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How Was Your Day?

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Good and bad. Contacted the security company that offered me a job after the hearing. They replied straight away saying the offer was still on and sent me an application form.

Only thing is I can't find my birth certificate again. I have ordered another. Mother got mine in the Lake District.

Bad news had a letter off the DWP saying they will not pay me for 21st March to 1st April because 'I did not seek work enough' I may appeal against it.

My passport is also out of date so hope they don't want that as well. I only have a provisional DL which does not have a photo. Cant find that atm either.

With the job I was turning against it. I do not fancy 48 hours again but they are paying for the renewal of my license so it will be OK for three years. Next year I can start claiming pension credits so will rethink then if the job lasts.

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(yest)Not as bad as i thought.It was a year ago since my dad died of cancer and although i thought about him a lot didnt feel that emotional.Went to see my mum to make sure she was ok and all seemed well.Took the kids to my dads grave and put some flowers down.As it was a little windy i dug the vase in a little with a trowel as the soil was not hard as it is still fresh.i went to get some water and my 8 year old was badgering me to keep digging so we could get to the coffin,which amused me.

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Been unemployed since December now and it's starting to get me down :(

Im a Premises Officer (caretaker) by trade so if anyone knows of any schools employing at the minute (tried nearly everyone in the area so most likely not) then please do give me a shout!

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Not sure if it was good or bad. Met up with the woman who is editing and proof reading my stuff. We decided it may not be best to continue with the Lulu site amd rather look for local people who will help.

Showed a poem and article I dis for a new magazine and website. The editors seemed quite pleased with what I had done. They still have work to do getting it all ready though.

As I was going into the job cente to sign on I got a call on my mobile from a woman who wanted to see me about a cleaning job. It was in Oadby at a school ( I will think of the name later but it specialized in tech) I was not sure where it was but I got there just after 3. The job is only cover for sickness and holidays so nothing certain although she did say they do take temps on full time when vacancies come up. When I got the call I said I'm not dressed for an interview. She laughed and said neither am I.

She was a mice person actually. The job is not permanent but it's something to put down on my job seekers card. I have already received a letter saying some of my job seekers money is not being paid. I am going to appeal.

I find it a laugh. They give you an example on how you should fill the form in something like this

1 Went to job centre

2 arranged an interview with Mr Bun the baker

3 Went to the interview

4 Wait a week and call them if I hear nothing

In reality

1 Went to job centre

2 Arranged an interview with Mr Bun the Baker

2A or sorry we have enough applicants

2B or told job filled

If 2A or 2B 3 not applicable go to 5

3 Went to the interview with 49 other applicants

4 Told if I don't hear anything I have been unsuccessful.

5 Visit job centre next day

6 Go to 1 insert another employers name.

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Filled something out this morning which is for a call back. I gave them my home and telephone number and heard nothing. They said to me We have not been told by the companies that you applied so you haven't.

If a company has 200 applicants do they write to the job centre the name and details of every one?

I'm waiting to hear from about 4 places. Theres a security thing and I'm waiting to see if they will accept a recently expired passport as ID if not I cannot supply 2 out of the four things required. I dont drive and I'm not adopted I have ordered a replacement birth certificate so that is the only one I will have. And I have found that other places are asking for the same things.

The job I went for yesterday in Oadby is only casual and cover for sickness. One other bloke there at the same time and it seems he had some experience. Don't know if they were seeing anyone else.

Other job is with an agency street cleaning which is day to day basis So I have maybes but no positives.

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Playing football in the rain is a wonderful way to spend a couple of hours. I don't even care about twisting my ankle or getting whacked on the nose. Football in the rain is better than football in any other condition.

It's the slide tackles, isn't it.

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Not happy.The DWP informed the council that I had no JSA for two weeks (they stopped it) and now have just recieved letters to say my housing and Council tax benefits have been suspended. Now I have to go out and prove to them that I had no income coming in. My JSA had already gone in for the weeks they wanted to stop it so I don't know if it's being stopped this week instead. won't know until tomorrow. Didn't want to go out today.

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sorted. Not too long to wait either.

Posted a message in the WHU thread. Won't say too much here but say if it's been replied to.

Knew that if I wentout I would spend money. A pint in Wetherspoons and a couple of reduced cream doughnuts from Sainsburys which I am eating now

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Still got the application form to fill in for the security job I was offered after a tribunal. The condition of the agreement was that I still had to pass the vetting process. Only thing is I do not have all the documents needed

Birth certificate.-Lost ordered a replacement

Passport - out of date

Driving license -Do not drive

Adoption papers -Was not adopted

Need 2 out of the 4

So unless they accept my expired passport they may not take me on. I have everything else I think. They said they would pay to renew my SIA license.

Need to do something as the DWP are on my back about getting work. Looked in my job alerts today. Two cleaning jobs both want previous experience and then I am told that putting on my card nothing available is not good enough.

I may have to apply for the England Manager job to satisfy them.

My only mistake has been not putting full details on the card. I don't know if my JSA will go in this week. It was suspended 21st march but it had already gone in. Going to appeal when I fill the form in.

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It was alright till I bet on a sure thing which turned out to be more of a lame thing.

I'm listening to Pete and The Pirates now and drinking Sauvignon Blanc.

Its not what I'd usually do, but I've misplaced the remote already and my wife opened the bottle and only had half a glass.

I've just half painted two ceilings. Boy are they going to look sh it when I wake up tomorrow.

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Well according to my bank statement some JSA has gone in. Not sure if itis right. It goes up beginning of April. It was 67.50 now £72 an d 68.50 went in. May have been 69.50 which would or may be right. I had a letter to say my JSA had been stopped for two weeks but it has not happened so cannot fill the appeal form in. If I appeal they may realize It has not been stopped yet.

On a happy note it is nice that I am getting some positive feedback here http://www.poetrysoup.com/member_area/my_poems.aspx Some good comments. I am thinking optimistic that they are sincere.and not posting nice things because the feel they have to.

Any might be potential buyers for myproposed book. Just hope I can keep up with the demand. :)

Edited by Nightguard
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Not good. Just had a couple of letters saying my JSA is being stopped up to 7th May then after that they cannot pay because of not enough NI contributions. I thought I was on income based JSA anyway. I have filled an appeal form out but I don't know if I would be better getting somebody to represent me. Trouble is I have to lodge the appeal within a month.

$5 years continuous work means nothing then. How do others sign on JSA for years on end without not having it stopped. My only mistake was not filling the seeking card in wronng and not putting enough 'went to interview' bits in Surely to go to an interview you have to be offered one to start with and to be offered one your email, letter or telephone call needs to be answered.

They are saying I should have applied for a job in March but because I thought it unsuitable they say I am wrong. The ones making the decision cannot even see me. I am just a name and number.

Sorry about the rant. I am sure that will be some of you that regard me as a scrounger and getting what I deserve.

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I will ****ing love you if you put you've applied for England manager on your job sheet. lol

I wrote on my dole form that I'd applied for the managers job at city after Holloway got sacked (which I had). The woman went ****ing mental.

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Just called the jobseekers up to see about my JSA being suspended. According to them I did not give a good enough reason for not going for a job they suggested. Saying I had no chance of getting it was not good enough. So they are not paying from Feb to June. If I appeal it will take 6 weeks. They said apply for hardship payments which mean I'll have to be living on the street ho,meless to get it. I have some saving but not a lot. And the job I was offered could take a couple of months to come through if they take me on.

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