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Madeleine McCann

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Sorry Zingari,

But I seem to remember that you were first to react to my most recent epic with this:

As for you Standupandsing... you stated that you didn't fall for the spoof because

'that's something I expect you would have taken serious.'

The problem with your theory of course is that it is WRONG because I invented this fiction first WORD to last and you FAILED to realise this.

Your bull headed 'mouth-off think later' knee jerk response blinded you to the whole point of the story.

And still does...

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :S

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Tongue tied are we 'He's Not Bald' or do you a similar problem to Raj in the wit and repartee department?

Zzzzzzzzzzzing is what pissed up, beat up, bar room brawlers do when they can't find the exit.

No, I don't expect you to unravel this little analogy, just like I didn't expect you to fathom out my Scouse murder mystery.

Still you can console yourself with the fact that you're not the only one. But that's just your problem.

You never want to be the only one...

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I'll give him this - every post poses more questions that it answers.

Chandler does hit on a number of uncomfortable truths for the Portuguese authorities/society too.

There is something of a case of there are none so blind as those who do not want to see about the ENTIRE way that the investigation has been dealt with in both the countries... and additionally, something still does not add up about the McCann's account for me.

Chandler has been harsh in this thread - overly so in my opinion.... but he does make some cute observations and poses some of the right questions...

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I'll give him this - every post poses more questions that it answers.

Chandler does hit on a number of uncomfortable truths for the Portuguese authorities/society too.

There is something of a case of there are none so blind as those who do not want to see about the ENTIRE way that the investigation has been dealt with in both the countries... and additionally, something still does not add up about the McCann's account for me.

Chandler has been harsh in this thread - overly so in my opinion.... but he does make some cute observations and poses some of the right questions...

We don't as yet know the McCanns side of the story. And by that I mean their whole, unexpurgated, unmediated version of events.

But there is enough now in the public domain to show that they are innocent. And those who really want to know will be shown how so quite soon (after I've beaten up a few more ****wits).

And also when at least ONE member of this board shows they are worthy to receive such enlightenment by giving the PRECISE moral of my Scouse fable. A person of average intelligence reading the WHOLE thing through very carefully should get it in one.

Fancy a go People's Droyd, Kent Fox, Yaxx, Jon The Hat etc etc...?

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We don't as yet know the McCanns side of the story. And by that I mean their whole, unexpurgated, unmediated version of events.

But there is enough now in the public domain to show that they are innocent. And those who really want to know will be shown how so quite soon (after I've beaten up a few more ****wits).

And also when at least ONE member of this board shows they are worthy to receive such enlightenment by giving the PRECISE moral of my Scouse fable. A person of average intelligence reading the WHOLE thing through very carefully should get it in one.

Fancy a go People's Droyd, Kent Fox, Yaxx, Jon The Hat etc etc...?

I skim read through it as I'm actually quite busy today at work and haven't been on in a while... but I believe you might be thrusting in the general direction of the gap between the general public's perceived knowledge and their actual knowledge and furthermore their willingness to fill the difference between their actual state of understanding and their desired level of understanding with any rubbish the tabloid/faux-broad(er)sheets fancy spewing in to the public domain.

Whether this is right or wrong - I'd like to toss another question (but never an answer) in to the mix....

Is the media's (at large) inability to unscramble this or form anything approaching a coherent argument/article/editorial piece down to their unwillingness to do so... or is it born out of a genuine lack of knowledge? Are they in possession of any facts not in the public domain? Are reporters/researchers/writers doing any research/probing... are they asking the right questions?

This all has to be viewed against the backdrop of a wider Portuguese problem (hush now though - don't want it becoming internationally recognised!) of child abductions. Especially foreign, fair haired children, if my understanding is correct. Maddy would *seem* to be a prime candidate for this.... Can certainly see why the police might not want that out in the open as they struggle to police their country.

More questions than answers there.

Will have a proper read of your post tonight when I'm home Chandler, if my neighbour turns his wireless router on!

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I and I suspect a lot of people on here know exactly what you believe happened to Maddy McCann.

You think that she was abducted to be used in a government sanctioned paedophile ring and that the Portuguese police are smearing the McCanns to cover this up. Why you're dragging this out I don't know.

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I and I suspect a lot of people on here know exactly what you believe happened to Maddy McCann.

You think that she was abducted to be used in a government sanctioned paedophile ring and that the Portuguese police are smearing the McCanns to cover this up. Why you're dragging this out I don't know.

Maybe because there's more to it than that.

Maybe a lot more...

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I and I suspect a lot of people on here know exactly what you believe happened to Maddy McCann.

