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Guest DavidJCW

Reading Post Match

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Not good enough at all. The first 40 minutes were paifnul, we did absolutely nothing in them and didn't look interested in getting forward, against a side that are mediocre, they were nothing special at all.

Firstly, Ryan McGivern, absolutely useless. He possesses absolutely no quality at all, and it takes the piss that its his position that our first teamer is injured for, he is only 19 but he'll only ever make League One at best, for their goal what the bleeding hell was he playing at, leaving the job for Weale and then when he gets beat again hes one on one with a forward who is 6 yards out, and he can only use his feet, did he seriously think that would stop the goal? He did some things well, but often spoilt them, he tries but he doesn't have the ability at all, although I don't agree with our fans around the whole ground moaning and getting on his back every time they get the ball on the right.

Paul Gallagher and Michael Morrison - I thought they had poor games tonight, Morrison made a few silly mistakes and didn't look his normal self, but what did Gallagher do? I'm sorry but if he doesn't score, he offers very little, too often. The subs yet again were too late to have any useful effect at all, N'Guessan hardly touched it and Spearing didn't look great either.

Our finishing from 18-20 yards is simply not good enough, we don't shoot often enough and we hardly ever score from it, Wellens being the prime example of this.

Jay Tabb, I'm pretty sure it was him who slid into Wellens trying to injure him, he got what he deserved. Also their penalty, 99% sure it was, just need to see the incident again.

On the plus side, Dyer was a threat again and Jack Hobbs had a solid game in defence, Weale also made some superb saves.

Not good enough, beaten at home by an average side.

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Bad day at the office to say the least. Worryingly fond of the long ball, over-run in midfield and (Hobbs apart) unusually suspect at the back.

Only Hobbs, Dyer and Waghorn would be justified in being pleased with their performance as even Solano looked somewhat hit and miss at times, as much as I love the bloke. Dyer tore them a new one and was unlucky not to get on the scoresheet, Waghorn scared them to death at times and Hobbs was the reason they rarely threatened. McGivern isn't up to it, simple as that. He tries hard, puts his heart and soul into it, but simply does not have the ability at left-back. He may be better at centre-half but only a total clown would consider dropping Hobbs in favour of him. The other two alternatives, Brown and Morrison, are also better options in that position so I fail to see what the lad's role is here. Oakley was desperately poor again last night and needs to be rested. Over-run, outplayed and looking tired, Pearson could do a lot worse than putting a hungry looking Spearing in his place on Saturday.

All this aside, the worst three performers were David Foster and his assistants. Dealing out the same punishment to Lloyd Dyer as the player who attacked him pretty much summed up his night. Poor offside decisions, dodgy throw-ins and worse free-kick calls were commonplace from the linesmen. The last minute penalty call was undoubtedly a poor call and ended our three month unbeaten run at home, though the 90 minutes that preceded it put us in the position to lose the game. Either way though, David Blunkett with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could have done a better job than those three jokers last night.

Derby on Saturday takes on greater significance now, with two very tough away games to follow thereafter. Let's hope that changes are made because last night's performance reinforced the view that they are needed.

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When attacking as a team, we were not incisive enough. We did look threatening on the rare occasions we passed the ball into dangerous areas, but we didn't do it enough. It allowed a well organised Reading team to clear the ball out of defence; they always managed to quickly move two or three players forward to join their lone striker and put us under instant pressure. We could learn from that, as Waghorn was often isolated. We didn't help ourselves by resorting to the hoofed ball, when a more patient approach to pass the ball through midfield may have worked. Kebe was very good, fast, and in control of the ball. He had the beating of McGivern, who worries me every time the ball comes near him - or where he ought to be, as he gets caught out of position too often. On the subject of McGivern, for Reading's first, I don't understand why he left Weale to close down on Kebe - that momentary confusion between McGivern and Weale gave Kebe his chance. In this game, and against Cov, McGivern did play better than previously, but he's still noticeably the weakest link. Solano showed his class. The way he organises those around him is invaluable, but did he seem to become weary in the last 20 minutes, which may have led to him conceding the penalty. After a quiet start, Dyer was superb. Griffin should have been sent off for punching Dyer at the start of their coming together. Dyer had the chance to walk away before it flared up, but at least was sensible enough to keep his hands down. Obviously, none of the officials saw the incident until after the punch. It all seemed to inspire Dyer, who looked like he had a point to make.

Disappointing to lose when a draw would have been fair.

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I thought Solano was extremely disappointing resorting to flipped hoofs most of the night, I guess because he was tired, considering his undoubted skill I thought he was one of the worst players out there.

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I thought Solano was extremely disappointing resorting to flipped hoofs most of the night, I guess because he was tired, considering his undoubted skill I thought he was one of the worst players out there.

I agree. He looked flat-footed and like he wasn't really ready for first-team football.

