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Guest Col city fan

The 'Do you miss Uni'? Thread.

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My god this thread is dull, If I were to miss you Uni it would have absolutely nothing to do with the course, lol, the only thing I left Huddersfield with was a third, a police caution, moderate alcohol dependency, and gonorrhea.


All in the same night I presume?


Didn't realise you went to Hogwarts, Col.  Explains a lot.

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L'boro - I miss the £1 a pint down the union and cheap cinema tickets with the NUS plastic. 


Btw, how much is a pint in a typical student union these days?


A lot of them have specific quids nights where nearly all pints are £1 but in general it's about £2-£2.50 nowadays. Still fairly decent.

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I woke up this morning and God only knows why, started to daydream about my Uni days.

Don't be stupid, I thought, I'm now 45 and finished what... 20 odd years ago?

However, every so often, I still think back to mi Student times.

I was an 'Oxbridge Reject', having unsuccessfully applied to both Cambridge and Oxford. Being from a Comprehensive School background didn't help, neither did being as nervous as fook at interview.

So I went to 'Castle College' Durham... Reading Sociology/Psychology. To me it was an extension of a public school. Very tight knit, 'supper' taken in the Great Hall of the Castle and all that pretentious gubbins. Will Carling had just finished at Durham the year before.

But it was great fun... I was Captain of the College footy team (not the Uni first team, I wasn't good enough) and used to co-write a report of every game, taking the piss of certain players and bigging-up others.

I recall that the college had a 'Gentleman's club' where membership could only be sought if the Student personally owned a certain acreage of land! Or had a certain amount in Savings! They then used to meet up, once every month and wine and dine themselves in Durham City.... The pompous asses lol.

One of the best times was the Winter of 1989. There was lots of snow on 'Palace Green' (which separates Durham Cathedral from the Castle) and we decided to have a snowball fight with 'Hatfield College' (our arch rivals). It was clear that Hatfield were advancing over the Green, so we had to retreat back into the Castle and shut the Castle gates, which must have been 50 ft high.. The defences held out and Hatfield, knowing that there was no way in, retreated and probably went off to get pissed..

Good times really... Long gone now but the 'Yearbooks' and photo's remind me of some of the students I was with. I remember finding some frustrating, some very very funny and some inspiring..

Anyway, enough Nostalgia.. Who else did a stint at Uni, where did you go? Are you still there now?Have you any stories to tell? If so, let us know, if you want to...

I was at Durham albeit 15 years later - great times. Can't imagine you as a Castle boy Col!

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Finished at Keele Uni about 18 months ago. Best time of my life, it's never going to be that good again (which is depressing really).


Come on! Bit of optimism!


When you're sat with a stunner in a Jacuzzi in Vegas with a fat Cohiba and a glass of Krug wondering what time you can be bothered to get your suit on to wander down to the strip to hail a cab over to take you to an event the World is watching you won't be thinking "I wish I was back in Keele listening to Mr Griffin talk about Zinc"

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DeMontfort Uni for Mechanical Engineering on day release, 9am till 9pm on a Thursday plus 4 full days at work (plus some weekend overtime). Mind you earned good money and still managed to get smashed most nights. Thursday was townie night at Krystals, other than that Helsinki, Vin Quatre, Globe, Rutland and Derby plus others whose name's escape me then Bear Cage, Sceptic dive or Fan Club. Wednesday nights was the student nurse's night out, mmmmm. Once spent the night with a girl where you could see the Filbo pitch!

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Never went to Uni myself and I don't regret it but I wouldn't knock it as I reckon it would be a good laugh, Party's, Women and Booze and a few hours of studying every day what more do you want when your that age.


I choose the other option and went straight to work done an apprentership and within a year and half was earning £400-500 a week.

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It's not so much Uni that I miss. Lectures, seminars, the library, essays and exams. Stuff them all. But as for the slobbing around, getting pissed, spending hours watching shit daytime telly and getting preferential discounts and deals due to my perceived hardship - yeah I miss all that. Wish I was a benefit scrounger.

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Lived in Nottingham for 4 years, never far from the centre, one of which was working between the 3rd and 4th as part of the course. Absolutely loved it, made some amazing friends that I still see regularly at meet ups. 15 of us went to Kavos at the end of freshers year and we also took in the sights of Prague, Bratislava and Marsielle during our time there amongst many Uni crazy away trips. One of our best nights was getting the train to Leicester to watch Mark DeVries knock in that winner v Spurs....went absolutely crazy that night and got a warning from the accomodation people!


