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Manwell Pablo


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Even so, do you think people will buy it just because they can get it for WiiU? No chance, they'd much rather up their gamer score on 360.

Having to setup a brand new online profile is only really a small point, Nintendo are copying the systems currently being used on PS3/360 in that regard (although how many people are going to want to forget a online profile they've been using for years). The main point which he is still completley missing, even if some of the games are going to come out a few weeks later, how many people are going to wait three and a half weeks longer and pay £270 more to play these games on a different system when they can just buy them for the one they own, answer, none.

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Having to setup a brand new online profile is only really a small point, Nintendo are copying the systems currently being used on PS3/360 in that regard (although how many people are going to want to forget a online profile they've been using for years). The main point which he is still completley missing, even if some of the games are going to come out a few weeks later, how many people are going to wait three and a half weeks longer and pay £270 more to play these games on a different system when they can just buy them for the one they own, answer, none.

Well no-one... as they will mostly be the same (if not a fraction better than the other systems') but not a reason alone to buy the system... No-one buys a Nintendo system specifically to play multi-format games, they buy them to play Nintendo games and any decent Multi-plats that come along are a bonus. But your pint was most games were months old... my reply was to state only a few were and they are 'special editions' of them!

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The Wii U will blow the PS3 and Xbox 360 out of the water performance wise, but then again it should. No doubt the next Sony and Microsoft consoles will be even more powerful but I can't see them coming out for at least a year probably going to be two years. So console wise the Wii U will be the place to go for the time being. Not sure I am going to get one though as I need a new comp and i might as well invest in a decent rig which can outperform them all.

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Apparently, I'm going to the Tokyo Game Show at the weekend. Does this mean I'll be playing this before Phube? :P

Yes, yes it does! :(

You gonna post piccies and impressions for us?

Although there's gonna be a Wii U roadshow at the highcross at the beginning of Nov.

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Well no-one... as they will mostly be the same (if not a fraction better than the other systems') but not a reason alone to buy the system... No-one buys a Nintendo system specifically to play multi-format games, they buy them to play Nintendo games and any decent Multi-plats that come along are a bonus. But your pint was most games were months old... my reply was to state only a few were and they are 'special editions' of them!

Well thats silly as technically only three of them aren't "months" old and even then it's nearly over a month, it doesn't really matter, if their old their old and if they've already been sold to the consumer no one is going to buy them again.

No they buy them for thier kids and gimmicky controller, as you know the N64 sold a fraction of what the SNES did and the Game Cube sold a fraction of what the N64 did, the world has changed. They had something innovative and interesting with the Wii (even if it didn't really work with proper games) for awhile however thier inabilty to shift software for it cost them later in the consoles life span hence why they are the first ones getting new hardware out.

Plus you've inflated that list some of them have only just been announced and wont be out this side of Xmas.

This attempted shift of emphsis and attempting to be the best of both worlds and will end up failing to succed in either the casual or hardcore market in the long run, I don't doubt there will be enough idiots about to see it through a successful Xmas period.

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Wii U’s CPU is less powerful than those found in Xbox 360 and PS3, Dynasty Warriors producer Akihiro Suzuki has revealed. The developer has also explained why this causes challenges when developing games for the platform.

Suzuki said, “One of the weaknesses of the Wii U compared to PS3 and Xbox 360 is the CPU power is a little bit less. So for games in the Warriors series, including Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi, when you have a lot of enemies coming at you at once, the performance tends to be affected because of the CPU. Dealing with that is a challenge.â€


if the CPU is weaker than what we have now, Nintendo what is the point? lol

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Nintendo's new priorities seem to be all wrong. Maybe it's the rose-tinted glasses but the Master System/NES and Megadrive/SNES eras were fantastic when both Sega and Nintendo were pushing fast action games, arcade beat em ups and colourful platformers to their absolute limits

Now Xbox 360 and PS3 have the core market sewed up, and Nintendo are after the "family" audience and "innovations"... I bought a Wii and have played it for a total of about 15 hours over the 3 years I've had it - even with the Motion Plus (or whatever it's called) I can't stand the Wiimote, it's effectiveness ranges from absolutely useless to tolerable across games and never clicks. And in Nintendo's effort to save money, 99% of the games available look mid-PS2 era thanks to the laughable hardware specs.

