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Madeleine McCann

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Thankfully this 'great chump' is not a custody Sergeant at Lutterworth nick, nor any other nick for that matter. And I rather think you're the last one to accuse anyone else of being pompous....pots and kettles comes to mind Chandler.

Neither am I splitting hairs. 'In all probability' is not the same as 'definitely'. Similarly there is a subtle distinction between 'probably' and 'possibly'. Whilst it is possible that the McCanns killed their daughter (accidentally or otherwise), this 'thick plodding oaf' firmly believes that the more probable explanation is that Madeleine McCann was abducted. Why? Because at this juncture there is absolutely no conclusive evidence, forensically or otherwise, to link them to the disappearance of their daughter. Indeed, far from being 'woefully ill informed' I would agree that this case should be placed into the broader context of child disappearances and abuse scandals. Where I tend to disagree is in your presumption that this is all a huge conspiracy. Again, it is possible but is it probable? An analogy can be drawn here in the UK with the case of Barry George. It could be reasonably argued, for instance, that he was 'framed' for the murder of Jill Dando. Flawed forensics gave detectives the 'silver bullet' with which they could charge David George despite the most flimsy of circumstantial evidence against him. Were the police guilty of conspiracy? Not really. Just crass stupidity, much the same as in Portugal.

Insofar as Control Risks is concerned, I was merely quoting Charlotte Eager, the journalist who wrote the article for the London Standard's ES Magazine. She in turn was quoting a former employee who also said that in fact 'that might be underestimating their position'.

Finally, I can assure you that I do not have the mental age of six.

How can you possibly make such a statement when you don't have a clue what it is that you disagree with me about ? Conspiracies are not vague abstractions of nothing - they are concerned with very real, very tangible and very important things.

The Portugues child abuse/abduction scandals happened, are happening and will continue to happen for very SPECIFIC reasons. In time, you will find out what those reasons are. In time. For the moment I'm keeping my powder dry.

You have handled my insult remarkably well (perhaps the diplomatic corps awaits you) so please accept my apologies.

However there are others on this thread whose constant oppositional defiance suggests that they have either succumbed to or have always laboured with age/intelligence dysfunction.

Edited by Chandler
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I repeat - some of you really want to know exactly what happened to Madeleine McCann. There are others on here, however (1444ry et al), who do not. Why? Because they already 'know.' So what is it that they 'know?'


You've forgotten about the sizable minority of us who couldn't give a flying **** what has happened to Madeleine McCann, I've got far more important things to be concerned about.

I am utterly fascinated with your obsession with it all though I must admit.

That and your use of capital letters to get your point across of course.

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How can you possibly make such a statement when you don't have a clue what it is that you disagree with me about ? Conspiracies are not vague abstractions of nothing - they are concerned with very real, very tangible and very important things.

The Portugues child abuse/abduction scandals happened, are happening and will continue to happen for very SPECIFIC reasons. In time, you will find out what those reasons are. In time. For the moment I'm keeping my powder dry.

You have handled my insult remarkably well (perhaps the diplomatic corps awaits you) so please accept my apologies.

However there are others on this thread whose constant oppositional defiance suggests that they have either succumbed to or have always laboured with age/intelligence dysfunction.

Initially, when this thread first started, I thought you made some interesting observations on this case and, whilst not always agreeing with your theories, I did at least have some respect for the time and effort you put into them. However, your comments towards other FT'ers have, of late, merely become increasingly derogatory and insulting. Quite frankly, with comments such as the above - and others in a similar vein that you've made recently - you've now simply started to come across as an arrogant nutter. But, no doubt that opinion is due to my own lack of intellect...! :ermm:

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Chandler, dya know anything about the royal fmaily thing thats going on?

I'd be intrested to read about that if you do.

Er...one word

Er...two syllables

Sounds like LIN...o...LE...um

But he's known for his wood rather than plastic (and a rather loose connection to a Welsh mountain).

Might have been sniggering a little too loudly (again) about 'the tunnel job.'

Has faggots and peas at tea.

Is a right Charlie...

Edited by Chandler
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You've forgotten about the sizable minority of us who couldn't give a flying **** what has happened to Madeleine McCann, I've got far more important things to be concerned about.

I am utterly fascinated with your obsession with it all though I must admit.

That and your use of capital letters to get your point across of course.

Once your Caffreys' glow has dimmed a little Macky I'm sure you will be haunted by the realisation that these sentiments will be shared by the likes of






and child abusers everywhere.

Think before you make such callous and insensitive remarks in future.


Unlike Macky, Brady, Huntley & Whtiing do not have important things to be concerned about...

