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What grinds my gears...

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If you've never been in that position then you don't know how you'd react.

Yes I do.

You dont have to experience something to have a view on it...I practically raised my neice and I dont think in 10 years I even raised my voice the idea of hitting a child for droopping a sweet and eating it makes my blood boil....but if you think thats ok I feel sorry for you but moreover your kids.

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When did you become such a sanctimonious dick?

Every situation is different as is every child and every parent. You don't know if the kid had been told a thousand times had it patiently explained to him why eating stuff off the floor is bad, but he just doesn't respond.

And basing your whole philosophy on one incident is also ridiculous. Maybe that was an over the top reaction, I don't know I wasn't there, but use that as proof to say no parent should ever hit their children is laughable.

You have some experience of looking after someone else's child, and they were well behaved around you? Good for you, not all children are, some children need sterner discipline, and can't be reasoned with. I am not saying parents should be free to physically abuse their kids but a slap on the wrist or the back of the legs provides instant negative reinforcement which the child will recognise as a direct result of his actions.

Of course this all depends on the age of the kid whether it is able to understand the consequences of his action, whether it is able to weigh up the health and hygiene risks of eating a sweet off the floor based on the reward of eating the sweet, or whether it is better able to understand that if he eats sweets off the floor he will receive a smack.

I agree Shrappers, its horses for courses in my book if you know what i mean

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If you demonstrate to a child that physical assault is a justifiable way of "teaching", then dont be surprised when that child becomes an adult who "teaches" other adults through physical means.

True, but I don't think kid's who are never subjected to physical force or punishment will grow up never to use it themselves. Ultimately violence or physical punishment is usually portrayed as the most effective way of "teaching".

Just watch any film with a "good versus evil" theme and eventually the hero or superhero will almost always eventually resort to violence of one sort or another, and we will all gleefully watch as the bad guy is punished ( or taught) for his behaviour.

Is this any less of an influence on our minds than a slap on the bottom at an early age ?

Surely every use of violence as a teaching method will affect a kid's perception just as much if not more than mummy or daddy giving him the odd smack on the bottom .

It's just a much lower degree of the same " do what is right or else you'll get a........" philosphy.

We'd like to think violence is unnecessary. We'd also like to thik we are above are above using violence as a means of control..........but we aren't . :ph34r:

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If you demonstrate to a child that physical assault is a justifiable way of "teaching", then dont be surprised when that child becomes an adult who "teaches" other adults through physical means.

Out of curiosity did you ever get hit as a child or at school by the head mistress?

I got hit hit from my Dad not regularly but when i deserved it (mind you if you asked me i never deserved it). I'm now in my mid 20's and never been in what i would call a proper fist fight.

Mind you i have a bigger probabably with parents that don't know how to say no to there kids, then wonder why they become spoilt (insert expletives).

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True, but I don't think kid's who are never subjected to physical force or punishment will grow up never to use it themselves. Ultimately violence or physical punishment is usually portrayed as the most effective way of "teaching".

Just watch any film with a "good versus evil" theme and eventually the hero or superhero will almost always eventually resort to violence of one sort or another, and we will all gleefully watch as the bad guy is punished ( or taught) for his behaviour.

Is this any less of an influence on our minds than a slap on the bottom at an early age ?

Surely every use of violence as a teaching method will affect a kid's perception just as much if not more than mummy or daddy giving him the odd smack on the bottom .

It's just a much lower degree of the same " do what is right or else you'll get a........" philosphy.

We'd like to think violence is unnecessary. We'd also like to thik we are above are above using violence as a means of control..........but we aren't . :ph34r:

I agree that the influence of TV, movies and life in general is likely to encourage a violent action...and i dont believe fro one minute that if you dont smack your kid..it wont become a bully/hooligan/murderer etc. By the same token, just seeing it on film isnt going to make you become violent, each kid is different and will react to different stimuli.

But for me, the obvious way to teach is by positive reward, and physical assault of another person even if they are our children is wrong.

Out of curiosity did you ever get hit as a child or at school by the head mistress?

I got hit hit from my Dad not regularly but when i deserved it (mind you if you asked me i never deserved it). I'm now in my mid 20's and never been in what i would call a proper fist fight.

Mind you i have a bigger probabably with parents that don't know how to say no to there kids, then wonder why they become spoilt (insert expletives).

Yup i was caned regualrly at school, for various reasons (smoking and fighting were usual contributors) but the cane never once prevented me from continuing in the unwanted behaviour...

1) i wanted to keep smoking, so the cane did nothing to stop me and lets be honest, another trip to the Principals office and another caning was to some degree at my school, a badge of honour.

2) if people start fighting with me.. defensive action was required and i wasnt about to lay back and take it, just for fear of being caned.

so the cane didnt teach me anything and was little more than abuse.

Mum and dad both gave me a smack at times and im sure they felt it was justified. did it stop me, staying out to late, smoking, hanging with the wrong people?... nope :)

fvckwit parents whose focus is to be their kids friend and dont set boundaries are a complete pain and setting their kids up for future problems, but you dont have to assault someone to teach them right from wrong.

I just cant comprehend how we can belt some kid round the back of the head.. whilst telling them that belting someone is wrong????????

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I agree with you Oz that for 99% of instances reward and verbal explanation are usually are the best methods , but just as jaw jaw is better than war war , sometimes it’s not enough in itself and alternative means of persuasion need to be employed at all levels from child rearing to international diplomacy.

