a specific way of playing that alienates half our squad. He has shown that he will adapt to what he has available. The low block is the perfect example. Not only will it suit almost all our current CBs but all our current strikers who all work better running in behind. 


He has shown that he's not afraid to adapt his tactics and system depending on who we are playing, how we are playing, who is fit etc. We didn't have that under Enzo and it showed at times. 


He has proven he can deliver what's expected of him whilst Woking with utter clowns in the boardroom. He will need that experience. 


Yes. There are negatives and his win rate in the PL is one of them, particuarly away from home but people forget, he is a young manager. Enzo benefitted from the "up and coming" "still learning" tag, he should too as they are the same age. Plus from what we've heard, he is a student of the game and has went away and analysed what went wrong, I have every faith he has learned from that. Plus, even with that win ratio... he achieved what he set out to achieve with forest. 


I wasn't excited by his appointment but I'm now 100% convinced he'll succeed here and people need to drop their desire to be proven right and get behind him. 


Very good post. I was initially overwhelmingly negative about the appointment but I'm starting to get used to the idea - and what you've said above has helped that process. I'm particularly struck by the bit in bold. Reminds me of what Eddie Howe did when he was sacked at Bournemouth and he's come back much stronger. I can't imagine Newcastle fans being bowled over when Howe was appointed, but now they love him. 

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8 hours ago, Bordersfox said:

I think the interview has to be given its due context.  


It's a club interview so, of course, he is interviewed by a simpering idiot asking pre-ordained questions filtered through from the hierarchy.  His mention of Ruskin in particular felt forced.  That might be my own bias.  The club is the club, we all know the issues there.   


However, he has always come across as a genuine bloke and this interview is no different despite the obvious shackles. 


Major positives for me was specific mention of his experience bringing good young players through and his desire to get under the skin of the club.  To build on the past season but to do so pragmatically.  And the need for a sound coaching staff and some player additions.  Finally, that he spent his time away from the game reflecting and learning.  


I was not happy when Cooper was linked initially but I am now feeling cautiously optimistic.  


And each and every insult about his looks, choice of suit or weight makes me even more determined to back him.  

As a personality,  he seems like the kind of bloke who you want to get behind. He's certainly not a self-serving narcissist like Rodgers or someone clearly using us as a stepping zone like Maresca. 

Edited by Sunbury Fox
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i don't think I'll be remotely happy with this appointment until we've at least seen a few games, not his fault but on paper he shouldn't have been in consideration for the job and him getting it suggests there's absolutely zero long range plan for the club under top and Rudkin, but he at least comes across as a genuine and nice bloke.

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32 minutes ago, Sunbury Fox said:

Yes, we probably will start spending again, as we seem oblivious to the consequences of breaking PSR rules or whatever they replace them with. The simple fact is that we will get year after year of points deductions and transfer embargoes unless we bring our outgoings down to a sensible level. 

That's the brutal truth. We need to meet the FFP rules, and that means any new manager has to largely work with what he has got after the summer departures. There will be some bargain acquisitions, and perhaps a few larger signings.


I am sure that Potter wasn't willing to do that, while Cooper was. It's a bit of a hospital pass, but any manager who can pull off staying in the PL will have a freer hand second season.

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Not hugely inspired by the appointment of cooper, but I am hopeful. He does speak well and as others have said this may work out well. I watched the interview and like others was impressed with how he spoke and his general plans and his values etc but I just got that awkward feeling, and I think it went both ways.

the forest connection is so strong within himself and he knows it and we know it, and unfortunately I just feel like it will always be that way. 

I do wish him success though for our sake.

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9 hours ago, Bordersfox said:

I think the interview has to be given its due context.  


It's a club interview so, of course, he is interviewed by a simpering idiot asking pre-ordained questions filtered through from the hierarchy.  His mention of Ruskin in particular felt forced.  That might be my own bias.  The club is the club, we all know the issues there.   


However, he has always come across as a genuine bloke and this interview is no different despite the obvious shackles. 


Major positives for me was specific mention of his experience bringing good young players through and his desire to get under the skin of the club.  To build on the past season but to do so pragmatically.  And the need for a sound coaching staff and some player additions.  Finally, that he spent his time away from the game reflecting and learning.  


I was not happy when Cooper was linked initially but I am now feeling cautiously optimistic.  


And each and every insult about his looks, choice of suit or weight makes me even more determined to back him.  

Great post. 

I really do find the comments about his appearance to be really weird, bitter & distasteful.

Edited by STEVIE B
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1 minute ago, westernpark said:

Weirdly the interview has been taken down now, was hoping to watch it this morning.

It’s in the app. I think it was an app exclusive or something. 

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Taking aside the club led interview, I thought he came across refreshed, focused, hungry and most importantly genuinely excited by the challenge and opportunity. Interesting that he has already been in contact with a number of the squad and it does seem that he has been in direct contact with the club for a number of weeks which would suggest this has been bubbling for a while, so clearly the club hasn’t been sat on its hands. 

I have a feeling Stevie Cooper believes he has a massive point to prove after his experience down the road, I don’t take his relationship with Forest or its fanbase as a bad thing, it shows he immerses himself into the club, its culture and community.  He seems a really down to earth, decent human being and I have a feeling he will end up becoming a very popular manager with our fanbase. 