I have a 3DS which I loved for the first month or two of ownership, now 3rd party support has all but dried up and basically we're left with 3D updates of old games (few of which are any better than the originals), shovelware and a handful of 1st party games. Even that's not enough now, NSMB 2 is looking far too similar to NSMB which was fairly fun 7 years ago but is never going to be groundbreaking.

At one point I was ready to put down cash for a Wii U pre-order but since finding out about the specs and lack of core games, I've decided that I'll only get one when it drops below £150... Which will probably never happen, as it seems Nintendo is charging about that much for the controller alone (which I might add is almost certainly going to only be useful for about 5% of the games)

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I was reading today about how this hardware will run the 360 ps3 ports. Mass effect 3 for example will allow you to select squad tactics via the map on the joypad. This is all well and good but if you're trying to appeal to the hardcore why release this when its been out for ages and hardcore have completed it five times over already (ending excused...!).

Bottom line is it won't appeal to anyone.

For me once Dead Space 3 is released, Bioshock Infinite, may be a couple others early next year, that's it for 360 imo. Bring out the new system and the cycle will begin once more.

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From what I have read the Wii U is a capable machine and I wouldn't pass judgement of its capabilities at launch as devs take a while to understand the system and find the ways to get the most out of what they get in a machine. The notion of the next Sony and Microsoft consoles blowing the Wii U out of the water is quite valid if you go on the comparison between the Wii and the current gen consoles but I think there is a bit of a plateau in terms of graphics in which quite a lot of people are happy with. The top end GPUs currently which would be far more powerful are just too expensive for a console and therefore I can't see there being a great gap between them all as they all will be capable of 1080p which is the only improvement needed currently.

The only thing that all this speculation has risen is perhaps the CPU of the Wii U may be the stumbling block but then again it does has much more RAM than the PS3 and 360 which should show in the performance levels of current games.

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From what I have read the Wii U is a capable machine and I wouldn't pass judgement of its capabilities at launch as devs take a while to understand the system and find the ways to get the most out of what they get in a machine. The notion of the next Sony and Microsoft consoles blowing the Wii U out of the water is quite valid if you go on the comparison between the Wii and the current gen consoles but I think there is a bit of a plateau in terms of graphics in which quite a lot of people are happy with. The top end GPUs currently which would be far more powerful are just too expensive for a console and therefore I can't see there being a great gap between them all as they all will be capable of 1080p which is the only improvement needed currently.

The only thing that all this speculation has risen is perhaps the CPU of the Wii U may be the stumbling block but then again it does has much more RAM than the PS3 and 360 which should show in the performance levels of current games.

Well, can't speak for the new Sony machine but apparently the difference betweem the Xbox 360 and the next Microsoft console is "massive" although no one will know for sure until the system is previewd properly (more than likely July) It's going to be more powerful than the Wii U whether it be by a lot of a small amount, more powerful is more powerful and lets face it, it's not like it can possibly by a whole lot more expensive is it?

I think the system has it's merits but every single plus point has a "but" attached to it, the controller is a great idea but it's too expensive and will kill the family party game feel Nintendo have tried to create since the Wii came out. It's great they've finally tried to appeal to the more seirous games players but as one I know no one is going to buy a Wii U to wait weeks longer and pay £10 more to play COD FIFA or AC. Would make no sense to do so I can save my money and get unported versions on my current console.

The 1st party launch games look underwhelming apart from ZombiU which could well be poorer than any one fo the number of zombie survival horror shooter games out there. I honestly can't believe their flagship title is another 2D Mario platformer I would have thought we'd of moved on since 1987 much as I enjoyed the orginal DS game New Super Mario Brothers doesn't really bring a enough to the table to be a launch game that will make people want this system.