There seems to be a horrible pattern emerging that when a team goes 4-3-3 to match us in midfield, we lose the man advantage and struggle hugely to dominate the central area. This happened against Coventry when they switched formation and happened last night as Reading lined up as we did.

Kebe bossed McGivern all game, who put in one of the worst fullback displays since Alan Rogers.

Hobbs once again looked impressive (except for the last minute when he allowed the Reading player to turn him before Solano took him down - although I haven't seen any highlights and so am still not sure it was a penalty. I base this on the fact that not one Reading player or coach made any claim for a foul before the ref gave it).

Dyer was very good last night.

A draw would have been a fair result, but it wasn't to be and now we have 3 very tough away games.

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5 points dropped at home to 2 average sides both on good form is not good enough are the boys tired or just getting play off jitters as we started to have a blip this time last year before the final push hope we can come through the next 3 hard games with at least 3 points might just keep our play off hopes alive

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How frustrating was it to see us work the ball backwards from high up the pitch to the defence who would then in turn play it to Solano who would launch it long (many times with the outside of his right boot) to Waghorn who stood no chance of winning any balls alone and even if he did he was alone with no support....

And as for McGivern.... well.... "sh*t, pink-eyed albino" doesn't do him any justice. He's not exactly endeared himself with the fans after his little media piece about staying here only short term as he sees us/this loan as a stepping stone to unhinging Wayne Bridge has he?? Absolute cock wallet. <_<

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I think Hobbs, Morisson and Dyre deserved credit for last night, they all played really well. The rest of the team under performed though, way to many long balls to nobody.

Long balls to Waghorn don't work, and Gally had a poor game. Also Danny looked poor when he came on, where is this pace he was so well known for at lincoln?

As for mr mcgivern, can we just play Brown again please. It got to the point last night where they were banging balls up straight into mcgivern, because they knew he'd either lose it or knock it straight out of play. We need Bruno back ASAP.

Derby is a massive game now

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I know this is gonna sound strange, but from K1 last night the guy that had the scrap with Dyer was definitely shown a RED card, and yet no one left the pitch?

Unless I've missed something, I've not seen anyone else mention this phenomenon...

Are we just going mad over in block K?

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Guest Mee-9

Disappointing, We had about a 20 minute spell of dominance and that was about it. Dyer worked his arse off as usual, but couldn't find the end product. Mcgivern is a joke, I don't see how people can defend his footballing ability, and say "He must have low confidence" I would of felt 10 times happier with Powell at leftback. Wouldn't mind doing an extra quick loan deal for another leftback, before todays deadline. Solano looked fatigued and was pretty poor. Oakley played okay, Wellens played okay. Don't think much to Spearing, he didn't have long and he has only been with the team a day, so to expect a performance like I did was pretty silly.

Hopefully we can take this result on the chin, and be fired up and ready to face derby.

Come on Leicester :scarf: :fox: :bounce:

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Yeah i said that to my dad. How the announcer can get Jay Tabb and Jobi Mcanuff mixed up is beyond me. Can't believe some idiots booed him he was clearly in a lot of pain and had done nothing to disgruntle the fans.

From where I was, I think it was more the fact that Griffin was still on the pitch. Due to the way the ref had his cards, it looked from L1 like Griffin had been shown a red, people were wondering why he hadn't left the pitch.

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Guest Mee-9

I know this is gonna sound strange, but from K1 last night the guy that had the scrap with Dyer was definitely shown a RED card, and yet no one left the pitch?

Unless I've missed something, I've not seen anyone else mention this phenomenon...

Are we just going mad over in block K?

You were nearer the incident, than I was. (C1) But I also thought the Ref sent someone off.

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I think we lost on purpose. Pearson is teasing those chasing 4th spot. When we win the next 3 matches they will give up the case before the Trees shit themselves and lose every game before finishing 7th on goal difference.

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Very disappointed, but not entirely surprised. ...

Reading have been the divisions' form team for the past 10 matches or so.

Some observations...

- Why NP persists with McGivern (rather McGivethem) is dumbfounding. He doesn't track his player, and doesn't close down attackers. RFC had several chances to cross due to very slack marking.

- why does Dyer play inside, surely he's at his best on the wing??

- Hoofing the ball upto Waggy - bless him he tries - but it's totally pointless.

- Also, it seems at times we're trying to do an "Arsenal" and overplay on the edge of the box...

On the crowd, a little surprised how low it was, although reasonable noise from the KOP, RFC fans are a silent bunch (living there, I've been to a few matches and they hardly make a sound).

