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Guest DavidJCW

Reading Post Match

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Some interesting views with 8 or 9 of our players coming in for criticism, not seen that on here for a while.

Personally I thought it was a poor team performance, Weale, Morrison and Hobbs were uneasy for no obvious reason, Solano looked tired and McGivern was targeted and failed to step up. The midfield was not awful but seemed to lack energy and did not support each other as they do when they are playing well. They were closed down easily so there was few passes on from the back which resulted in the long ball, conceding possession on virtually every play.

The front 3 were starved of decent ball and although Dyer and Waghorn worked hard they were living on scraps. Gallagher was a peripheral figure, if he is not given the ball he is not the sort of player who goes out and gets it for himself. This said I think he is our most creative player and I long to see him in a more central role.

Will Pearson make changes or simply try and shake a bit of life into them?... :dunno:

Saturday will Tell!

Perhaps best if you actually go to that game before coming out with this speculative interpretation of second hand drivel!

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Weale needs to find an alternative out ball to the Gallagher/throw in.

We really do need to see him passing out to the back four especially Solano, well when he's recovered his strength but even Hobbs and Morrison are looking ever more comfortable on the ball and should be used as an out rather than the hoof to Gallagher which we lose more than we win. In fact in the 2nd half just in front of me I can hardly recall Gallagher winning more than a couple.

Fair observation Davie - this makes sense.

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What was most worrying for me was, for the second game in a row, the fact that the opposition were first to every second ball in the final 20 minutes. No-one has mentioned it, but Reading started going direct and won literally every second ball following the initial challenge. I said it after the Coventry game but a lot of our players look out on their feet after about 70 minutes at the moment.

Don't think Hobbs was as good as people are saying, he lost out too many times to Long and then Rasiak. Dyer was fantastic yet again.

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Very disappointed, Reading were the better side, deserved the win. They look a decent side, especially the wingers, Kebe in particular.

Dyer and Waghorn ran their socks off with no real service, great combination for the goal, lovely cross and good header.

N'Guessan won a few headers but was largely ineffective, Spearing showed a couple of nice touches and King kept it simple mostly.

We need to bounce back on Saturday in a tough environment, the Cardiff result meant that it wasn't a disastrous night, just frustrating.

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The problem for me was the midfield just do not compete for the full 90 mins.

In patches they looked busy and had some fight, but it was just a couple of minutes here and there. I can't understand why Oakley drifts in and out of games so much, but it has a negative effect on King as he's trying to cover Oakleys position. The amount of times a simple 10 yard pass went 20 yards past where it should have was embarassing, and the one time Oakley did manage to slide the ball through for Dyer to run onto we scored.

It's also worth mentioning that their keeper did have a good night and made some good saves to keep them in it.

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Guest DavidJCW

Very disappointed, Reading were the better side, deserved the win. They look a decent side, especially the wingers, Kebe in particular.

Dyer and Waghorn ran their socks off with no real service, great combination for the goal, lovely cross and good header.

N'Guessan won a few headers but was largely ineffective, Spearing showed a couple of nice touches and King kept it simple mostly.

We need to bounce back on Saturday in a tough environment, the Cardiff result meant that it wasn't a disastrous night, just frustrating.

Really? Seemed to me like it was us in control throughout and we failed rather than they they succeeded. They just sat back and countered our attacks... it worked, but we were the team playing the football most of the time.

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Some interesting views with 8 or 9 of our players coming in for criticism, not seen that on here for a while.

Personally I thought it was a poor team performance, Weale, Morrison and Hobbs were uneasy for no obvious reason, Solano looked tired and McGivern was targeted and failed to step up. The midfield was not awful but seemed to lack energy and did not support each other as they do when they are playing well. They were closed down easily so there was few passes on from the back which resulted in the long ball, conceding possession on virtually every play.

The front 3 were starved of decent ball and although Dyer and Waghorn worked hard they were living on scraps. Gallagher was a peripheral figure, if he is not given the ball he is not the sort of player who goes out and gets it for himself. This said I think he is our most creative player and I long to see him in a more central role.

Will Pearson make changes or simply try and shake a bit of life into them?... :dunno:

Saturday will Tell!


That makes Alexei's in-depth radio reviews look a bit vague. Crackin.

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Form over last 10 games:


still in pretty good form - better than the ones on the edge of the play-off.

We've had a bad second half against cov and carried on into last night but were still on course for the play-offs - something beyond our dreams at the start of the season.