Their aquasition of Baynottea was fairly shrewd but the orginal was Xbox, PS3 only, which will effect it's sales on a Nintendo platform for a number of reasons.

I'm not saying it's going to have poor games in fact I can see it being this generations Sega Dreamcast, I just can't see it selling.

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Well, can't speak for the new Sony machine but apparently the difference betweem the Xbox 360 and the next Microsoft console is "massive" although no one will know for sure until the system is previewd properly (more than likely July) It's going to be more powerful than the Wii U whether it be by a lot of a small amount, more powerful is more powerful and lets face it, it's not like it can possibly by a whole lot more expensive is it?

I think the system has it's merits but every single plus point has a "but" attached to it, the controller is a great idea but it's too expensive and will kill the family party game feel Nintendo have tried to create since the Wii came out. It's great they've finally tried to appeal to the more seirous games players but as one I know no one is going to buy a Wii U to wait weeks longer and pay £10 more to play COD FIFA or AC. Would make no sense to do so I can save my money and get unported versions on my current console.

The 1st party launch games look underwhelming apart from ZombiU which could well be poorer than any one fo the number of zombie survival horror shooter games out there. I honestly can't believe their flagship title is another 2D Mario platformer I would have thought we'd of moved on since 1987 much as I enjoyed the orginal DS game New Super Mario Brothers doesn't really bring a enough to the table to be a launch game that will make people want this system.

Their aquasition of Baynottea was fairly shrewd but the orginal was Xbox, PS3 only, which will effect it's sales on a Nintendo platform for a number of reasons.

I'm not saying it's going to have poor games in fact I can see it being this generations Sega Dreamcast, I just can't see it selling.

Some fair points regarding the controller as they seem to have dropped a bollock in terms of the pricing and that you can only use two of them (due to technical issues) which for a traditional Nintendo system is unusual. From what i have read about Bayonetta 2, it wouldn't have happened without Nintendo as Sega weren't going to publish them again which is rather odd as it is quite highly regarded. The point I was making about price of GPU's is that to be 'significantly' more powerful than the Wii U's it would have to be towards the top end of current graphics cards today and as a result would be currently too expensive to be viable hence why I think it will be at least 18 months or so before Sony and Microsoft will make a move as they can still milk the sales for another year or so before devs start getting the best out of the Wii U.

I don't know why I am defending Nintendo so much because I am unlikely to get the console as I practically a PC gamer now and i am not sure I can afford a desperately needed new comp and a console :D

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Well, can't speak for the new Sony machine but apparently the difference betweem the Xbox 360 and the next Microsoft console is "massive" although no one will know for sure until the system is previewd properly (more than likely July) It's going to be more powerful than the Wii U whether it be by a lot of a small amount, more powerful is more powerful and lets face it, it's not like it can possibly by a whole lot more expensive is it?

I think the system has it's merits but every single plus point has a "but" attached to it, the controller is a great idea but it's too expensive and will kill the family party game feel Nintendo have tried to create since the Wii came out. It's great they've finally tried to appeal to the more seirous games players but as one I know no one is going to buy a Wii U to wait weeks longer and pay £10 more to play COD FIFA or AC. Would make no sense to do so I can save my money and get unported versions on my current console.

The 1st party launch games look underwhelming apart from ZombiU which could well be poorer than any one fo the number of zombie survival horror shooter games out there. I honestly can't believe their flagship title is another 2D Mario platformer I would have thought we'd of moved on since 1987 much as I enjoyed the orginal DS game New Super Mario Brothers doesn't really bring a enough to the table to be a launch game that will make people want this system.

Their aquasition of Baynottea was fairly shrewd but the orginal was Xbox, PS3 only, which will effect it's sales on a Nintendo platform for a number of reasons.

