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What grinds my gears...

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Real incomes falling for years....Bank of England worried about excessive household debt.....Interest rates and repossessions about to rise.... Millions in insecure employment.....Decreasing levels of home ownership (under a TORY Govt!)....A pending NHS crisis.... 40% of teachers leaving the profession within 5 years....A growing chasm between cities and shires....The potential break-up of the Union ..... Splendid isolation in Europe....Cameron patronisingly lectured by Obama, and having his policies determined by saloon-bar Farage.....barely a dint made in the deficit despite the poor/disabled being given a bloody good kicking ....An EU referendum that Cameron can't win politically (people do know that he's supposed to want a Yes vote, don't they?).... Tory-privatised utilities massively unpopular for ripping everyone off......Poundshops and loan sharks on every corner.....but, hey, corporate profits are doing alright and Miliband's a bit of a nasal nerd!

I suppose that is success in Tory terms. Next up: children up chimneys, the ripping up of sewers and the installation of gin palaces. Tighten your seatbelts....we're returning to Victorian Britain (or England/Wales, if the Scots bugger off)!


You've said all the things I wanted to say in reply to him but in a much better way.


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Well it's never going to be absolutely perfect. Things are certainly moving rapidly in the right direction though and I think even the lefties can see that. Hence the quietness not just on here but generally. Even the guardian have been quite positive about the outlook over recent months and for them to be openly positive under a tory government is pretty extraordinary.

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I think what baffles most people is that you persist with preaching on here when obviously nobody gives a shit.

When criticised you throw your toys out and threaten to flounce until everyone validates you by say oh no, Ken, you're a welcome poster, don't be offended.

Surely there's a middle ground? By all means contribute to the conversations going on on the forum but accept that your social preaching is completely wasted in here. If you give two ****s, get off your arse and go and canvas in town or find a forum or website where people are discussing homelessness and the DWP... endlessly.

Just because you don't give a shit, doesn't mean that nobody does!

I'm sure that lots of people on here think that I'm a crushing bore, a gasbag, a pretentious clever dick and worse. Some others presumably like some of my posts as they reply and sometimes even agree with them.

I agree that Ken does harp on about the same subjects (e.g. homelessness) a bit, as we all do. I wouldn't want him to stop, though. I think that it adds something that few other posters offer.

I "don't give a shit" about your posts, as you would say, but wouldn't want you to stop as presumably others are interested in Japanese animes or whatever you're into. I'd prefer to read Ken any day of the week! lol

p.s. How did you end up so jaded and cynical at such a comparatively young age (you're about 30, I think you've said)? I imagine you as a Grammar School sixth-former, quite clever but not quite as clever as he thinks he is, who wants to be in Brideshead Revisited, cynically flopping his fringe.... ;)

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I don't watch Japanese anime. lol

Nor am I questioning Ken's right or capacity to contribute to the forum as a whole.

Oh and I have no fringe, went to a comp and am far more intelligent than either you or I think I am. You're shit at this game.

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Whoah, whoah, whoah, back up there a second, are you seriously saying that domestic violence is fine if it only happens once?

Comparing anything as serious as domestic violence to what Suarez did is exactly why this is ridiculous.

Biting is like spitting, it's disgusting but it really isn't a big deal, not like hitting a woman, and I maintain that I would rather be bitten by Suarez than elbowed in the face by Rooney, or kicked in the head by Shearer, or by on the receiving end of any number of dangerous tackles we see go unpunished, or only punished with a red.


Seriously, perspective here, if Suarez had elbowed him, or head butted him, or kicked him, he would have probably had a 3 match ban, maybe longer, why is biting so much more severe, nobody will have their career ended by a bite. I don't think it is a coincidence that the bite happened on the day we were eliminated, like Beckham's red card, or Lampard's disallowed goal, we are desperate for any distraction from the fact we just aren't good enough.

No, I'm not. I'm saying that him only committing it once shows that he at least acknowledged what he did was wrong, Suarez meanwhile refused to even admit what he'd done, let alone accept he was in the wrong. Domestic Abuse is disgusting, but repeatedly doing things wrong, after being punished for them, is worse, because you refuse to accept that what you are doing is wrong, and act like a civilised human being.

Seriously, perspective here - he has done it repeatedly and doesn't accept it's wrong and repeatedly defends his actions as being acceptable - presumably biting in Uruguay is a mark of respect, like racially abusing them - if he'd done it once, it'd be a ban and nothing more would be made of it. But it's not a one-off, it's a repetitive incident and he refuses to reform.

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No, I'm not. I'm saying that him only committing it once shows that he at least acknowledged what he did was wrong, Suarez meanwhile refused to even admit what he'd done, let alone accept he was in the wrong. Domestic Abuse is disgusting, but repeatedly doing things wrong, after being punished for them, is worse, because you refuse to accept that what you are doing is wrong, and act like a civilised human being.

Seriously, perspective here - he has done it repeatedly and doesn't accept it's wrong and repeatedly defends his actions as being acceptable - presumably biting in Uruguay is a mark of respect, like racially abusing them - if he'd done it once, it'd be a ban and nothing more would be made of it. But it's not a one-off, it's a repetitive incident and he refuses to reform.

Yeah but the conversation was about over the top hysteria, both by hypocritical press, and a mass social bandwagon who find this easy means to release frustrations whatever they may be. You said you hate him. Do you not think that use of word is slightly hyperbolic?

