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He meant he had gotten cuts because of being beaten up, he was in a bit of a muddle.

One woman on the march said,'obviously we have to end the deficit and balance the books but why at the expence of the people? The has to be an alternative to austerity'. Its hard to disagree with such logic.

That is too funny.

Basically, it's balance the books but don't take money away from my single interest issue.

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Never saw it but why do people assume that he was lying about being beaten up. It is a fact that attacks on disabled people has increased. It is a fact that some newspapers have ran stories about disabled people who are alledged to be fakes.It is a fact that some ignorant people disgruntleabout their own lives will react to those stories. It is a fact that many disabled people have seen help services and benefits cut. We do not know the full circumstances of why the man said this. I imagine the interview was no more than a minute so to assume that he was lying based on onesown view is wrong.

Ah, so the Tory Lib Dem coalition set the media agenda to vilify disabled people by claiming there is a lot of fraud. Which led to the public physically attacking disabled people, to find out if they were really disabled or not, so they could report them for sanctions. It's quite clever really, it saves the government a ton of money in testing people.
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Ah, so the Tory Lib Dem coalition set the media agenda to vilify disabled people by claiming there is a lot of fraud. Which led to the public physically attacking disabled people, to find out if they were really disabled or not, so they could report them for sanctions. It's quite clever really, it saves the government a ton of money in testing people.

The excellent thing about this issue- and there are two people I know who are perfect examples of this - are that those being noisiest about it generally are the big frauds. The two people I mention were both in receipt of a large amount of disability benefit - both apparently entirely unable to work. Both were sanctioned. Both are livid and very vocal about it in any medium you haven't yet blocked them on.

To take them in turn, one wasn't working ( so admittedly that part checks out ) but was playing as an opening bowler in a decent standard of cricket. His disability complaint was something to do with chronic back pain. You couldn't write it.

The other actually did work. Cash in hand of course. He would walk with a couple of sticks to the pub but obviously after a few beers it's hard to keep track of your web of lies so these would be left there. His complaint was lack of mobility and shoulder pain ( drinking arm obviously ok). Despite this huge pain and obvious difficult getting from a to b, he managed to walk 2 miles unaided most days to a cash in hand job felling trees. Again, you couldn't write it.

Both have been unfairly sanctioned and stripped of their disability benefit. I'm not aware of any further action against the guy who was been working whilst also claiming every benefit under the sun.

Anyway, on the disability front - there are many many genuine cases but I think we all need to stamp out the fraudsters. If this means genuine cases being reassessed, I have no issue with that

As for people beating up disabled people - has anyone considered it might not have been motivated by the disability? I don't know the chap but perhaps he runs his mouth off when drunk or is a bit of a nob? Who knows ?

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Or perhaps he is genuine. Why should genuine people have all their  benefits cut. 70% of appeals are successful and ittakes up toa year before the appeals are heard. Many more do not appeal for several reasons, they do not know how, have no family to help or  are too weary or ill to go through the process. At the assessment there are cases where the assessments have been recorde or been attended by a third party and evidence has shown that the Q&A form is different to the time of the interview.Even though the results are wrong it is not until the appeal has been heard that full entitlement is restored.

Yes the media is partly to blame. Benefit Britain, Benefit Street, headlines like 'Shirkers,scroungers,spin doctors  with 'Workers  and  shirkers' Working families' Then there is always someone who knows a bloke down  the pub that has an uncle drawing £2000 a week in benefits smokes 60 fags a day, drinks 50 pints a week and drives a 4x4 while doing 3 jobs on the quiet. These stories spead  to internet forums  and ignorant thugs who may see a wheelchaired person and instantly think 'cheat lets do him'

But it is easier to pigeonhole and use stereotypes to save  one  from having feeling  for others  that  may need help not demonising.


This is from the Daily Express. Not a  left wing.paper,. there are other reports but are older. Under a FOI (Freedom of Information) request 43/44 police authorities reported an increase in hate crime against disabled people during the coalitition's reign.

Edited by Rincewind
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Instead of inheritance tax, why don't we just give all assets to the state when we die. It's in the public interests after all.

No because that wouldn't be in the public interest. People want and should be able to leave something for their children. What I'm saying is change that tax so that instead of baby Tarquin receiving £600m he'll only receive £400m. Yes, he'll have to tighten his purse strings, but I'm sure he'll still be fine. Meanwhile, the extra money received can be used to balance the books without having to deprive the vulnerable of their dignity.

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No because that wouldn't be in the public interest. People want and should be able to leave something for their children. What I'm saying is change that tax so that instead of baby Tarquin receiving £600m he'll only receive £400m. Yes, he'll have to tighten his purse strings, but I'm sure he'll still be fine. Meanwhile, the extra money received can be used to balance the books without having to deprive the vulnerable of their dignity.

Why call it inheritance tax, let's be frank, frank. That's a toff tax.
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The fairest way is to take the same % off everbody. If you don't like people being born into wealth you stop it altogether but baby pete should get fùck all too.

If we're talking absolutes then the fairest way is that every child starts with the same inheritance. I wouldn't go that far myself but a bit more balance in that direction wouldn't hurt anyone.

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How many people do you think have that much inheritance? It will hardly balance the books.

Plus, your parents spend their lives building wealth, paying tax and then the lot gets taxed again. It's just a political tool to make plebs think politicians are listening to them.

Meanwhile it negatively affects middle income families who've tried so hard to improve their lot.

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How many people do you think have that much inheritance? It will hardly balance the books.

Plus, your parents spend their lives building wealth, paying tax and then the lot gets taxed again. It's just a political tool to make plebs think politicians are listening to them.

Meanwhile it negatively affects middle income families who've tried so hard to improve their lot.

I'd rather my parents enjoyed their lives and left nothing (although my Dad died 12 years ago leaving a few million to my step mother which will be shared between 7 siblings when she dies if anything is left). Far too many children of well off people waste their lives waiting to inherit.

It's easy to mitigate inheritance tax by passing assets on through life if you really can't stand the thought of you kids actually having to build their own lives.

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I'd rather my parents enjoyed their lives and left nothing (although my Dad died 12 years ago leaving a few million to my step mother which will be shared between 7 siblings when she dies if anything is left). Far too many children of well off people waste their lives waiting to inherit.

It's easy to mitigate inheritance tax by passing assets on through life if you really can't stand the thought of you kids actually having to build their own lives.

A few million between 7 siblings isn't exactly setting them up to not have to do anything for the rest of their lives.

And that's the same for the majority of people passing on/receiving inheritance.

I'm not expecting anything, but I don't begrudge people who have very successful relatives from benefiting. Personally, I want my children to have more than I had (which was comfortable). Seems only natural.

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I've already had my inheritance. It was when I was out of work before I retired.  I was struggling so my mum gave me an advance  on what she had put down in her will.  Does not bother me because the worst has to happen in order for me to inherit. I dont want that.

If  kids are set up from the start  expecting  everything there is a danger they will become spoilt brats and  not appreciate the  value  of money.

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