Edited by Chandler
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Well the subjects certainly not something to play little games with and joke about in mysterious posts. I stopped replying when I realised that the thread was no more than a parlour game.

No offence to those who participated. :D

Edited by Nightguard
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If you're waiting for us to all beg you for the solution then you're going to have a long wait. Just get on with it and stop being a drama queen.

EDIT: half an hour gone and no reply, I feel a mega post coming on.

Edited by futter
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OK folks, I want to talk about a seemingly unrelated matter today. Those on this board who are quick off the mark (and there aren't many!) will quickly get the point I am making.

One of the few stories to sideline the very public grief of the McCanns was the killing of


eleven year old Rhys Jones on the 22nd August last...


outside the Fir Tree pub in Croxteth...


beloved by his 'salt of the earth' parents Steve and Melanie...


and mourned by the people of Liverpool and by viewers of BBC News 24 and Sky News...


at the time of writing his killer remains at large...

This is what the gutter press (are you watching Lemon Harpic?) would have us believe. Because, at this moment, the UK media has a collective bee in its bonnet about guns and gangs and gungs and gans (even white gungs!). Pause for half a second though, and you'll see that things aren't quite the way the hacks make them appear. In particular, it's worth noting that:

1) Rhys was allowed to go to (and return from) football practice UNACCOMPANIED in an area notorious for gang violence;

2) both parents claimed at their first police press conference that they had never been the victims of local violence, that they had never even witnessed any local anti social behaviour and, most improbably of all, that they had no knowledge of local gang warfare;

3) Melanie Jones behaved with extraordinary social ineptness at that police press conference appearing, at times, to carry on a private conversation with her husband instead of answering journalists' questions directly;

4) Steve Jones supplied an unusual timeline about his own movements on the night of the attack - he claimed he was instructed to go to the wrong hospital and only turned up at the right one after his son was pronounced dead;

5) Melanie Jones was inappropriately attired in a low cut smock when laying flowers at the scene of her son's shooting;

6) the Jones family occupy a desirable residence - too desirable, possibly, for a family whose main bread winner works night shifts for a superstore notorious for its slave wages;

7) the Jones's brazenly went against convention by staging a very public funeral outside their immediate locality and by allowing TV cameras to intrude on what should have been their own very private grief.

All of these observations are 100% accurate and are a matter of public record.

So what are we to make of all this and the fact that Rhys's killer has not yet been apprehended? I think the key to unlocking the Rhys case is point six - the Jones family were (and still are) living beyond their means. A night shift store worker couldn't possibly afford the mortgage on the Jones's property (to say nothing about the top of the range vehicles habitually parked both off and on road immediately in front of the house).


Tesco is a Scrooge employer - Steve Jones would have to work continuous 24/7 shifts to meet his financial commitments on their wages

The fact that Mr and Mrs Jones professed to know nothing about the local gangs suggests that they must be in cahoots with them. And gang activity, of course, centres principally around DRUGS. Were the Jones's both covering up their own PROFITABLE role in the LUCRATIVE local narco trade as well as protecting their suppliers and dealers?

Was this why Melanie appeared so inept at the press conference? Were her ostensibly ill judged remarks to her husband (NB 'You've lived here for 17 years...') really cues to prevent him from incriminating both themselves and others? But what has this to do with the murder of their son?

We all know that with drugs invariably comes something else - PROSTITUTION. Was Melanie Jones inappropriately attired at the floral tribute to Rhys because she simply didn't have time to get out of (and get back into) her work kit? Does her double life explain the unusually large number of vehicles constantly parked outside her home? And does her being 'on the game' also explain why she never had the time to ferry her son to training for the 'beautiful game?' But again, what has all this to do with the killing of Rhys?

OK, here's what happened. One day (possibly exactly one week before his shooting?) Rhys came back early from footie practice (because he was given a lift by his coach - a service he declined on the day he died according to The Sun) and he inadvertantly burst in on his mum with a client. He threatened to tell his father. She herself reported this incident to her husband (and pimp) and they both reluctantly agreed Rhys had to be silenced or the family faced ruin in Toxteth rather than ill gotten affluence in Croxteth.


A leafier part of Toxteth - not surprising Melanie and Steve Jones panicked!

Just before Rhys was shot, Steve Jones (while supposedly on his way to work) picked up a gun from a Croxteth Crew dealer and then drove on to Norris Green. There he met a member of the 'Noggsies' and offered him several grammes of crack to 'whack his lad' (half before, half on completion). He then phoned his wife and told her that the 'hit was on' and to get ready to go out and keen over the limp form of her son.