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You've said all the things I wanted to say in reply to him but in a much better way.


Me too. Alf can be my spokesperson. The reason thins are quiet is that there are few on here think that the present government are capable of cock ups, Plus Labour has a weak leader. The lib Dwm leader is in bed with Cameron and very few stories that affect the common man filter through to the public and when they are posted on here they are dismissed as leftie lies and rubbish.

50,000 people from doctors and nurses to teachers to disabled people attended a march a few weeks ago and it was dismissed by the BBC complaints dept as un newsworthy yet a football player taking a bite out of another player is newsworthy. How does that add up? Time and time again people are winning appeals in the high courts against having ESA stopped yet the DWP are wasting taxpayers money fighting the decisions. Little iis reported on that. If anyone speaks out the rules are changed or they are removed. But now it is too much effort to search for these things if they are to be ignored. Others can do it and plenty will be found.


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Don't give up on it, Ken - there are plenty of people who don't get to hear about the things which you post about, and maybe you give some of them food for thought.

Not everyone is a right-wing troll like dogbreath.

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I do go on about it though. Just thought with many coming from working class backgrounds there would be more empathy for the less well off who may not have had the same opportunities Sometimes it is just a case of being in the right place at the right time.be

Yes we make our own destiny and luck but being able bodied having good parents will give you a rung start on the ladder of life. Make the most of it.

Moose you don't give a shit because the only one you care about is yourself. How do you know they are lies when you do not even know the people? How do you know that what the government say is always the truth?

I don't give a shit that you do not give a shit. Deep down you have a heart trying to get out.

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Political debate on here has died as it became the same people saying the same things and got very boring. Almost every thread got hijacked with this 'left' 'right' debate, despite the fact most people on here don't actually understand the difference.

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No, I'm not. I'm saying that him only committing it once shows that he at least acknowledged what he did was wrong, Suarez meanwhile refused to even admit what he'd done, let alone accept he was in the wrong. Domestic Abuse is disgusting, but repeatedly doing things wrong, after being punished for them, is worse, because you refuse to accept that what you are doing is wrong, and act like a civilised human being.

Seriously, perspective here - he has done it repeatedly and doesn't accept it's wrong and repeatedly defends his actions as being acceptable - presumably biting in Uruguay is a mark of respect, like racially abusing them - if he'd done it once, it'd be a ban and nothing more would be made of it. But it's not a one-off, it's a repetitive incident and he refuses to reform.

The fact that domestic violence is even brought up in relation to Suarez just shows how ridiculous this has got. Suarez fvcked up, again, got punished, very severely, but it is the ridiculous hyperbole surrounding it that does my head in. Such as he should be 'locked up', 'banned from football' etc

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Political debate on here has died as it became the same people saying the same things and got very boring. Almost every thread got hijacked with this 'left' 'right' debate, despite the fact most people on here don't actually understand the difference.

I don't think there is much difference these days. They nearly all have a priviliged upbringing left right and centre. I have never brought po;iticx into my arguments. They are based on morality and humanity which do not fit in any political pigeon hole. I look at a situation and say is that right and fair. I lost faith with politics with the emerdance of New Labour and when Clegg broke his promises just to get in power.

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Political debate on here has died as it became the same people saying the same things and got very boring. Almost every thread got hijacked with this 'left' 'right' debate, despite the fact most people on here don't actually understand the difference.

lol but you know of course. You know everything. So very knowledge.

I do agree to an extent. I find a lot of my own posts feel quite stale and I don't really know why I keep posting them. The proof is in the ongoing, rapidly increasing success of the country under this government and it's total and complete near catastrophic failure under the last. If you're still a lefty after this you truly have no brain. Regardless, I do think the likes of Alf Bentley have brought a fresher and much more respectable side to the lefty camp, he at least talks some sense while I don't think I was alone in finding your agendas and wacky ideas frankly a bit unsettling in their weirdness.

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I don't think there is much difference these days. They nearly all have a priviliged upbringing left right and centre. I have never brought po;iticx into my arguments. They are based on morality and humanity which do not fit in any political pigeon hole. I look at a situation and say is that right and fair. I lost faith with politics with the emerdance of New Labour and when Clegg broke his promises just to get in power.

So when you're looking at a situation and saying is that right and fair, what's your answer when you see a guy below standard pension age using a loophole to get his hands on more tax payer cash when he's perfectly capable of going out and earning money?

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So when you're looking at a situation and saying is that right and fair, what's your answer when you see a guy below standard pension age using a loophole to get his hands on more tax payer cash when he's perfectly capable of going out and earning money?

A lucky mofo?

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Wild assumptions again from our resident troll It gets funnier and funnier.

Moose, in that situation I look at the facts and evidence and read up on it before making accusations. If the person has worked all their life and paid the required amount of NI and IT then they are entitled by law to receive a small amount of their pension. Women retire at 60 and it is being brought in line with men's under equality laws. Equality applies to men as well as women The amount received is deemed fair as a minimum living income and is less than the minimum wage.

This also app;ies to those in work who by law do not have the income deemed fair. The number of people now doing zero contract hours and receiving the minimum wage has increased but the cost of living has risen despite the economy at the top end improving slightly. Food clothing and fuel cost is not included in benefit payments and all these have seen increases in cost over the last few years.

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