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3 minutes ago, Chelmofox said:

It’s in the app. I think it was an app exclusive or something. 

It was on the website annoyingly last night, they’ve just paraphrased it into an article so I imagine the media team are just being their efficient selves!

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The Forest fans I've spoken to absolutely love him. Didn't want to see him managing Leicester, especially. Which probably says a lot.


I'll be honest, I felt there were better options we could have gone for, but as others have said, maybe he is the man for the situation we find ourselves in. Now he's here, I believe in Steve!

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I don't get when posters worry about his Forest connections. Lots of players have played for both clubs (and probably managers too). For me, it's just a job. Nobody slated Albrighton for saying he still loves Villa, but that didn't stop him wanting to do his best for us. I think Cooper will be the same. Yes he has some emotional attachment to Forest, but ultimately, he'll want to succeed here to enhance his own reputation. He can't afford to let past loyalties get in the way of future aspirations.

Edited by MGLCFC
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With regard to the "lack of vision" of the appointment, whilst this appears to be true I think that at this particular time, given the situation we are in, it is a moment where we need to address the immediate precarious situation and steady the ship.  Once that is achieved we can attempt to look at a longer term view.


With regard to the worrying views on here about our spending and points deductions, "potentially for the next few seasons", I think that is an overly negative prediction.  The Prem is getting so much flak from all sides about the complexity and inappropriateness of the rules, and an increasing number of threats of legal challenges, that I can see possibly the collapse of it all or, at the very least, a face-saving softening in the penalties handed out.

Edited by deep blue
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It’s a transition appointment, but if we stay up which I expect we will maybe by a point or two!


I can see Top selling the club next year and then the new ownership getting someone more higher profile.


But either way Cooper’s stock will rise and he will get another gig.

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6 minutes ago, deep blue said:

With regard to the "lack of vision" of the appointment, whilst this appears to be true I think that at this particular time, given the situation we are in, it is a moment where we need to address the immediate precarious situation and steady the ship.  Once that is achieved we can attempt to look at a longer term view.


With regard to the worrying views on here about our spending and points deductions, "potentially for the next few seasons", I think that is an overly negative prediction.  The Prem is getting so much flak from all sides about the complexity and inappropriateness of the rules, and an increasing number of threats of legal challenges, that I can see possibly the collapse of it all or, at the very least, a face-saving softening in the penalties handed out.

The Premier League don’t decide the punishment, so there will no softening because of a few legal threats.

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For those of you like me struggling to find the interview you need to download the LCFC app and it's on there you don't need to login or sign up to anything.


God knows why the media department decided to hide a bloody good interview that could start to change peoples minds on a app but whatever.




Edited by The whole world smiles
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Seems a genuine, down to earth bloke who I think our fans will be able to relate to. That's refreshing.


I can see the players bonding with him in his communication as opposed to tactical prowess like Enzo may have empowered them. That's not to say Cooper isn't excellent at that, I don't really know yet but on a human level I can see a lit of them liking his demeanour.

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Rodgers-winner (as much as i hate him we did have success)

Maresca-winner (to get us promoted)

Cooper-builder (to steady us and hopefully keep us up whilst rebuilding the squad)


Then once Cooper has rebuilt we appoint the next Ranieri again and win the league. Its all part of the plan.

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Morning everyone, I hope you're doing well. Here's a short video detailing everything you need to know about Steve Cooper and why he's the perfect appointment for Leicester in under 3 minutes for those of you interested. As someone who's tuned into pretty much every Forest game he's managed, I believe there's a lot of misconceptions surrounding him, and I'm fairly certain he'll win over your entire fanbase come the end of the season. Let me know what you think! 






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It’s good to see the tide turn to be more positive over the past 24 hours or so.


I understand why people were underwhelmed even if I didn’t agree with that viewpoint but it does seem people are starting to hear more about Cooper and realise that he can bring a lot of strengths to the role.


To be fair, I don’t think it’s fair to expect him to keep us up. Top and co have done such a good job of f***ing everything up that if we go down it is on them and not Cooper and his squad. 

But if he does pull it off, it is 100% down to him and his squad and zero credit should be assigned to Top and co. 

Basically if it goes wrong it is on Top but if things go well it is nothing to do with him and I don't mind saying it.

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1 minute ago, LCFCJohn said:

It’s good to see the tide turn to be more positive over the past 24 hours or so.


I understand why people were underwhelmed even if I didn’t agree with that viewpoint but it does seem people are starting to hear more about Cooper and realise that he can bring a lot of strengths to the role.


To be fair, I don’t think it’s fair to expect him to keep us up. Top and co have done such a good job of f***ing everything up that if we go down it is on them and not Cooper and his squad. 

But if he does pull it off, it is 100% down to him and his squad and zero credit should be assigned to Top and co. 

Basically if it goes wrong it is on Top but if things go well it is nothing to do with him and I don't mind saying it.

I think that's absolutely fine too. It's a bit remiss of people to have to be happy with the initial decision to appoint him, especially as the fan base are becoming more disillusioned with our board but once the decision is made then getting behind him is the right thing to do.

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