You think that she was abducted to be used in a government sanctioned paedophile ring and that the Portuguese police are smearing the McCanns to cover this up. Why you're dragging this out I don't know.

Rather than explore the xenophobic and racist nonsense relating to a Portuguese stitch-up, people might do better to scratch beneath our own Government's role in the protection being afforded to the McCanns.

In whose pay is government spin-doctor Clarence Mitchell?

Why did John Buck (Britush Ambassador to Portugal) insist that the Portuguese Police treat the case as an abduction?

Why did John Buck leave his post only two days after the McCanns fled Portugal?

What did Gordon Brown talk about for 45 minutes on the phone to the McCanns during their car trip to Fatima?

Why did the Portuguese Police ask for future forensic test results be sent via diplomatic channels to prevent Leicestershire Police Officers leaking further information to the Clarence Mitchell?

There is no evidence that a culture of child abuse pervades Portugal. This whole smokescreen was elaborately put in place very early on by the McCann publicity spin-machine. Anyone with half a brain can see through this propaganda!!!

Edited by l444ry
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Maybe because there's more to it than that.

Maybe a lot more...

Is it some elaborate plot by the Spanish-Italian axis to discredit English parents and thus discredit the English nation and secure world cup 2010 to the Mediterranean brothers? A bit like Man U beating Roma 7-1.

By the way, how is the Spanish/Italian plot to stop England hosting world cup 2010 going?

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There is no evidence that a culture of child abuse pervades Portugal. This whole smokescreen was elaborately put in place very early on by the McCann publicity spin-machine. Anyone with half a brain can see through this propaganda!!!



Whilst these stories are 4 years old, you cannot dismiss the fact that there has been a culture of child abuse by some well-connected and powerful members of a paedophile ring in Portugal. Whether this still goes on is a different question.

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Is it some elaborate plot by the Spanish-Italian axis to discredit English parents and thus discredit the English nation and secure world cup 2010 to the Mediterranean brothers? A bit like Man U beating Roma 7-1.

By the way, how is the Spanish/Italian plot to stop England hosting world cup 2010 going?

Strange that Utd could only secure a lucky 1-0 victory this time round. Watch Panorama tonight.

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Rather than explore the xenophobic and racist nonsense relating to a Portuguese stitch-up, people might do better to scratch beneath our own Government's role in the protection being afforded to the McCanns.

In whose pay is government spin-doctor Clarence Mitchell?

Why did John Buck (Britush Ambassador to Portugal) insist that the Portuguese Police treat the case as an abduction?

Why did John Buck leave his post only two days after the McCanns fled Portugal?

What did Gordon Brown talk about for 45 minutes on the phone to the McCanns during their car trip to Fatima?

Why did the Portuguese Police ask for future forensic test results be sent via diplomatic channels to prevent Leicestershire Police Officers leaking further information to the Clarence Mitchell?

There is no evidence that a culture of child abuse pervades Portugal. This whole smokescreen was elaborately put in place very early on by the McCann publicity spin-machine. Anyone with half a brain can see through this propaganda!!!

You don't as yet know what my theory is about Madeleine McCann 1444ry because I have not yet set it out so presume NOTHING.

Go and google 'Casa Pia' and 'Innocence in Danger' before making bold, stupid statements.

Switch off transmission, turn on reception..

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<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3086521.stm" target="_blank">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3086521.stm</a>

<a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,848412,00.html" target="_blank">http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/st...,848412,00.html</a>

Whilst these stories are 4 years old, you cannot dismiss the fact that there has been a culture of child abuse by some well-connected and powerful members of a paedophile ring in Portugal. Whether this still goes on is a different question.

It's not the fact that Casa Pia happened or not. It's the xenophobic and racist bullshit that the pro-McCann media keep spouting which annoys me.

Had a similar thing happened in Britain, then no one would have been prosecuted and the chances are it would have been covered up.

The Casa Pia scandal was exposed and prosecutions resulted because the police bugged those suspected of involvement. In Britain such evidence would be inadmissable in court.

Many of those involved were senior members of the Portugese Socialist Party, the equivilent of the Labour Party, and we know from Operation Ore that Labour MP's are protected from child abuse scandals. While New Labour is happy to see the lives of others wrecked over what may prove to be false accusations, it has prevented the names of two senior Labour MP's believed to have been on the Landslide database from being released, and the Lord Chancellor has fought tooth and nail to prevent the names of judges from being released. This is the matter of a current court case, and it appears that the courts have decided against the policy of secrecy at the heart of the British government. So maybe in the near future we will learn which judges a) viewed child porn, b) viewed legal porn but used a service that could have given access to child porn, c) were victim of credit card fraud.