Yes expectations can change but if we take a step back and look at where we were last season and at this point of the season last time we were in the championship it's pretty good to have gone 3 months unbeaten at home rather than the 3 games as in the Levein/Kelly/Allen/Megson and Holloway eras.

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It'll keep us on our toes longer, there's always a danger for teams qualifying early as they get into a complacent mode and then suffer when they have to pick up momentum again for the actual play-offs. Not that I hope we'll struggle.

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That makes Alexei's in-depth radio reviews look a bit vague. Crackin.

I made it quite clear from the outset that I was unable to get to the game so gave my general impressions on what I heard on the radio. I have seen us play in the league around 27/28 times this season and most of my comments are filtered through this experience and in the main are general observations on where we are at at this, the most difficult part of the season.

Sure the opposition was decent, but we are 4th in the table, looking set for the playoffs and at home. We could reasonably expect to get something from the game but did not do so... :dunno:

Does anyone suggest that, for the second game running, we did not look tired, or disjointed, that we we were not as secure at the back as usual or that we did not resort to longball tactics?

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Personally I thought we tried to play too much football last night. The times we lost possession trying to pass the ball out of defence was a joke.Sometimes the hoof is the best option, if you're going to give the ball away do it in their half not ours.

As for McGiven he hasn't that bad. Kebbe got past him 5/6 times which he probably would have done against anyone. McGiven won a fair amount of the ball from him.

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I think Reading deserved it, they were much more positive than we were, put another striker on and went for it.

McGivern is clearly feeling the pressure, I want to stick up for him because I felt sorry for him at times last night, the lad cannot make a mistake because it gets met with groans and jeers. He was up against a decent player in Jimmy Kebe, and he wont be the first or the last left back that Kebe runs rings around. McGivern needs to master the art of decision making, he either gets too tight or backs off too much.

He wasn't helped by the midfield though, time and time again Reading were allowed to run at the back four allowing them to slide through balls through knowing Kebe had McGivern for pace.

I felt Pearson brought Spearing on for the sake of it, he should have brought Yann or Howard on and gone 4-4-2, N'guessan was brought on too late in my opinion as well.

Lloyd Dyer was only player to bring his A game, tore Griffin apart everytime, only thing missing was his finishing.

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The first goal was McGivern's fault, no doubt about it. What was he doing standing next to Weale for? Ugh.

Think he thought Weale was going to cloe Kebe down so he stayed on the line, and to be honest I expected Weale to do the same. Think they were both at fault.

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The first goal was McGivern's fault, no doubt about it. What was he doing standing next to Weale for? Ugh.

I felt Weale should have been the one charging out narrowing the angle when they were both on the line, not McGivern. McGivern's mistake was letting Kebe get away to run clean through on goal. That was a basic defensive error and cost us the goal. Fair play to Kebe for not going to ground. I was convinced he'd look for the penalty and get Weale sent off. Fair play to him for not doing that as most footballers probably would do.

Edit: Beaten to the response by Rowlattsfox

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Think he thought Weale was going to cloe Kebe down so he stayed on the line, and to be honest I expected Weale to do the same. Think they were both at fault.

exactly but 1 is a crowd favourite so his culpability will be overlooked as McGivern was the other involved, it was just a fook up 90% of the time Weale would of rushed out so McGivern would of done the right thing

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exactly but 1 is a crowd favourite so his culpability will be overlooked as McGivern was the other involved, it was just a fook up 90% of the time Weale would of rushed out so McGivern would of done the right thing

Weale had a strange game last night. He made 2 brilliant saves and 2 howlers. His distribution was shocking too.

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I felt Weale should have been the one charging out narrowing the angle when they were both on the line, not McGivern. McGivern's mistake was letting Kebe get away to run clean through on goal. That was a basic defensive error and cost us the goal. Fair play to Kebe for not going to ground. I was convinced he'd look for the penalty and get Weale sent off. Fair play to him for not doing that as most footballers probably would do.

Edit: Beaten to the response by Rowlattsfox

Think we are slowly starting to see why Weale didn't make it at Bristol City, his distribution is the worst I've seen in any keeper at this level, you'd have thought a keeper of his age would have mastered the art of a long goal kick, but more often than not they are far off the 'target'. He's not even comfortable throwing the ball out.

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Weale doesn;t have much to aim at though at goal kicks, especially until N'Guessan came on. He has to aim for Gallagher who is not likely to win many headers, although to be fair is improving.

Doesn't give Weale much margin for error, distribution is definately his weakest point though.

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