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Madeleine McCann

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The responses above to my posting of Charlotte's image clearly demonstrate why there is a plinth reserved for me in the pantheon of genius and why others (mentioning no names, Kent Fox) are consigned to crawl on their bellies in the gutters of ignorance.

So, exactly how did our most recent contributors come to the conclusion that our Charlotte was 'fcuking nuts?' Look again at the blog which provided them with their information. It is a most interesting piece of work. Take a step back and see how it has influenced their opinion about our 'attention seeking' part time actress.

And if a whole load of questions don't come rushing out at you all at once, well, all I can say is that you really don't have an eye for detail.

Then there's the small matter of the Evening Standard link. Mentioning no names again, Kent Fox, but someone who skived out of English comprehension is labouring under the massive misapprehension that it was Ms Pennington who happened across the English tourist hiding in the stairwell leading to the McCann's appartment. No it wasn't - it was an unnamed MALE colleague. So it's an F, detention and 500 lines for you chum.

But our Charlotte did catch a glimpse of half an Englishman outside the McCanns appartment on the night Madeleine disappeared...

That, Chandler, is quite frankly, the biggest load of bollocks you have posted to date. :laugh:

Congratulations on being a fcuknut. :thumbsup:

Why am I crawling in the gutter of ignorance? Because I disagree with some bloke on a football forum who appears to think, without a shred of proof, that he knows all the answers, or at the very least, better than anyone else?? Tosser!

Ah. The ES. Now we are talking class journalism here, aren't we? I really cannot be arsed to go back and find that link of truthfulness, but if I find that the "shaggable" Charlotte is full of shite, then I suspect that the un-named male colleague is also a part of the elaborate ploy in getting herself in the papers.

And I have to take your word for it that "Charlotte did catch a glimpse, blah, blah". You appear to be believing all of this, Chandler, which frankly puts you in the minority of people who actually believe this woman.

Which, undoubtably, proves that you are a cock, with a lot to say, nothing of which has any substance. It is the ramblings of a fruit-cake.

In your world, as small as it is, you have done more on this forum to solve the case than either the Portuguese or British Police Forces. Now unless you can tell me exactly what you do, and where this holier-than-thou attitude comes from, then please, give me one good reason why I should even bother to read the rubbish you post.

And please, do not criticise my grasp or usage of the English language - you know nothing about me. But if you want to start with the antagonising and arrogant comments, you really have picked the wrong person to do so with. I hold nothing against you - I don't know you nor have I had reason to cross swords with you.

But if you want another enemy on here, carry on..

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Again I ask as it would be by a lawer in a courtroom, how do you know that the person seen under the stairs was an Englishman if a it was dark and the person/s only caught a glimpse of the figure.

Remember you are not allowed to call a barrister or a judge a part of the great unwashed.

What the hell are you going on about?

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I was referring to Chandlers post where he said he read reports of a person allegedly seeing a glimpse of a person under some darkened stairs and came to the conclusipon that the person was an English tourist. Also I said that if he was telling his tale in court it would be doubtful that he could refer to the barrister/lawerr asking the questions as 'a part of the great unwashed' as he has reffered to many of the members of this forum solely because he/she disagreed with him.

This Charlotte women was questioned (no doubt) by the Portugese police and any statement she has made has been scrutinised by experienced lawers and investigaters from Britain. If she was a reliable witness would this not have been pointed out and acted upon? Surely all those involved in the case cannot be so incompotent that Chandler is the only person than can solve it.

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Beware the red mist Kent Fox, it makes you blind.

You'd do well to observe the old addage about counting to ten before posting. That way, you might just grasp my cryptic reference to 'half an Englishman.' That way, you might just cotton on to the fact that Ms Pennington's 'half English' experience was FAR from unique.

That way, you'd realise that my 'enemies', invariably, are complete ****ing dildoes (cue Kent Fox typing more gobbledegook in crimson haze).

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Beware the red mist Kent Fox, it makes you blind.

You'd do well to observe the old addage about counting to ten before posting. That way, you might just grasp my cryptic reference to 'half an Englishman.' That way, you might just cotton on to the fact that Ms Pennington's 'half English' experience was FAR from unique.

That way, you'd realise that my 'enemies', invariably, are complete ****ing dildoes (cue Kent Fox typing more gobbledegook in crimson haze).


It was a few hours before I got around to your drivel.

And you still fail to answer my questions on your role in life. Is it because you have no role in life?

Seriously - I would like to know why you think you have this mystery solved?

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I was referring to Chandlers post where he said he read reports of a person allegedly seeing a glimpse of a person under some darkened stairs and came to the conclusipon that the person was an English tourist. Also I said that if he was telling his tale in court it would be doubtful that he could refer to the barrister/lawerr asking the questions as 'a part of the great unwashed' as he has reffered to many of the members of this forum solely because he/she disagreed with him.

This Charlotte women was questioned (no doubt) by the Portugese police and any statement she has made has been scrutinised by experienced lawers and investigaters from Britain. If she was a reliable witness would this not have been pointed out and acted upon? Surely all those involved in the case cannot be so incompotent that Chandler is the only person than can solve it.

I really can't answer this in any way that doesn't make it look like I'm sticking up for Chandler, but really, one text book on the English Legal System, and one that is 7 years out of date, does not a lawyer make.

