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Maybe I'm stupid and missed the plot but what was the point of Charlize Theron's character? She was just an annoyance all the way through without really adding anything to the film.


Think she was a misdirection, the script was not the best but from what i've read Ridley told her to act aloof, stand in corners and get poeple thinking she might be the villain of the movie and at first i thought she might be another robot until the captain basically asked her that straight out :)

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Absolutely. An absolutely appalling film - and speaking of such, as I came back into the house from walking the mutts I catch the rest of the family gathered around watching The Flintstones. If there is a worse cartoon conversion/kids film I've not seen it. How did anyone get work afterwards?

Is that the John Goodman one or the Mark "Tesco Adverts" Addy one that somehow manages to blow the original one out of the water for shitness.

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A good idea done badly. Extremely weak dialogue, just about comptetent acting and a few clever jokes. Seriously, some of the dialogue could have been written by a 13 year old. You know, the kind of thing where they either state the obvious, or keep saying clichéd lines, or perhaps might even use the same line within a few sentances of each other. The imagary was fantastic on the other hand. Such a shame, though there are 3 or 4 laugh out loud moments.

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Having read through various Prometheus boards and hordes of theories I'm none the wiser and just as narked off as before.

I'm off to sleep.

I'll leave with just one question...

How is it that the Engineer survived multiple 360 degree rolls, without becoming disorientated, and then run through open air, which the humans couldn't do (but yes he has the same DNA), and conveniently find the sole remaining survivor on board that whatever it was?

The ending to Mass Effect was absurd, but this beats that hands down. Where do they get these numpties from that think up such trash?

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Having seen Prometheus I quite enjoyed it. It has pretty much nothing to do with Alien other than being in the same "universe" for want of a better word. The thing that held it back more than anything was the very ropey science that was fine for your average hick, but anyone who has a decent understanding of science could knock all kinds of holes in it!

For instance...

The DNA being a 100% match. Bollocks! The aliens were too different to humans and as such they would need different DNA to look different.

The "Star maps" from 35,000 years ago - I didn't understand at all. Apparently it wasn't a constellation (which would have moved over the course of 35k years in any case, so as to be unrecognisable), but a planetary system AND what is more, this system has it's own star.... wait, wait, wait... are they trying to say that planets exist without stars? Surely they should have said that it was a star and what is more, it had planets? Also, why did the "engineers" leave a "map" to their biological superweapon in the place they were targetting? :blink:

The carbon dating on an unknown alien planet. Even on Earth there are factors that can affect readings and so they have to be calibrated. With no information on the planet LV 223 (the intensity of radiation over many years, the presence of water at any time, it's (seemingly violent!) weather systems.) getting an accurate carbon dating would have been impossible until much more research of the planet had been done.

Having said that, I have no problem with the flute to get the ship taking off. I would guess the idea is that what is being said through the film is that the "engineers" were the gods of ancient mythology and said gods often had musical instruments with arcane powers. As Arthur C Clarke said in his 3rd Law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

And as for people not doing stupid things like trying to pet new life-forms or running away in straight lines from rolling objects (instead of merely stepping aside.) - if people did everything sensibly in films a hell of a lot of them would be over in 10 mins. (Heck, they'd have sent David out on his own and not let him back in until they were certain it was safe!)

I also thought Guy Peirce's old man make-up wasn't too hot either. As has been said, why didn't they just use someone older - and I guess a lot of people wouldn't have seen the viral of the younger Peter Wayland in any case.

Lastly, can anyone tell me what the start was about? Where the "engineer" mutates himself and falls into the waterfall? I also don't think we needed the bit at the end where we saw the alien coming out of the "engineer". It looked a bit naff and as if it was trying to say "look, this IS alien-related!" Yes, we know!

I enjoyed it though, just, as always with these kinds of films, takes some suspension of disbelief - which is ironic, since it's kind of a tale about the strength of belief. It is better than Alien 3 though, streets ahead of Alien Resurrection (never has there been a more inept misnomer!) and completely pours scourn on the AvP films (and doesn't fit in with their timeline at all, since the aliens in those films were around long before the ones on LV223.)

One interesting thing I thought was, having now seen Noomi Rapace give two decent English language performances, it would have been interesting to have cast here as Lisbeth Salander in the Hollywood versions of the Millenium trilogy films.

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Just got back from seeing MIB 3. Nothing special unfortunately, I thought the ending was rather good though. Just a shame nothing much else seemed to happen throughout the film.

Watched it the other day, completely agree with you :thumbup: .

Easy watch, moderately entertaining!

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Saw Prometheus yesterday. Thought it was really good. Didn't go with too high an expectation level due to a number of people on here slagging it off.

Thought the effects and general feel of the film was great. Fassbender in particular plays his role superbly and most of the cast are at least good in their roles. Ok it doesn't have the tense thriller/shock/horror of the first Alien film by Ridley Scott and it doesn't match the action style of the second film, but I think it stands alone as a good sci-fi movie.

It is all a matter of personal taste as many have stated on here before. How many times do you read a review, go see the movie and then feel pretty much as if you have watched a different film? I for years have very rarely agreed with the Leicester Mercury and their reviews. I think you are very lucky if you find a critic that has similar tastes to yourself.

Personally Philip French who writes in the Observer, rarely gets it wrong for me (I again stress, it is a matter of taste, you may think his reviews are pants), He thought Prometheus was good, so another good recommendation for me.

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As a fan of science fiction movies, and having had most of the day to think about the experience that was Prometheus yesterday, I still think it is an example of a poorly executed sci-fi movie.

I could give a list as long as your arm of examples of sci-fi movies that are streets ahead of this tbh.

It took itself quite seriously in the early going, I fully expected the tension to build and discover answers to the many questions it posed along the way and yet by the end you could have been watching the ending to some sci-fi B movie crap it became so ludicrous. And this from someone who created back in 1979 one of the greatest pieces of work ever created in the world of sci-fi.

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Watched Source Code yesterday and it was quite enjoyable, though it needs a huge dollop of disbelief to be enjoyed.

There is just one thing I'd like to say about the ending though...

You killed Sean Fentriss! Give him his life back, you dastard!

Am I the only person who thought this at the end?

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