As T.Roosevelt used to say “speak softly but carry a big stickâ€

And I'll have to say this to you Oz, " you weren't the messiah, you were a very naughty boy" :D

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I agree with you Oz that for 99% of instances reward and verbal explanation are usually are the best methods , but just as jaw jaw is better than war war , sometimes it’s not enough in itself and alternative means of persuasion need to be employed at all levels from child rearing to international diplomacy.

As T.Roosevelt used to say “speak softly but carry a big stickâ€

And I'll have to say this to you Oz, " you weren't the messiah, you were a very naughty boy" :D

hehe... Consider the Lilly!

I agree Zing, there certainly are times when there appears to be no alternative.

Mind you, in my humble opinion, its no coincidence that we have seen an increase in violence in the local areas, pubs, cities etc since the event of Sept 11.

The horror and violence of that attack (lol whoever did it) and the chest thumping, violent retribution, and cruel and inhumane treatment of people dished out around the world since.. must be linked to a generation growing up in fear and filled with hate, that drinks to obliterate itsself and randomly fights.

having said all that.. the fvckwit hooligans of the 70/80s were no better. :)

so ive clearly got no idea.. im even arguing against my own point... ahh fvck it........ kill em all and let god/yoda/flying spaghetti monster/me sort them out :)

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Yes I do.

You dont have to experience something to have a view on it...I practically raised my neice and I dont think in 10 years I even raised my voice the idea of hitting a child for droopping a sweet and eating it makes my blood boil....but if you think thats ok I feel sorry for you but moreover your kids.

Until you have children you have no real idea what its like or how you will deal with them. They change lives, attitude and behaviours. If they don't you aint doing it right!

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Until you have children you have no real idea what its like or how you will deal with them. They change lives, attitude and behaviours. If they don't you aint doing it right!

So practically raising my niece for 10 years...never even raising my voice, I will suddenly turn into a child beater?

Don't think so my friend.

you don't have to be a chicken to recognize an egg

I'll leave it at that, please carry on though. No doubt people trying to justify this man hitting his kid for dropping a sweet and eating it are trying to justify their own similiar actions, I pity you.


Edited by purpleronnie
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hehe... Consider the Lilly!

I agree Zing, there certainly are times when there appears to be no alternative.

Mind you, in my humble opinion, its no coincidence that we have seen an increase in violence in the local areas, pubs, cities etc since the event of Sept 11.

The horror and violence of that attack ( lol whoever did it) and the chest thumping, violent retribution, and cruel and inhumane treatment of people dished out around the world since.. must be linked to a generation growing up in fear and filled with hate, that drinks to obliterate itsself and randomly fights.

having said all that.. the fvckwit hooligans of the 70/80s were no better. :)

so ive clearly got no idea.. im even arguing against my own point... ahh fvck it........ kill em all and let god/yoda/flying spaghetti monster/me sort them out :)

That’s a very interesting observation you make there Oz and one that has been raised in a lot of Alex Jones’ films, and probably well worth a discussion in it’s own right .

He’s often said that we are being systematically desensitised to violence by Hollywood and it’s minions into being all too eager to exact indiscriminate revenge on nations that are perceived as terrorist threats .

He maintains that this desensitisation has been going on for years and continues to this day .

I think it was the main thrust of the film “Power of Nightmares†too

Don't worry about arguing with yourself Oz , it happens a lot as you get older :D nothing ever is as black and white as it was in your youth

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Nothing wrong with hitting children within limits. If you don't want to punish your children in that way then fine, don't, but I strongly resent the idea that society and the government can make the decision on behalf of all parents. It's another example of the absurd nanny state and of people thinking they have a right to impose their view of right and wrong onto other people. This kind of thing is fast becoming the ugliest part of British society and needs to stop.

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If hitting is the first line of discipline and is used regularly then it will have long term damaging effects and when a slap on the back of the hand or legs doesn't work then it will escalate to actual physical violence and abuse. But used sparingly can be very effective. Hitting a child for eating sweets off the floor may seem extreme, and may have been in this case, but when the alternative is your child getting a serious infection and being ill you could argue it is out of compassion and a desire to protect the child.

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Guest Col city fan

As a keen cyclist and living in the county I really have no idea what Blaby District Council have done with their 'cycle lanes'.

What I mean by this is the boxes and the stripes that have been painted on the roads and pavements for cyclists to supposedly follow. I know they have been there for ages but, like road markings per se, will require repainting at some point.

I can't follow them! They seem completely random and I rarely see any bikes sitting in the 'big green box' at traffic lights.

What are the council doing! What a senseless waste of money?

I'm all for more people cycling but there seems no rhyme nor reason to some of these markings?

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Road signs and markings are a pile of shit these days. Often a road will filter into individual lanes at a junction, where the right hand lane is for right and straight on, the left is for left or whatever the layout is on that particular road. But the only markings telling you which lanes to be in are arrows painted on the road, which means if it's dark you can't see them, if it's wet you can't see them, and if there is traffic on the road you can't see them because they are covered in cars. Outrageous. Also signs for a particular place which don't follow the whole route, evidently assuming you actually know the way and are just using the signs for fun.

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Traffic, road works, people who can't drive, people who dilly dally trying to work out what lane they are supposed to be in and basically on a whole the majority of other drivers on the road.

Just spent more than an hour stuck in traffic when the journey should take 10 - 15 minutes, wound me right up.

Edited by Matt
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