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It appears, reading between the lines, it is because he is a genius and the rest of us that post on Foxestalk are idiots.

I see now. But I'd like Chandler to answer. Just so that we know why we are being so thick so as not to see his point..

I really can't answer this in any way that doesn't make it look like I'm sticking up for Chandler, but really, one text book on the English Legal System, and one that is 7 years out of date, does not a lawyer make.

'Fraid you'll have to elaborate for me, Lisa. I am a bit thick. :unsure:

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Lisa I was not posting as a lawer. If I am wrong about what I said please say so. I'll admit I am wrong if it comes from somebody that knows the the law. But I do not think you need a law degree to ask questions.

1) was the sighting under the stairs a positive ID

2) would the person be recognised again or pointed out in an ID parade?

3) what features about the person determined that they were English?

These are just three things that struck me as strange when reading the post. I would have thought the police or anyone that may have questioned this Charlotte woman would have asked similar if not the same questions.

Is it not true that the more details the police have the more chance they have catching those responsible?

But I am not an expert so I could be wrong. :D

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You are the master of obscurantism Kent Fox. I like that because it means the taunts that I lob in your general direction are finding their target.

As you are not prepared to be forthcoming about your own vital role in society then I don't see why I should be about mine. But any perspicacious chappie or chappess should be able to tell.

And if you really want to know the certainties, probabilities and possibilities of the MM affair all I can say is hang on my every word.

If you REALLY want to know

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You are the master of obscurantism Kent Fox. I like that because it means the taunts that I lob in your general direction are finding their target.

As you are not prepared to be forthcoming about your own vital role in society then I don't see why I should be about mine. But any perspicacious chappie or chappess should be able to tell.

And if you really want to know the certainties, probabilities and possibilities of the MM affair all I can say is hang on my every word.

If you REALLY want to know

MM! Madeleine McCann!

You know for a minute there I was thinking you were saying some 3 year old girl you mentioned a page or two back looked like Milan Mandaric.

But that makes more sense.

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OK listen up everyone. It's quite clear that it isn't only my self declared enemy Kent Fox who's lost in the woods on the trail of 'half an Englishman'. Looks like all of you who are so well genned up on the MM affair that you can dismiss my postings as yesterday's news are wandering in the thickets too.

So, have you already forgotten 'yesterday's news', failed to take it in or missed it altogether? Because what appears to be the unfathomable mystery of the 'half an Englishman' should be no mystery at all to anyone with half an eye on the case.

'Half an Englishman', 'half an eye' and 'half wits' too it would appear...

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You are the master of obscurantism Kent Fox. I like that because it means the taunts that I lob in your general direction are finding their target.

As you are not prepared to be forthcoming about your own vital role in society then I don't see why I should be about mine. But any perspicacious chappie or chappess should be able to tell.

And if you really want to know the certainties, probabilities and possibilities of the MM affair all I can say is hang on my every word.

If you REALLY want to know

Stupid irrational bullshit, all of your posts.

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Coale39 is just the latest example of how a bitter and twisted arsehole can become even more bitter and twisted when confronted with an elementary puzzle.

And how said arsehole thinks he can cover up his intellectual shortcomings by running away from said puzzle and creating a diversion by bandying around a misnomer like 'irrational.'

Our 'half an Englishman' has publicly exposed a crisis in reasoning that even the mighty Hercule Chandler hardly believed existed.

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Lisa I was not posting as a lawer....

You may have questions, but you're getting sucked into his hypothesis and rhetoric. I think the fact he's ignoring it says something.

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You are the master of obscurantism Kent Fox. I like that because it means the taunts that I lob in your general direction are finding their target.

As you are not prepared to be forthcoming about your own vital role in society then I don't see why I should be about mine. But any perspicacious chappie or chappess should be able to tell.

And if you really want to know the certainties, probabilities and possibilities of the MM affair all I can say is hang on my every word.

If you REALLY want to know

Not really. You could just be a nutter who believes he is something he is not.

I am quite knowledgeable on James Bond, but that doesn't make me a spy. You just come across as someone who spends most of his time looking up words in a Thesaurus in order to appear more intellectual and/or knowldgeable about this case than anyone else.

Unless you can offer up something to make me believe you really do know something about this case, why on God's earth should anyone bother to listen to your ramblings?

I don't recall you asking about my role in society, but if you need to know, my purpose in life is that of managing people - a job I do well when employed. Currently, I sponge off the state until I find my next challenge. Your turn! Feel free to PM me if you prefer for it not to be so public.

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Kent Fox,

I understand the points you make though I don't consider them valid - far, far too much trust is placed these days in authority figures, self styled experts, insiders and journalists.

There is enough material now in the public domain about the MM case to establish one certainty and one probability. From researching related matters I can also add a possibility.

There's no magic to it - it's simple timelining.



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I'm interested. Bring it on. Preferably in not-too-piecemeal non-pantomime villain fashion.

One of the few on this thread with an open mind. Sorry Nationwider, but piecemeal pantomimes are what I'm all about (as you well know)!

But I'll try and crack on with it and hopefully put the thing to bed by Xmas (got to make allowances for the inevitable intellectual thrashings that my personal honour code demands that I mete out).



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