I met people from London and up as far north as Newcastle and everywhere in between. Also came out with a 1st as I put the effort in on the marked assignments.


Uni is what you make of it, I knew my 1st year flatmates would not be for me so I went door knocking until I found a lad who was obsessed with pro evo 4 as much as I was....the rest is history and a load of us lived together over 2 houses for 4 years.


Ironically one of my best mates from home went to the same uni and really struggled to leave home behind, as a result he ended up alienating himself from the group despite my best intentions to get him involved...he eventually dropped out and moved back home only to restart another course and commute.


To enjoy Uni you really have to be quite carefree and accepting which I dare say I was at 18. I found it much easier to build a life in Nottingham than I have during my last 2 years in Bristol but then again it is 100x easier to build a good social life at university than it is when you work with mostly 45 year olds.


I also much prefer Nottingham to Leicester as a city, the centre is compact and great for shopping. I feel sorry for anyone that had a rubbish time as I definitely had my best years so far there.

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Guest Col city fan

I studied English and Communication at Leeds Uni and loved it. I wouldn't say I miss it but I have cried every day since I left.....and I left in 2003.

Uni was a massive eye-opener for me. My Dad is a mechanic and my mum worked for Boots and I was thrust into a world where kids were turning up to halls in convertible Bentley's and many of them even had BMWs and Mercs for everyday use. I felt hugely intimidated at first, partly because I'd only just scraped on to the course and secondly because I was surrounded by these kids from a completely different world. Luckily I met a few more street urchins like me and some of the rich kids were actually alright and ended up having a whale of a time. Uni is very much what you make of it IMHO.

I was exactly the same mate. Exactly the same. My mum worked in a greengrocers and my dad was a BT engineer.

Suddenly I was at College with old Etonians. lol

Same as you though, I found some serfs to kick about with and football was my 'way in' if you like.

I think, back then, it probably was a bit like Hogwarts. Definitely a very different world, one id never been used to but wouldn't have missed it for the world. We even had a 'Head Boy' (seriously lol) who, horror of horrors, was from a Comp school the years I was there. First time ever, or so I was told.

As for JET, well i suspect he was naught but a glint in his dad's eye back then.

No surprise to see he's terrorising defences all over League 1 this season though with his pace, guile and prolific goal threat. Oh Nige, you've missed a player there...


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I loved uni. I was a natural. That said, I like work too, it's just the colleagues and under payment that annoy me. Still I'd rather be a self righteous worker than a self righteous shirker.

I miss uni but things have changed a lot for me now. Mortgage, three kids, wife. We have to enjoy each and every stage of our life. Time is so precious.

You've never got it so good as when you're at uni though, especially if you get a job and end up reasonably well off so can go out, eat well, get to Leicester games home and away etc. Good times. You get out what you put in. Probably.

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I loved uni. I was a natural. That said, I like work too, it's just the colleagues and under payment that annoy me. Still I'd rather be a self righteous worker than a self righteous shirker.

I miss uni but things have changed a lot for me now. Mortgage, three kids, wife. We have to enjoy each and every stage of our life. Time is so precious.

You've never got it so good as when you're at uni though, especially if you get a job and end up reasonably well off so can go out, eat well, get to Leicester games home and away etc. Good times. You get out what you put in. Probably.

What makes you think you're under payed ?I thought market forces was an infallible indicator of a person's value to the company . Can't you just tell the boss you're worth more and demand a rise ?

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What makes you think you're under payed ?I thought market forces was an infallible indicator of a person's value to the company . Can't you just tell the boss you're worth more and demand a rise ?

You're falling in to the trap of thinking financial reward is the only factor to consider.

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You're falling in to the trap of thinking financial reward is the only factor to consider.

it is quite an important factor , and considering you don't seem too enamoured with your colleagues , that leaves even less a reward for you.  :)

I wasn't being serious btw  :thumbup:

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Personal statement advice chaps?


I've heard two ends of the spectrum; either it's pointless and nobody looks at it or it's the most important part of your application. Makes me laugh how varied opinions are on it.


Bit worried I won't get in anywhere but it's got to be done, they can only say no I guess.

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