After the shooting, Steve rendezvoused with the 'Noggsy' (to collect the gun and pay him off) and then drove back to return the firearm to the 'Croggsy' (this essential detour accounts for the 'wrong hospital' alibi). Steve and Melanie Jones then went into McCann mode and fanned the flames of publicity. However, 'Mel J' realised that Kate McCann's widely (mis)perceived 'coldness' had alientated some of the public so she made sure she grieved in a very theatrical and over the top way (at least whilst in range of the cameras). But why the tacky funeral?


Cheesy Requiem in F flat minor - just the ticket to turn on the public waterworks

I believe this was a 'subtle risposte' to Boris Johnson who infamously opined in 'The Spectator' that Liverpool 'was a city hooked on grief' (in the wake of municipally sponsored wailing over Scouser Ken Bigley's beheading in Iraq by the late Al Qaeda thug, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi). The Jones's quickly realised that no journalist would be able to get away with such rabid anti Scouse sentiment second time round. So they made hay and invited the world and its mutt to turn up and emote in their football strips at Liverpool's cavernous Anglican Cathedral (world's sixth largest church apparently) thus securing the sympathy of a footie mad nation.


Celebrity Scousephile and apparent Evertonian, Boris

And then the masterstroke. The Jones's were almost certainly well aware of the McCanns biggest mistake - they had allowed Madeleine's disappearance to dominate the airwaves for so long that they gifted a bored media with an excuse to query their presumed innocence. So, after Rhys's funeral, Steve and Mel successfully requested a virtual media blackout of his case (except for timely and appropriate public appeals to find his killer on specialist shows like Crimewatch).

At this juncture, we must all ask ourselves how it is that not a single newspaper, radio show or TV news bulletin EVER reported the BLEEDIN' OBVIOUS version of events just described ? Now, Chandler wouldn't ask such a bleedin' obvious question if he couldn't come up with a bleedin' obvious answer would he?

Was it because 'gutter press' hacks on zees rag...


and zees one...


and zees one too...


couldn't follow zee Scousers' direzione to zee Merseyside 'Departamento de Policia Judiciaria?'


Chandler, that post was an absolute masterpiece. :D It was pretty full-blown black humour that I felt guilty laughing at in the end.

Dunno how I missed this.

Appriciated the point once you'd explained it, too.

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I am pretty bored of it now, infact I was never too arsed to begin with, obviously any little girl being killed/kidnapped by aliens etc isn't right but it happens every now and again. The media frenzy surronding the parents now is crazy. I can't pick up a newspaper without another story on the front page telling me something I already know or something that probabley isn't true RE the McCanns.

Grant McCann, Barnsley, Ex Cheltenham, I reckon he did it.

Edited by Manwell Pablo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I see the McCann media machine has struck again!

Nothing on the news for a few weeks so they drag a witness to her abduction out of the woodwork!

Call me cynical but if she was a witness to her abduction wtf didn't she do something at the time?

If she did see a child being carried away it could have been anyone!

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I think you might be right DB11, but no doubt someone will tell us in no less than 5000words that she is alive somewhere and the proof is blah, blah, blah :rolleyes:

Did anyone see the news whereby a lawyer in Essex is trying to sue the McCanns for alleged child neglect?? 'Bout bloody time someone tried. Do our own Social Services not have any jurisdiction if the kid goes missing abroad??

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I think you might be right DB11, but no doubt someone will tell us in no less than 5000words that she is alive somewhere and the proof is blah, blah, blah :rolleyes:

Did anyone see the news whereby a lawyer in Essex is trying to sue the McCanns for alleged child neglect?? 'Bout bloody time someone tried. Do our own Social Services not have any jurisdiction if the kid goes missing abroad??

Probably part of the McCann media machine too :whistle:

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I see the McCann media machine has struck again!

Nothing on the news for a few weeks so they drag a witness to her abduction out of the woodwork!

Call me cynical but if she was a witness to her abduction wtf didn't she do something at the time?

If she did see a child being carried away it could have been anyone!

The bottom line is they are two parents desperately clinging on to the hope that their daughter might be found. And they are willing to use the media in whatever way possible to try and achieve that.

THEY didn't invent the media as it is today. They are just using it to their supposed benefit. I don't see why people roll their eyes and tut at the McCann's methods. They've lost their child for f**k's sake, wouldn't YOU do whatever it took to find them if you still harboured even just the smallest hope they were alive?

All they're doing is keeping the story at the forefront of everything, whether we like it or not. I wouldn't begrudge them that.

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