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Let's have a films thread.

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Iron Man 2 does look quality.

Went to see Kick Ass last night and thought it was awesome, the girl in it is properly gorgeous too. Class film

Dylan from Desperate Housewives. Hell Yes.

I didn't realise she was the girl who just sits there on the sofa at the start of every episode of How I met your mother lol. Massive Role!

Watched cemetery junction, surprised at the romance angle considering it was gervais, impressed at how well made it was though, he is clearly coming into his own with the whole writing and directing angle.

Looking forward to his show starting on C4 on friday. There was a review from an american journo that quoted "How Two and a Half men can drag in 12 million viewers an episode whilst the brilliantly funny, The Ricky Gervais Show struggles on just under 200,000 is beyond belief".

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Recently watched a documentary film called The Cove. Shocking stuff and put me off eating Tuna steak (I have had some since though). Never knew anything about it and it's shocking what is in fish meat. Also shocking what they do to those poor lovely Dolphins.

Dolphins - I'm with you brothers. Got ya back.

EDIT and sisters

I fucking hate the Western idea that just because we see an animal as beautiful or sacred or taboo to eat or kill the rest of the world has to fall in line.


Edited by Finnegan
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I fucking hate the Western idea that just because we see an animal as beautiful or sacred or taboo to eat or kill the rest of the world has to fall in line.

People can eat what the piss they want, I don't give a shit.

It's not like much of that part of the world know about the stuff that goes on there though is it. If someone wants to eat a Dolphin I'm not gonna try and stop them, but the way the killing's done is bang out of order and you're wrong if you say it isn't.

Nowt wrong with going and catching some fish for dinner, but trapping a couple of hundred Dolphins and then randomly stabbing them 20 times anywhere and not doing it quickly is wrong. Don't care if you think it's normal cos I know it aint. (and so do most of the folk who live over there)

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I'm sorry but it's a piece of ridiculous Western, environmentalist propaganda designed to make the Japanese and their whaling industry look like brutal savages whilst at the same time we persistently battery farm all manner of "ethically appropriate" livestock from up on our pedestal.

It's nothing but abject fucking hypocrisy. Dolphins are cute and cows aren't, the end.

You might personally find their methods a little barbaric or a little primitive but the end result is a bunch of dead dolphins for meat. You're also full of rubbish that the "folk who live over there" are as outraged by this as white, Christian middle-America is because they fucking aren't. The film was met with high controversy in Japan and has been bashed by Japanese from all over the political spectrum.

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1. I'm sorry but it's a piece of ridiculous Western, environmentalist propaganda designed to make the Japanese and their whaling industry look like brutal savages whilst at the same time we persistently battery farm all manner of "ethically appropriate" livestock from up on our pedestal.

2. It's nothing but abject fucking hypocrisy. Dolphins are cute and cows aren't, the end.

3. You might personally find their methods a little barbaric or a little primitive but the end result is a bunch of dead dolphins for meat. You're also full of rubbish that the "folk who live over there" are as outraged by this as white, Christian middle-America is because they fucking aren't. The film was met with high controversy in Japan and has been bashed by Japanese from all over the political spectrum.

1. I agree with most of that but I never saw it as Propaganda against the Japanese. The main points I took in from the film was finding out about the levels of Mercury and stuff in fish meat. I always eat loads of Tuna Steaks and similar but hearing about the poisons has put me off a bit. I also didn't like the way they got the Dolphins, I thought that there must be a better way :dunno:

And I never eat none of that battery crap! Or the stuff where the animals travel for a week in pens above eachother and are pissing and shitting on eachother for a week in hellish conditions.

2. Cows are cute! I often go up the fields and stroke a cow or two :D

3. I don't know anything about all that, I only know about the reactions of the Japanese folk they interviewed in that city (only about 10 I know! ). I'm not very fond of many governments in that part of the world (or any part) so I don't take any notice of anything they've got to say and I wouldn't care if they supported this industry or not. I personally don't like it at all. (but I'm exactly the same with most, maybe all, mass produced meat companies/industries. Cow's and Sheep that have been looked after properly and fed real food taste much nicer. And been happy for a bit)

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Finnegan I'm not saying that the way in which we obtain meat is the most ethical but at least we don't farm/slaughter to the point of extinction with no regard for the future of the species.

The Japanese openly state they will fish certain breeds of tuna and once they run out will move onto the next. I'm sorry but that's just plain greed and completely short sighted for future generations.

How you can try and gloss the Japanese fishing policies is beyond me. Nothing short of barbaric. And no I don't watch Whale wars or whatever it's called, I've seen well informed documentaries on Nat Geo/Discovery on the subject, or is that more Western lies?

The fact is you can't compare the way in which we obtain meat with how they go about their business. There both separate entities with barbaric traits and you can't justify a savage fishing policy with the excuse "we slaughter cattle", it doesn't suddenly make it okay. :thumbup:

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I just watched Come and See. Never heard of it before today. I thought it was pretty damn good

I have it in the house but have got a chance to watch it yet. :angry:

Alice in Wonderland is shit.

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I have it in the house but have got a chance to watch it yet. :angry:

Alice in Wonderland is shit.

lol I'm proud to say I've never even seen the old Alice in Wonderland and am definitely not going to watch this one. Those kind of films freak me out a little and I think there is something wrong with them! I think they were written by mentalists and psychopaths :D

I reckon you'll like that Come and See. I'm not sure if I understood the end bit properly, I'm gonna have to watch the end again.

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Dylan from Desperate Housewives. Hell Yes.

I didn't realise she was the girl who just sits there on the sofa at the start of every episode of How I met your mother lol. Massive Role!

Watched cemetery junction, surprised at the romance angle considering it was gervais, impressed at how well made it was though, he is clearly coming into his own with the whole writing and directing angle.

Looking forward to his show starting on C4 on friday. There was a review from an american journo that quoted "How Two and a Half men can drag in 12 million viewers an episode whilst the brilliantly funny, The Ricky Gervais Show struggles on just under 200,000 is beyond belief".

Two and a Half Men really is a massive bag of ass

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For a comedian he's not very funny is he? More like a bad lecture with a few F-words thrown in.

Hes just a annoying twat.

I pity you both.

And yeah, he's not all full of dick jokes and one-liners, he isn't as roll-in-the-aisles hysterical as some comedians but I think he's wonderful to listen to, personally.


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I agree with what you say there and I love watching Carlin but that Religion one I think is crap. Is that the one with this speech in it? :

“Religion easily has the greatest ******** story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, talk about a good ******** story. Holy ****!”

No religious person I know thinks this way (there might be some who think there is a man with a beard in the sky, but not most) so it's not a valid arguement against religion I don't think. That speech is a good description of what non-religious folk believe religion to be though. I can see his point though because I used to think of religion that way.

And if some Christians give money to those mad American money grabbers on TV (if that's what the 'He needs your money' bit means) then that's their own stupid fault because no religious book says give your money to the church or preachers. They only say give your money to the poor or needy (directly).

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