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What grinds my gears...

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Who's steve jobs?

I'm saying that there's no such thing as dyslexia, its just that person isn't as bright as someone else!

Is it that hard to understand? The government just make names and labels for everything and everyone!

Who's steve jobs?

I'm saying that there's no such thing as dyslexia, its just that person isn't as bright as someone else!

Is it that hard to understand? The government just make names and labels for everything and everyone!

If, you think they are "thick", then you are well out of order. There are plenty of thick people, who do not have dyslexia . Which of the two are you? :dunno:

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You're sort of embarrassing yourself now. There was some validity in your complaint about ADHD, it is over-diagnosed and there is genuine debate over it's status as a mental illness (and even more so how it should be medicated.)

Dyslexia is a recognized learning disability that affects far more than just a person's ability to spell. Go and do some research before actually making yourself look ignorant.

I know a number of people with good mathematical, musical and scientific understanding who struggle to decode language as a result of dyslexia or have a poorer working memory than I do because of it. They are by no means 'thick', on any level. In fact, the most common way dyslexia is recognized in adults is that their reading and writing age DOESN'T match up to their general intelligence.

So you may know people who can't read or write for shit and they may be completely thick, but whether or not they have dyslexia is an unconnected issue.

What do you mean, 'now' & 'sort of'?

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Apologies for not conforming to the robotic views the government want you to have.

I can think for myself, and don't need a 'think tank' commissioned by them to give a name to someone who can't read.

As for calling ME thick, well, I pity you!

Another gripe of mine are people who use the phrase 'my bad' when correcting themselves.

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Guest Mee-9

Hmm, how do you know she's more intelligent, just based on my views? Thats a silly thing to say!

My old boss can't tell the time, nor read, but he could easily put a 'y' plan plumbing system in for an unvented cylinder. Still thick though

She get's better exam results than me, she's highly spoken, (Not nessecarily a sign of intelligence) she's just a very bright girl.

Well if you worked for a bloke who can't tell the time, then surely you're not the brightest bulb in the box, and your views on certain things prove this.

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She get's better exam results than me, she's highly spoken, (Not nessecarily a sign of intelligence) she's just a very bright girl.

Well if you worked for a bloke who can't tell the time, then surely you're not the brightest bulb in the box, and your views on certain things prove this.

Depends what you call bright I guess!

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Some human rights are absolute balls. Prisoners shouldn't have rights. Kids shouldn't havd rights- for example if a parent thinks their child warrants a slap for misbehaviour who are the government to say they can't? Never done me any harm with a belt. i honestly think children should be seen and not heard!

What age would you deem appropriate for a kid to no longer be a kid and have rights?

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1) Wow.. simply, wow. I could not imagine anyone with the ability to use a computer could hold such an irrational, illogical and outright stupid opinion.

2) The "I say what i think" people have reached almost epidemic proportions.

Jeremy Kyle loves people who "Tell it like it is"

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My wife, my youngest daughter and to a lesser extent my middle daughter suffer from dyslexia so I know it exists. It's far beyond thick though I can see why some people would consider it such and in a way it amounts to the same thing.

Whether you have a learning disability or you are just thick nobody chooses to be like that , a little understanding wouldn't hurt.

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Is everyone who disagrees with you ignorant?

if you don't like different opinions, stay away from forums!

You're no superior to me despite trying to belittle me!

I agree.

However in my opinion and many others on this argument you're wrong (Hitting children, slagging off people with Dyslexia and learning problems, passing them off as thick), although I do agree with the odd bits of you're argument (Lack of respect, but every generation of kids have the same tag), but on a majority of the argument I disagree, but thats mine and many other opinions.

You've had you're opinion and your welcome to it. It's something I have found on here in the past if you don't agree with the majority you get slated. I feel alot of people on here need to state their opinions but then agree to disagree.

I have stated my opinion on this argument, I feel you are wrong, I do (For once) agree with the majority, however i'll accept that your opinion is exactly that, yours. No matter how many pages of arguing over it, it is very rare one changes another opinion.

It's called agreeing the disagree, others would seem to just prefer to argue the same thing over and over, page after page.

Edited by Matt
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What's wrong with treating children like people?

Would you give some random person in the street a slap because they were misbehaving? I doubt it. Why then is it ok to hit someone, who is generally much smaller than you, and that you are meant to care for and look after on a daily basis?

To teach them respect? You don't teach respect, you earn it. If you think hitting someone makes them respect you more, then there is really something wrong with the way you view people.

Lcfcstu, I'd love to think that you views are out of sync but unfortunately I know the opposite to be true.

Like Matt has said, they are your views. I just don't understand the thinking behind them.

Edited by FoxyPV
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I think having dyslexia can obviously hinder your learning. In the past, someone who was considered well-learned woould also be called "well-read" since knowledge can come a lot from reading. Personally I find it very difficult to understand (how can you look at word and they appear different to how other people see them, but anything else that ISN't words, you see them exactly the same? :dunno: ) and I've yet to come across anyone whom I know to be dyslexic, but think of as being exceptionally bright. On the flipside, never met someone with dyslexia who was exceptionally thick either. Lacking in knowledge, yes - but not stupid.

Take my wife who is pre-hearing deaf (she went deaf at 1 years old before she had learned words). Like most deaf people she has trouble understanding written languages. This is because we learn to read by associating groups of letters with sounds that mean stuff. We break words down into sounds we know so that when we encounter new words we can usually make an informed guess at the meaning, cos it sounds similar to something we know. Born-deaf or those who go deaf early don't have this luxury. Anyway, back to the point. My wife doesn't have a great knowledge (though she understands the offside rule better than many men I know, of which I am justly proud! :cool: ), but if I explain something in sign language, she wilkl understand first time - assuming I get the communication right. I've always assumed something similar for people with dyslexia.

Anyone who's ever played a role-play game will know the difference between knowledge and intelligence. You can have one without the other; lack of knowledge isn't an indication of a lack of intelligence. Plus you can have all the knowledge in the world and still be a thick git!

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Firstly I don't believe i'm being insulting to anyone. Perhaps thick is too harsh a word, but its still pathetic to get slagged off just because all our views aren't the same. And the ones doing the slagging off are haven't met me, yet they believe themselves to be the educated ones! A couple have come back with decent arguments which is fair enough. The ones who posts jump straight into slagging off appear more pathetic than my posts!

I can agree to disagree, I haven't particulary meant this discussion to go on so long, but I feel I have to defend myself, especially when some side with the majority probably to avoid getting slagged off themselves!

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How about instead of looking down on parents who are bringing their children the way they see best, who are making an effort to make their children good citizens instead of smugly ignoring their childrens' bad behaviour and thinking themselves superior for it. How about just accepting some people believe in different methods and are are not bludgeoning their children to death, they are not turning their children into psychopaths and that children who are not physically punished don't always turn into perfect examples of humanity.

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