And when similar accuations of high level involvement in child abuse emerged in North Wales, everything was done to ensure that no senior person was ever brought to justice. Indeed the allegation is that many of the abused were subjected to a campaign of harrassment to silence them, and some committed suicide.


So you might conclude that the mistake Portugal made was to expose this sexual abuse and prosecute the perpetrators. If they had followed the British model they would not now be beaten with this xenophobic stick by 'journalists' desperate to cover up the fact that the McCanns are dissembling to avoid answering questions about their knowledge of Madeleine's disappearance.

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As for you Standupandsing... you stated that you didn't fall for the spoof because

'that's something I expect you would have taken serious.'

The problem with your theory of course is that it is WRONG because I invented this fiction first WORD to last and you FAILED to realise this.

Your bull headed 'mouth-off think later' knee jerk response blinded you to the whole point of the story.

And still does...


I didn't even read the story! :unsure:

And I don't have a clue what your on about!!! :blink:

Shit, i'm not aloud to post emoticons! :S:rolleyes::cry::whistle:

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More than a government/police cover up? What could be bigger than that?

What indeed could be bigger than that, my good Futter, what indeed?! Perhaps, callow youth, you should go away and think a little more.

If it's any comfort to you Futter you're further down than the track than 1444ry who seems to be flailing around in some kind of post modern red mist. Whenever he stumbles across a relevant fact (eg Mitchell's 'pay masters', or Buck's sudden departure or the socilaist scapegoats of Casa Pia) he chucks it as far as he can into the fog and proceeds to inspect it by sticking his face in his yeech.

Maybe the knowledge that his quasi black muslim victims (aka the Policia Judiciaria) are far from being the only rogues in this gallery will be a source of comfort to him.

Because there can be little doubt that they are the very LEAST of the McCann's worries...

Edited by Chandler
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Strange that Utd could only secure a lucky 1-0 victory this time round. Watch Panorama tonight.

Panorama was once a valid documentary but not anymore with its sensationalist approach. Although in the case of last night's show, yes there is corruption within FIFA, quite a lot, but that doesn't link into the Spanish-Italian axis to discredit England and stop world cup 2010 taking place in our fair country.

Anyway, we discussed that to death and will have to wait and see with world cup 2010 whether it takes place in South Africa or not.

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It's not the fact that Casa Pia happened or not. It's the xenophobic and racist bullshit that the pro-McCann media keep spouting which annoys me.

Re: your post. If I am sounding Xenophobic, this is not my intention, only I am going on the sayings and thoughts of senior policemen, like Lord Stevens, in their assesment of the investigation.

I am sure there are some nasty goings on regarding children at the highest levels in Britain, unfortunately, it seems there is always a clique of rather nasty and ugly people in all countries. However, it cannot be dismissed as not being a possible line of enquiry in Portugal. It possibly would not be my main thrust of investigation but it would, like every possibility (even that the parents did it) be investigated.

For everyone of your assertions that that the pro-McCann media are spouting cr*p, that Lord Stevens is not in a position to determine the quality of the Portugese police's investigation, how do you know your beliefs in the Portugese police are well-founded? What extra information do you have to know that the Portugese police are doing everything by the book.

For me, my main concern is the quality of the police investigation, particularly with their approach within the first 24 hours in not sealing off the crime scene, with the possible contamination of forensic evidence that resulted, and the quality of search that was conducted in the first 48 hours.

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What indeed could be bigger than that, my good Futter, what indeed?! Perhaps, callow youth, you should go away and think a little more.

If it's any comfort to you Futter you're further down than the track than 1444ry who seems to be flailing around in some kind of post modern red mist. Whenever he stumbles across a relevant fact (eg Mitchell's 'pay masters', or Buck's sudden departure or the socilaist scapegoats of Casa Pia) he chucks it as far as he can into the fog and proceeds to inspect it by sticking his face in his yeech.

Maybe the knowledge that his quasi black muslim victims (aka the Policia Judiciaria) are far from being the only rogues in this gallery will be a source of comfort to him.

Because there can be little doubt that they are the very LEAST of the McCann's worries...

chandler ;

you seem to be implying "mysterious dark forces" are at work and the only thing i can think of that would warrant this type of conspiracy theory is that there is some strange frankensteinish medical reason that Madeline was abducted (she is a cloned baby experiment or something ) :dunno:

but maybe thats just "my" imagination starting running wild now ;)

dunno about anyone else but i'm enjoying the discussion between you , l444ry, futter , breadandcheese ,yaxx etc

and its staying remakably civilised :thumbup:

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