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Very poor display, made all the more disappointing considering the frustratingly negative opposition we were facing. I'm beginning to wonder whether this formation actually works at home, it's definitely more of an away set-up. For me Waghorn just isn't up to the lone striker role, not helped by the constant hoofing towards him. We definitely miss Fryatt imo, that class with the ball at his feet, that ability to skill players and glide past them, his passing ability even. Too many players were simply off colour last night, only Dyer and the centre halves really came out with much credit. Subs were disappointing too, I was crying out for N'Guessan to come on but what an error of judgement that was, he was just an insipid as the rest.

I think it's definitely a good thing we've got some away games coming up, certainly should suit our gameplay more.


Andy Griffin, what a cock. How on earth did Dyer get booked for that!? He did fook all wrong. It was all Griffin grabbing and pushing him, Dyer was originally trying to walk away from him until Griffin pulled him back and then shoved him :frusty:

Dyer was lucky not to be sent off, he kicked out at Griffin which is what sparked the melee. Had the referee seen it Dyer would have gone.

I thought Solano was extremely disappointing resorting to flipped hoofs most of the night, I guess because he was tired, considering his undoubted skill I thought he was one of the worst players out there.

You're right he was very poor, he's been brought into the team for his supposed passing ability yet 80% of the time he couldn't pick out a blue shirt. Combining that with his stupidity for the penalty I think its time either Morrison moved back over there or Neilson was brought back.

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Some interesting views with 8 or 9 of our players coming in for criticism, not seen that on here for a while.

Personally I thought it was a poor team performance, Weale, Morrison and Hobbs were uneasy for no obvious reason, Solano looked tired and McGivern was targeted and failed to step up. The midfield was not awful but seemed to lack energy and did not support each other as they do when they are playing well. They were closed down easily so there was few passes on from the back which resulted in the long ball, conceding possession on virtually every play.

The front 3 were starved of decent ball and although Dyer and Waghorn worked hard they were living on scraps. Gallagher was a peripheral figure, if he is not given the ball he is not the sort of player who goes out and gets it for himself. This said I think he is our most creative player and I long to see him in a more central role.

Will Pearson make changes or simply try and shake a bit of life into them?... :dunno:

Saturday will Tell!

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Disapointing. A minor family emergency meant that I had no chance of getting to the game, another wasted ticket.

Some interesting views with 8 or 9 of our players coming in for criticism, not seen that on here for a while.

Personally I thought it was a poor team performance, Weale, Morrison and Hobbs were uneasy for no obvious reason, Solano looked tired and McGivern was targeted and failed to step up. The midfield was not awful but seemed to lack energy and did not support each other as they do when they are playing well. They were closed down easily so there was few passes on from the back which resulted in the long ball, conceding possession on virtually every play.

The front 3 were starved of decent ball and although Dyer and Waghorn worked hard they were living on scraps. Gallagher was a peripheral figure, if he is not given the ball he is not the sort of player who goes out and gets it for himself. This said I think he is our most creative player and I long to see him in a more central role.

Will Pearson make changes or simply try and shake a bit of life into them?... :dunno:

Saturday will Tell!


Did you go to the game or not?

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Weale needs to find an alternative out ball to the Gallagher/throw in.

We really do need to see him passing out to the back four especially Solano, well when he's recovered his strength but even Hobbs and Morrison are looking ever more comfortable on the ball and should be used as an out rather than the hoof to Gallagher which we lose more than we win. In fact in the 2nd half just in front of me I can hardly recall Gallagher winning more than a couple.

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Did you go to the game or not?

From the radio on this occasion, This is why I have kept my comments to general matters and not individual performances or specific events. We have played like this before this season, not least second half on Sunday so I felt justified in having my say.

Take it as you will.

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McGivern. Everything about him is frustrating, even when he does manage to win the ball he'll end up scuffing it and giving it straight back to them.

Lloyd Dyer surely our Motm as he seemed the only person the least bit bothered and the fella that kicked him in the head should have got a red.

Should have been a draw but could have gone either way, sadly not ours today but I think we were lucky that our goal-line clearance wasn't given as it looked over to me.

He Did!

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You're right he was very poor, he's been brought into the team for his supposed passing ability yet 80% of the time he couldn't pick out a blue shirt. Combining that with his stupidity for the penalty I think its time either Morrison moved back over there or Neilson was brought back.

Surely bringing Brown back is a better option than this

I think i'd rather have Chris Powell as left back than Neilson or McGivernitaway if i'm honest

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It wasn't McAnuff, the announcer got it wrong, it was Jay Tabb and it came about because he slid in through the back of Wellens from the drop ball after the big fight.

didn't look like that from where i was sitting. Seemed more like he grabbed wellens by the collar and started yanking him back.

That referee really lost it in the SH:

Their full back should have gone for kicking dyer or trying to fight dyer when dyer got up and was trying to walk away. take your pick.

kebe could easily have gone for the amount of times he controlled the ball with his arm (ditto brian howard)

That penalty was soft at best

still we were second best all first half and about even second half so overall reading did just deserve the win.

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