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3 hours ago, Samilktray said:

What are some good emulators to use then? 

Visual Boy Advance link version lets you trade between different instances of the emulator on the same pc (get it from the link in this how to trade guide but don't bother with their settings files, I've not used them and it all works fine anyway).


Downloaded it to give leaf green a crack after everyone was going on about how tough Misty is and that Starmie's no joke: Went at her with a team of Abra 13, Pikachu 20, Charmander 22, Spearow 22, Squirtle 12, Bulbasaur 12 (had to leave those last 2 at low levels because they're trades who act up after level 10).  Only just beat her thanks to Bulbasaur's leech seed, tbf though I made it much harder for myself by swapping Abra in and out for the experience - reckon my Pikachu would have made light work of it without that handicap (took a hit, did over 50% damage in one thundershock, took another hit and died).  As it was though, by the end I only had Abra and Charmander left.

Edited by Carl the Llama
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Leech Seed is one of the best moves on the game. I always used to be all about blasting my way through everyone but a combination of Double Team and Leech Seed is very hard to stop.


I think in the Frontier once I had something that had Leech Seed, Double Team, Toxic and Rest lol it was the scabbiest thing I've ever used but it was so deadly.


The main thing that screwed me with Starmie was having nothing that was particularly resistant to Water Pulse. Stick an Ivysaur in there and it's easy pickings I think, but it blasts through Charmeleon and Pikachu, and Bellsprout whilst a grass type is defensively useless.

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31 minutes ago, Dan LCFC said:

Leech Seed is one of the best moves on the game. I always used to be all about blasting my way through everyone but a combination of Double Team and Leech Seed is very hard to stop.


I think in the Frontier once I had something that had Leech Seed, Double Team, Toxic and Rest lol it was the scabbiest thing I've ever used but it was so deadly.


The main thing that screwed me with Starmie was having nothing that was particularly resistant to Water Pulse. Stick an Ivysaur in there and it's easy pickings I think, but it blasts through Charmeleon and Pikachu, and Bellsprout whilst a grass type is defensively useless.

Oh yeah don't underestimate the seed.  Soon as my plan A died with Pikachu I sent Bulbasaur's seed straight out there and just as well because he refused to attack on his only other turn before fainting.  Sometimes I'll keep leech seed all the way through a game it's so useful.

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8 hours ago, Samilktray said:

So it's not fiddly/annoying on a laptop? 


I might have to get into this after work, what games are playable on the emulators? 

I'm playing Fire Red on Android and it works really well. Not too sure about a pc/laptop but can't see it being a problem. 

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What is it with this game, I'm level 23 and only saw my first Pikachu yesterday in a park in Cardiff, gave it a Razz Berry and Ultra Ball and it fled. Never seen one before, never hatched one. Saw my first Graveler on Wednesday in Banbury and that fled, first Tentacruel in Birmingham last week and that fled - anything new I find just fvcks off! Did manage to get my first Rhyhorn and Dragonair the past couple of days though

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3 hours ago, Julian Joachim Jr Shabadoo said:

What is it with this game, I'm level 23 and only saw my first Pikachu yesterday in a park in Cardiff, gave it a Razz Berry and Ultra Ball and it fled. Never seen one before, never hatched one. Saw my first Graveler on Wednesday in Banbury and that fled, first Tentacruel in Birmingham last week and that fled - anything new I find just fvcks off! Did manage to get my first Rhyhorn and Dragonair the past couple of days though


Theyre harder to catch until you actually get one I find.


Caught 140, Seen 142 at the moment. Got a perfect IV Venusaur, Dratini and Pigeot at the moment, the rest of my keepers are above 80% IV with good movesets. Got 5 Snorlaxes lol

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Reached level 9 earlier, also hatched a Pikachu and  Dratini which was nice. This game is pretty hard when you only have 2 pokestops in your town and you don't even have signal half the time.


2 hours ago, SpazticChicken said:


Theyre harder to catch until you actually get one I find.


Caught 140, Seen 142 at the moment. Got a perfect IV Venusaur, Dratini and Pigeot at the moment, the rest of my keepers are above 80% IV with good movesets. Got 5 Snorlaxes lol

What are the two you're missing?

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14 hours ago, SpazticChicken said:


Seen Machamp & Golom, missing Rhydon & Weezing


Just need candies really


tbh its getting ridiculous


Weezing turned up right outside my house and was a one-baller lol


I'm on seen 84, caught 81 (missing Tentacruel, Pikachu and Graveler from my seen list). I know people who live near me on level 10-15 who've caught all manner of shit I've never even seen on my nearby list. Level 23 and only ever seen ONE Pikachu and he vanished after a Razz Berry and Ultra Ball. Not even a particularly strong Pikachu either. I don't just play near my house and work either, I just always seem to be at the wrong place/time to find new Pokemon

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8 minutes ago, Samilktray said:

So it's the same problem with a bit of grass added now?

That's all I've noticed so far but I've just seen this




Will find out at lunch if this actually works

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