I'm not saying it's going to have poor games in fact I can see it being this generations Sega Dreamcast, I just can't see it selling.

I can't be bothered to write a response to this so I'm copy/pasting from another forum I use Just so' we can clear this point up!

Sega had a big fanbase during the Megadrive era. Sega squandered that and reduced it drastically with two over priced peripherals which had very few games released for them - the 32X and the Mega CD. Those two devices went a long way to pissing off the public. When the Saturn emerged it was poorly priced compared to the competition, was difficult to develop for and coming off the back of the 32X and Mega CD it failed to sell more than 10 million units worldwide. This would basically prove Sega didn't have a big fanbase. The Dreamcast, whilst doing marginally better than the Saturn was still a flop.

Nintendo's lowest selling console was the Gamecube which sold 21.7 million units - more than the Dreamcast and Saturn put together. What's more, software sales on the Gamecube were much better than on the Saturn or Dreamcast. Hence this clearly shows if you're talking about fanbases, Nintendo's is much bigger, even at it's lowest point.

Added to this the Wii has spld 97 million units worldwide...

What ever it does tank or hotcakes it will not destroy Nitendo as the Dreamcast did for SEGA.

Also it seems EVERY first to launch console is the 'next Dreamcast'TM


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I can't be bothered to write a response to this so I'm copy/pasting from another forum I use Just so' we can clear this point up!

Added to this the Wii has spld 97 million units worldwide...

What ever it does tank or hotcakes it will not destroy Nitendo as the Dreamcast did for SEGA.

Also it seems EVERY first to launch console is the 'next Dreamcast'TM


Mate, you're fighting a losing battle, so is Nintendo.They might outsell now but unless they come up with something new and better people aren't going to keep buying new 'Wii' consoles.

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I can't be bothered to write a response to this so I'm copy/pasting from another forum I use Just so' we can clear this point up!

Added to this the Wii has spld 97 million units worldwide...

What ever it does tank or hotcakes it will not destroy Nitendo as the Dreamcast did for SEGA.

Also it seems EVERY first to launch console is the 'next Dreamcast'TM


As usual you comepletley miss the point I am in no way saying it is exactly the same situation as the Sega one, far from it I was merley making the point that i could see it having some really good games but selling poorly, like the Dreamcast, not sell poorly because Nintendos situation is an exact carbon copy of the one Sega went through with the Dreamcast. I've stated the reasons why I think it will sell poorly above, completley different situations.

And I cannot remember a single person saying the Xbox 360 was going to be the last generations Dreamcast either it was clear the market penetration the first one managed to get in the US and the hardware on display that this wasn't going to be the case.

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Mate, you're fighting a losing battle, so is Nintendo.They might outsell now but unless they come up with something new and better people aren't going to keep buying new 'Wii' consoles.

Errrrr... it is new and better... what more could they do?

As usual you comepletley miss the point I am in no way saying it is exactly the same situation as the Sega one, far from it I was merley making the point that i could see it having some really good games but selling poorly, like the Dreamcast, not sell poorly because Nintendos situation is an exact carbon copy of the one Sega went through with the Dreamcast. I've stated the reasons why I think it will sell poorly above, completley different situations.

And I cannot remember a single person saying the Xbox 360 was going to be the last generations Dreamcast either it was clear the market penetration the first one managed to get in the US and the hardware on display that this wasn't going to be the case.

Sorry, re-reading your point I see what you mean that it won't sell well, not cripple Nintendo.

If you click the link you'll see the comparison in a nice table... a tongue in cheek article but making the point that EVERY new generation keeps having a 'Dreamcast' moment!

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Make it future proof for the imminent release of 720?

Then the price point of £300, which people are already moaning about, would rocket to £450+...

The Wii U can and does out put in 1080p (unlike the 360/PS3 where most games aren't even outputted in 720p). I'm not sure SuperHD TV's are going to be that popular in the next 4-5 years...

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